Seekers of Skyveil Playtest - bananaband1t
Welcome back NA! Check out the tl;dr below then dive deeper if you'd like to learn more.

Changes marked with ⭐ were inspired by your feedback.
Changes marked with 🛠 are prototypes. These features are still in early development and may be buggy and/or missing key elements!

  • Find your feet on the new capped map, with one region, fewer teams, and a limit to how much gear power you can bring in
  • Channel your inner cool guy and decimate the battlefield as Tallis
  • We’ve reset all gear (spend your gold!)
  • Your consumable wheel is now controlled by what you put in your consumable belt
  • 2–3 events now occur each match
  • You can only queue solo (no fill) after you’ve played two matches; duos and solos earn more bonus experience
  • You can now ping the map!
  • Legendary items from Boop Snoot and Shadebough may have powerful passives
  • Early fodder potatoes are even squishier
Known Issue: Experience Gains May Fluctuate
We recently identified a bug that can cause the experience you gain from defeating packs to fluctuate slightly. As a result, the leveling rate can sometimes be slower than intended. We’ll have a fix next patch!

Introducing the Capped Map 🛠
We’ve talked about our long-term vision for maps in Seekers before, but to summarize… We see having a capped map, core map, and high-stakes map as key, interconnected pieces of our overall gameplay loop. And with this patch, we get one step closer with a prototype capped map!

The capped map has a couple goals.

First, it should be the place where new players can get their feet wet. They can learn their Seeker, build up their stash, and learn the core game mechanics–all in a less complex zone with fewer players and no one geared up to their teeth. Once they’re feeling comfortable (and brave), they can then venture into the uncapped map, where the risks are higher and the rewards are sweeter.

The capped map should also be a place for experienced players too, especially ones who might be looking for a more low-key, chill experience. Maybe you’re coming down from a high of a close fight, or maybe you just want to vibe with friends. Or perhaps you want to collect some resources with less risk, or just make a bit more coin. Whichever the reason, this map should be fun for you too.

Everything in this map is still a work-in-progress, so please share all your feedback so we can make it better. The best place to leave feedback is in our community Discord.

Here’s what to expect…

  • A maximum gear score, aka Challenge Rating (CR) is 200. You cannot bring any weapons or gear in your bag. Consumables are okay!
  • Four teams max per match
  • Only one region (Blooming Grove), plus the Heart of the Forest
  • Bosses in the Heart have been replaced with unique creatures; unique creatures have been replaced with their junior counterparts
  • The highest quality gear you can find should be Rare+, aka blue+. If you find anything higher, it’s a bug so please let us know!
  • Resource nodes only drop tier 1 (basic) materials
  • Creatures, chests, altars, etc. may be in different locations.
  • One spawn point has been moved to the Ruins to better space out starting areas.
  • Creatures are generally weaker (less damage and less tanky)
  • A lower percentage of damage taken is converted to wounds
  • There’s no tunnels and a smaller pool of events
A New Seeker Approaches: Tallis! 🛠
Tallis is a knowledgeable and powerful mage who excels at dealing burst damage from a distance. He’s also deeply intelligent, endlessly arrogant, and frustratingly cool.

We’re looking for feedback on Tallis this playtest and would especially love your thoughts on things like…

  • Does he feel like a burst mage who requires precise gameplay to excel?
  • Does he have a cohesive fantasy, aka does his character and gameplay match each other?
  • Does he have clear strengths and weaknesses?
  • And is he just fun to play?
Please note that Tallis is still early in development, which means all of his visuals (model, VFX, SFX, animation) are still a work-in-progress. His gameplay is also ready for refinement, so please do share your thoughts!

  • Interacts with Tallis can take slightly longer than the interact bar
  • When an enemy Tallis casts their ultimate off screen or out of your perception range, you might not see his ult’s range indicator (you'll still see the warnings for individual volleys)
  • Tallis sometimes fires a stray projectile; it’s just a visual bug and doesn’t deal damage
Check out his abilities below or join our Discord to see him in action.

  • Passive: Mark of the Sightless Eye: Hitting abilities applies stacks of Mark of the Sightless Eye to the target. Once a target reaches 3 stacks, they explode, dealing high damage to enemies around them and applying 1 stack of Mark of the Sightless Eye.
  • Basic Attack (LMB): Fires a projectile in a target direction
  • Slow Nuke (RMB): Launch a projectile that deals damage to the first target hit. Applies one stack of passive to the target and stuns them if they are slowed.
  • Confluence of Thought (Q): Summon two flanking portals, each summoning a beam after a short delay, dealing damage to enemies in the path. Deal triple damage and apply one stack of passive in the area where the two beams meet.
  • Crushing Focus (E): Launch a runic projectile that grows as it travels forward, dealing damage and slowing all enemies hit. After reaching max distance, it shrinks and returