Neon Marble Rust - veteranewb
House Marble now available! Quick Match sessions removed, can now be played 24/7.

New Features:
-- Marble:
---- New Units:
------ Bully: Agile, short-Range army unit
------ Ace: Air army unit with a slow attack
------ UFO: Air transport unit with a teleport
------ Warlock: Powerful splash-damage unit
---- Economy:
------ 2 unique resources: Stone and Diamond
------ Nodes are small buildings that build all other buildings
------ Workers do all resource conversions
-- Online
---- QuickMatch is now available 24/7
---- In custom rooms, the map can now be changed without having to create a new room
-- 'Random' map can now be selected for Custom Rooms or Sandbox mode

Bug Fixes:
-- Fixed an issue with unit orders that had potential to cause desyncs
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing - Team Microids
Hello Garfield lovers,

The challenge begins now!

🎮 We invite you to play Garfield Kart Furious Racing to take part of the Time Trial Garf Challenge!

⏱️ As said in the previous post, you will have to set the best time on our first race, Catz in the Hood. You will then have to upload in the Screenshots section a photo of your best time with your username. You can usually do that after finishing the race, the game will show you your time with your username on the side. You need to upload the whole screen to be part of the challenge. Only screenshots taken during the event will be taken into account to determine the winner.

🏆 The player with the best time will be rewarded with the game Garfield Lasagna Party, so you can show your love for Garfield and lasagna. The challenge ends on June 10th and we will announce the winners shortly afterwards!

Ready your engine, the challenge starts now!
7: 03am
Community Announcements - Often

+ Added an "Esc" Menu
+ Added Options Menu
+ Added changing screen resolutions
+ Added graphics settings - Low - Medium - High - Epic
+ Added Anti-Aliasing - Vegetation Density - Texture Quality - Shadows - View Distance settings
+ Added Resume button
+ Added exit button
+ Added FPS/FPS counter
+ Added button animations when hovering over settings

Victoria 3 - Commissar_roach

Hello. This is Victoria, and today I will be covering the new script features coming in 1.7.

Our scripting language is the basis of all of the ingame content in Victoria 3. This means that every script functionality that we use in making game content is also usable by modders. As well as triggers and effects which interface with new features such as power blocs and building ownership, 1.7 and Sphere of Influence add several novel functionalities for modders. These include our new scripted progress bar system for journal entries.

Scripted Progress Bars

In 1.7, journal entries will have a new way to display data: scripted progress bars. Multiple progress bars can be added per journal entry, and progress bars can be shared between journal entries. Scripted progress bars can also be configured to automatically increment on weekly, monthly, and yearly ticks.

Previously, all journal entries with progress bars have worked off of a “goal” system, where the journal entry is tied to a variable, and incrementing this variable causes the journal entry to progress.

Pictured: When this journal entry is initialised, it gets the current amount of coffee buy orders in one’s market, and multiplies it by 2.5. That multiplied value is the “goal”, and the current value is always equivalent to the current amount of coffee buy orders in the market.

This previous system remains available, and all journal entries utilising it will stay functional. However, the scripted progress bar system permits for new and interesting use cases, such as better support for incrementing progress based on various conditions.

Each scripted progress bar has certain conditions which can change its progress on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis, and can be changed by means of scripted effect, using the new “add_progress” and “set_bar_progress” effects.

Pictured: The add_progress effect. This is used in a journal entry scope.

Scripted progress bars also have loc support, allowing for printing whatever text one wants on them.

Pictured: Think of these thoughts as limitless light; exposing closing circuitry of fright;

Scripted progress bars are defined in the common/scripted_progress_bars folder, in files therein. Looking inside one of these files, one can see the structure of each progress bar in script.

Going line by line, the first thing one sees is the ID of the progress bar. This is used in the journal entry that the progress bar is connected to. Note that progress bars can be connected to multiple journal entries at once.

Next is the localisation for the progress bar. The desc is the text displayed on the bar itself, and the name is displayed in the tooltip when one mouses over the bar.

Next is the skin the progressbar uses.

This is the communism progress bar, and so it uses the colour red. This is what it looks like ingame.

A complete list of available progress bar skins follows:
  • double_sided_gold
  • default_green
  • default_bad
  • default
  • double_sided_bad

The double-sided progress bars have two text fields, allowing those who use them to put text on both the left and right of the progress bar.

Pictured: The double_sided_bad progress bar skin, which uses the journal entry icon as the mid-point between its two sides. Switching the text was not WAD, but is WAD now.

Going back to the internals of the progress bar script, one now sees the conditions scripted in the progress bar. These are what makes it trend in one direction or the other over the course of various increments.

Pictured: If one’s country has any incorporated state with over 10% of the population as radicals, every incorporated state in the country with over 10% radicals will contribute their radical count to the progress of the journal entry.

For the purpose of this example, all that matters is the amount of radicals in one’s country. In practice, a progress bar can have however many factors behind it as one wants, and all of them will be printed in a nice and orderly list.

Lastly, there is the start_value, the min_value, and the max_value. These values define the bounds of the progress bar - its minimum bound, its maximum bound, and what value it will start with when the journal entry is initialised.

The value of a progress bar can be retrieved, compared, and used in variable math with the scripted_bar_progress trigger in a journal entry scope.

Miscellaneous Script Features
Diplomatic Pact Modifiers

Diplomatic pacts can now apply modifiers to both involved parties. These are controlled by the first_modifier and second_modifier fields in the diplomatic pact’s script–the first_modifier applies to the initiator, and the second_modifier applies to the other country.

For example, the Support Regime subject interaction gives the subject in question lowered radicalism, and less liberty desire, at the cost of some legitimacy for yourself.

Here is how this script looks ingame.

Pictured: I love the Regime.

Diplomatic Interaction Types

Diplomatic interactions now have types.

The type of a diplomatic action determines from where it can be accessed. Current diplomatic action types are as follows:
  • general
  • subject
  • overlord
  • power_bloc_leader
  • power_bloc_member

General diplomatic actions are available for any country, mostly encompassing actions like defence pacts, alliances, and other currently existing actions. Subject interactions are available for subjects of countries petitioning their overlord for something, overlord interactions are available for overlords demanding things of subjects, and power bloc leader/member interactions are much the same, albeit with power blocs rather than subject relationships.

All of these diplomatic action types are scriptable, and can make use of the new diplomatic action modifier system to have a wide variety of different effects.

New Script Support

In addition to a selection of triggers, modifiers, and effects related to new features, several new and useful triggers for pre-existing game content have been added in 1.7. These include:

  • country_innovation - compares against the total innovation produced by a country
  • gdp_per_capita_ranking - compares against a list of all countries’ GDP/c stats. Note that in this case, lower is better, as the top GDP/c ranking is 1.
  • sol_ranking - compares against a list of all countries’ Standard of Living stats.
  • income_transfer - compares against the income transferred by a diplomatic pact.
  • potential_diplomatic_play_power_ratio - compares against the expected power ratio in a diplomatic play between two countries.
  • can_add_wargoal_against - evaluates true if a country can add a wargoal against a specified country.
  • can_break_diplomatic_pact - evaluates true if a country can break a specified diplomatic pact with a specified country.
  • can_create_diplomatic_pact - evaluates true if a country can create a specified diplomatic pact with a specified country.
  • would_accept_diplomatic_action - evaluates true if a specified country would accept a request for a specified diplomatic pact.
  • progressiveness - compares against the progressiveness of a given law type.
  • law_progressiveness_difference - compares the progressiveness of two law types.
  • journal_entry_age - compares against the time since a journal entry was activated, in days.
  • enactment_chance_for_law - compares against the enactment chance for a law type, if it were to begin enactment immediately.
  • can_trigger_event - takes an event ID, returns true if the event is currently fulfilling its trigger conditions.
  • economic_dependence - compares against one country’s economic dependence on the another country.
  • gdp_ownership_ratio - compares against the percentage of one country’s economy that is owned by another country.

  • allow_trade_routes_without_interest_bool - Boolean modifier that, when set to true, enables a country to establish trade routes with countries that it does not have an interest in.
  • state_migration_quota_mult - increases or decreases the amount of people migrating to a given state.
  • country_overlord_income_transfer_mult - increases or decreases the amount of money that a subject pays to its overlord.
  • country_convoy_contribution_to_market_owner_add - increases or decreases the amount of convoys that a country contributes to its market.
  • country_cannot_cancel_law_enactment_bool - Boolean modifier that, when set to true, forbids a country from manually cancelling a law enactment.
  • country_port_connection_cost_mult - increases or decreases the convoy cost of port connections.
  • tariff_[import/export]_outside_power_bloc_mult - increases or decreases tariffs for non-power-bloc members’ goods.

  • regime_change - immediately forces a Regime Change wargoal against the specified country, using the current country scope as a template.

To acquire a full list of triggers, effects, modifiers, and scopes, use the script_docs command in the console. This will export files full of useful documentation to your Documents/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 3/docs folder, or the equivalent on your computer.

I will now hand things over to Mikael to cover the modifier rework and new scripted widget system.


Modifier Rework

In 1.7, the modifier_types database has been replaced with the new modifier_type_definitions database, and the modifiers database renamed to static_modifiers. Loc strings for modifier types will no longer have “modifier_” appended to their beginnings.

Modifiers have been a mainstay in Paradox grand strategy games for several generations and are an integral component of the Clausewitz game engine, but their implementation details and usage patterns sometimes differ from game to game. In Victoria 3, modifiers are used to run the entire socioeconomic simulation, and define everything from the throughput of buildings and how many units of coal are being produced, to how much Political Strength an aristocrat can wield and how quickly a starving farmer radicalises. They propagate from modifier sources, such as technologies or commander orders, through a tree of game objects (for example technology -> country -> state -> building, or commander order -> unit -> battle). When a modifier reaches its final destination, it still needs to be aware of its origin so we can explain in a tooltip that the reason your soldiers are currently fighting at 125% their base strength is because of a certain mix of commander orders & traits, the technologies you've researched, and the mobilisation options you've permitted. This system of tracking, propagating, and aggregating variables is very flexible both for programmers and designers, and has the very nice side effect of also being highly useful to modders.

However, it is also very performance intensive; due to the web of interdependencies in the game object tree it needs to keep track of the validity of each modifier node and send a signal up the tree to refresh everything when it's no longer valid. For example, whenever you change a Production Method in a building, the entire economic state of your market needs to be refreshed, which could also have an effect on other objects interfacing with the economy (which, this being Victoria, is most objects in the game).

The number of modifier nodes and invalidation events of those nodes has the biggest impact on the aggregate performance of the game, competing with number of pops for the prestigious #1 spot of "worst performance factor". Due to the increased demand on the simulation coming with 1.7/Sphere of Influence, we have had to do a major overhaul to the modifier system in the Clausewitz engine, specifically to improve performance by avoiding unnecessary work in modifier node recalculations.

This rewrite comes at a cost. Whereas previously, new modifier types defined in the modifier_types database would propagate down the tree in accordance with the first part of the modifier type name (for example, country_ targets countries and will not propagate further; building_, when applied to f.ex. a technology, will propagate to the country, then its states, then all buildings in those states), new modifier types defined by modders in script (in the modifier_type_definitions database) will no longer have a designated target and will propagate everywhere. If you specify a new modifier type country_phlogiston_generation_add and apply it to a technology, it will not stop at countries that have that technology but will merrily copy itself down the whole tree, to states, buildings, interest groups, characters, etc - all game objects that could inherit modifiers from countries. While with some careful planning this might still permit your mod to work, it can cause both performance problems and confusing UX bugs, and in the worst scenario cause modifier duplication.

We're currently working on a solution to this issue that will allow you to optionally turn on custom modifier type registration in your mod. This will allow custom modifier types to propagate according to the earlier rules. We hope it will be ready for release, if not it should appear in a hotfix afterwards. Watch the patch notes for news on this, and until then try not to include new modifier types in your modding endeavours.

Scripted Widgets

Finally, some of you will be pleased to know that we have ported over the scripted_widgets system introduced in Crusader Kings III to Victoria 3, allowing you to more easily add new UI elements to your mod without causing conflicts with other UI mods touching the same files. In addition, the AI will now evaluate whether it should be taking actions defined in the scripted_gui database dependent on its ai_is_valid trigger, the ai_frequency noted (in months), and the ai_chance (number between 1-100) defined for the scripted gui. We hope these features will allow your mods to interface even deeper with the rest of the game mechanics!


And that is all. Thank you for reading. Next week, Hansi will cover the new map and culture changes coming in 1.7.
Akimbot - Romz


Get a glimpse of robots, action, and adventure in an all new trailer!

In Akimbot, you'll play as Exe, an outlaw robot with his unexpected sidekick, Shipset. Blast your way through armies of robots, control spaceships, and forge your own path on a mission to save the universe from impending doom! Set in a sci-fi world where only robots exist, travel the galaxy and experience non-stop robot mayhem and explosive action!

Join the Discord!
Let us know what you think of the new trailer and get excited for launch(?!) in our Discord.

- Evil Raptor

See things first, follow our socials! 👀
Age of Wonders 4 - fangirlcrazily

Hello everyone! My name is Luis and I am a designer here at Triumph Studios. This is the second dev diary for our Eldritch Realms expansion that is coming out on the 18th of June.

Hope you have made your tributes to the elder gods because we will be talking about the new leader type, the Eldritch Sovereign. After that I will give a quick rundown of the new tomes you can unlock and some of their content.

Eldritch Sovereign

The Eldritch Sovereign is a new leader type you can play as in Eldritch Realms. When a Wizard is banished to the Astral Void they must endure the Torment of Shadows. Those who fail the trial are doomed to become Lost Wizards, husks of their former selves. But some manage to continue growing in power and regain a twisted sense of sanity. Eventually they manage to pierce the planar veil and find their way back from the Astral Void, where they enthrall whole populations to do their bidding in order to fulfill their corrupt ambitions.

At the start of the game you will pick what your Eldritch ruler looks like and what Relic they use in battle. Each Relic is tied to a concept for this leader, defines their starting damage type and gives one of the initial hero skills from their new Eldritch Sovereign skill tree.

The Eldritch Sovereign starts with 3 abilities:

  • Spike: This is a long range low damage ability that allows this ruler to stay at the back while their enthralled race protects it.
  • Rebuke: When an enemy gets too close, this magical rebuke is an excellent option. It deals decent damage and can finish off injured enemies.
  • Eldritch Mind Control: This allows the leader to mind control an enemy unit for 1 turn, turning an adversary into a temporary stepping stone to your victory in battle.

Thralls and Ritual Spells

They also have another trick up their tentacles in the form of Ritual Spells and the new Thrall resource. As an Eldritch Sovereign ruled faction, battles will gradually gather Thralls to be used in ritual sacrifice to cast powerful and unique strategic spells. The Eldritch Sovereign doesn’t even need to be in those battles as their servants will gather the Thralls for them.

They can also harvest Thralls from their own population or vassalized Free Cities with the Spell Enthrall Population, which converts 1 Population into 3 Thralls.

Once you have the Thralls, ritual spells are easy to cast as they only require Thralls and Casting Points. Here’s some examples of ritual spells:

  • Clairvoyance Ritual: All Eldritch Sovereigns start with this one; it lets you sacrifice a Thrall to reveal the closest Infestation or Ancient Wonder.
  • Phantasmal Ritual: This spell deals 20% of an army's maximum Hit Points as damage as well as reducing their status resistance for the next battle.
  • Mage Bane Ritual: Summon a Mage Bane! This costs 10 Thralls to summon and comes after needing to unlock 2 other hero skills, but having a Mage Bane at your side is a very strong option for this leader.

Thralls can also be used (or sometimes gained!) in events. You can sacrifice thralls to permanently dominate an enemy, give a boost to relations to newly found Free Cities or bypass difficult options.

Signature Skills

Signature Skills for the Eldritch Ruler come in two flavors.

  1. Specializations: These give a more defined role to your Eldritch Sovereign by giving new abilities and passives.
  2. Forgotten Tomes: Like Lost Wizards, they can get powerful abilities that have endless range in combat.

Minor Specialization

At level 4 the leader picks a Minor Specialization gaining a new active and passive ability. The Minor Specializations are:

  • Madcaster: Focus on spellcasting and random effects. They gain:
    • Chaos Pulse: Applies an effect to a group of enemies, from turning them to animals, making them Blind until the end of combat or, if you are unlucky, healing them. Each unit in the area of effect has a chance to roll one of these effects.
    • Expert Channeling: A passive that reduces the mana cost of certain spells.
  • Mindbreaker: This one focuses on mind status effects and damage. They gain:
    • Eldritch Truth: An ability that places the new Madness condition which, until the end of combat, makes the unit Insane while also sustaining damage each turn.
    • Eldritch Breach: A passive that bypasses up to 3 Status Resistance the target has.
  • Fleshweaver: The support specialization with a flesh modification theme. They gain:
    • Possession: Increases the damage of a unit by 40% for 2 turns. The affected unit dies when this effect expires but they come back with low hit points after combat if you win it.
    • Fleshweave: At combat start, summon 2 Fleshlings, slimy bomb monsters that can self destruct to deal damage as well as apply Bleed and Status Vulnerability.

Major Specialization

At level 12 the Eldritch Sovereign can pick between two signature skills based on their first specialization.

The Madcaster can pick:
  • Cosmic Caster:
    • Their Chaos Pulse changes to Cosmic Pulse, which reduces the randomness of Chaos Pulse to instead be more damage oriented, always rolling on dealing Fire, Frost or Lightning damage. The radius also increases from 1-hex to 2-hex.
    • Gain a new passive, Forgotten Tome Mastery that boosts the damage of the damaging abilities you can gain from the Forgotten Tome Signature skills.
  • Havoc Caster:
    • These Eldritch Sovereigns go all in on randomness and have their Chaos Pulse become Havoc Pulse. It functions like the original except it applies 2 effects to the affected units
    • Gain a new passive, Chaos Channeling. It adds a 90% chance to apply a random negative status effect to all damaging combat spells.
The Mindbreaker can pick:
  • Enthraller:
    • Their Eldritch Truth becomes Enrapturing Truth. This new ability now applies Dominated, Berserk and increases the target’s damage instead of driving them mad. Being Dominated means you can acquire the unit at the end of combat!
    • Gain a new passive, Manipulator, which makes some of your mind affecting skills like Eldritch Mind Control target an extra target within a certain range of the original target.
  • Mind Devourer:
    • Eldritch Truth becomes Mind Shattering Truth, which not only applies the Madness effect but also deals physical damage that ignores the target’s defenses.
    • The passive Mindrend: The Eldritch Sovereign deals +70% more damage to any unit that has a Negative Mental Status Effect (Berserk, Insanity, Madness, etc)
Finally, the Fleshweaver can pick:
  • Puppeteer:
    • Possession becomes Puppeteer’s Possession, which can now give the damage increase to 3 allies instead of just one.
    • Changes the Eldritch Mind Control to Puppeteer’s Domination, which changes the effect from Mind Control to Dominated, which means you can keep the unit after combat for a mana cost.
  • Fleshsculpter:
    • Possession becomes Greater Possession: The damage bonus is increased to 80% while also giving the unit Status Protection so they can rampage until they drop.
    • Fleshweave changes to Fleshsculpt. Fleshsculpt makes it so that instead of 2 Fleshlings you summon a more long lasting summon, the Flesh Abomination, a Tier 3 Fighter.

Forgotten Tomes

At level 8 and 16 the Eldritch Sovereign picks from a list of Forgotten Tome Passives. The way these work is that at the start of combat, they give you one of 3 random abilities related to the Forgotten tome you picked and every 4 turns that ability gets randomized and its cooldown removed.

The special thing about these is that these abilities have unlimited range in combat, acting almost like Combat Spells (except that since they are abilities they cost no mana). For those who fought the Lost Wizard before, some of these abilities will be recognizable, but there’s a lot more new ones!

That’s all I want to say for now on the Eldritch Sovereign, and I am not even going over all the new Hero Skills unique to the Eldritch Sovereign. (Tentacled Escape, one of the master hero skills of the Eldritch Sovereign, has my favorite animation in the entire game so far!)

And we are not done yet, up next is the Tomes!


Tome of Tentacles

This is a Tier 1 tome focused on summoning and using Tentacles to restrain and damage your enemies. It has a new status effect, Constricted, which deals 10 Physical damage each turn while Immobilizing the target. A lot of the units from this tome apply this effect. You can also have your Mages and Support units apply it with their attacks with the Constricting Focus unit enchantment.

Conjure Tentacle and the hero skill Manifest Tentacle let you conjure an otherworldly Tentacle unit in combat which deals damage as well as attempting to Constrict your enemies. These are very good at early game control and protecting your more squishy units from melee trying to rush them.

Next I want to show you the aptly named Constrictor! This is a new and terrifying racial polearm unit that can use its long tentacle arms to pull units closer to them and constrict them in the process. (They give very good hugs).

Tome of Corruption

The Tier 3 Tome of Corruption lets you unleash your inner Umbral Demon while also capitalizing on your enemy’s buffs, removing them and gaining something instead or just outright stealing them.

Gloom Strider lets your racial units become Umbral Demons as well as gaining floating movement. This makes your units immune to the Umbral Malady and gain a powerful passive in Curse Eater, which consumes a negative status effect on the unit and converts it into a heal.

This tome has a new Tier 4 unit in it called the Umbral Mistress, which can chain herself to an enemy and then use her Gratitude, Fury or Surrender abilities to cause different effects on the unit she is linked to. Additionally, while linked to an enchained unit, their Wrack ability can never miss, and since a lot of her skills are Free Actions, you can play with your enemy’s emotions and then Wrack them for damage on the same turn.

Corrupt Boon and the hero skill Boon Stealing both remove positive status effects from your enemies. The first by turning them to their opposite, so for example regeneration would turn into poison. And the second by giving your hero’s attacks the ability to steal them on hit.

Tome of Cleansing Fire

To combat all this darkness, we have a tome that helps you purify it. Cleaning Flame is all about making your units Zealous while burning you enemies with the new Cleaning Flame hazard.

This hazard burns those who aren’t Faithful or Zealous while removing negative conditions from those who are. Additionally, Condemned units lose their positive effects when they are burned by the flames of righteousness.

The hero skill Cleansing Flameherald not only creates Cleansing Flames as your enemies dies, but any Burning hazard created in combat become a Cleaning Flame hazard instead, making it a powerful combo for those who picked the Tome of Pyromancy or have other abilities that place burning hazards.

The Pyre Templars not only look amazing but they are the Cleansing Flame come to life and were tailor made to fight the corruption of the abyss! This Tier 4 Polearm unit has a Fire Cleave that mows down enemies in a 1-hex cone, while the Pyre Cloak burns all adjacent enemies and creates Cleansing Flames all around them while putting the Templar in defense mode.

To let your other units in on the fun of purifying the darkness, Pureflame Staves and Flame Blessed Champions both allow your units to create Cleaning Flames hazards. In addition, the former allows your mages and support units to Condemn your enemies and the latter lets your melee units Burn them to a crisp!

There’s a lot of content to explore in this new expansion and I couldn’t go into detail on everything with this dev diary, but I hope you liked reading about it! The Eldritch Realms expansion comes out on the 18th of July, so make sure you don’t miss out on all this content!

Wishlist Eldritch Realms:

I love you, you love me, we're all one Eldritch family~
BattleCore Arena - jonathan.payeur
Fancy a game of ballz with your pals? Jump into the arena and become the master of physics to spend a core-blimey good time!

Compete in fast paced battles by yourself or with friends in various online game modes. Mix the jump, double jump and dash to perform mind blowing maneuvers! And with your weapon and special abilities, forge your path to victory!

Yes, just like that, BattleCore Arena is OUT.

Yes, you can play. For FREE. On pretty much any PC that didn’t come out of the Stone Age. On Ubisoft Connect. Or on Epic Games Store. Or on Steam. You choose.

Oh and it you play until June 13th you'll get the unique opportunity to proudly display these unique “First Wave” banners! Forever. No hate, just love for our first players of course.

Shakes and Fidget - DarkwingDang Playa Games
Welcome to the fourth installment of our producer's notes, where we delve into the UI/UX rework of the character screen and backpack. This update aims to enhance user interaction and streamline the accessibility of game features.
Character Screen Modifications
The upper part of the character screen remains largely unchanged to maintain familiarity. However, we've restructured the bottom section into three distinct parts, improving overall navigation and making it easier to interact with other players directly – actions like fighting and comparing stats are now more accessible.
Backpack Enhancements
We've relocated the backpack to the bottom of the mobile character screen. This adjustment required a redesign of the layout for other screens to ensure a cohesive user experience. The new, large scrollable backpack format replaces the traditional chests, offering a more intuitive and space-efficient way to manage items.

The backpack now operates context-sensitively, enhancing item interaction based on the screen you're viewing:
  • In your character view, items unsuitable for your class are marked as "no interaction possible”, helping you manage your inventory efficiently.
  • When accessing the smith screen, each item displays the resources you'll gain upon dismantling, making decision-making simpler.
  • On the toilet screen, items that can be discarded are clearly indicated, streamlining the cleanup process.
These changes are designed to make the game interface both visually appealing and user-friendly, improving the overall gaming experience.

Stay tuned for further insights in our upcoming producer's notes, where we will continue to explore more aspects of our comprehensive UI/UX rework. Next up: the guild.

NosTale - Anime MMORPG - [CM] Daveius GF

Fortune’s having a bonanza in NosTale! Between 7th June (11 AM) and 10th June (11 AM CEST), you can really rake in the goodies in NosTale with the following drop events:
  • Double Gold Drops: Defeat monsters during the event and receive twice the amount of Gold to spend on all those nice and shiny things!
  • Double Item Drops: Defeat monsters and potentially pick up twice as much loot as normal.
Polish up your armour, grab your weapon, summon your NosMate and scoop up these great rewards.

Best of luck!
The NosTale Team
Hello, fellow mutants,
following the 1.0 launch we have been working on fixing some immediate issues. In this hotfix, we have the following changes:

  • Fixed an issue that blocked players from progressing after failing the first quest
  • Fixed fatal error that the player experienced while in spectator mode
  • Fixed issues with mission tracking on the controller on the Mission Selection widget and additional UX upgrade
  • Fixed footstep and gun speed animation speed to be synced and footstep sprint sound adjustments
  • Fixed an issue with the Mission summary screen showing double stats
  • Fixed issue with new objective KillZone to prevent more enemies from spawning once the objective is completed
  • Fixed issues with Localization not working on some parts
  • Fixed an issue with the Expandable bridge objective to show task marker on the correct terminals
  • Fixed an issue with the flamethrower playing fire VFX for clients when the gun is empty
  • Fixed an issue with the spectator screen now showing correctly when players join mid-session
  • Fixed an issue with pet return not fully canceling reload animations

Thank you for playing RIPOUT and for the constant feedback.

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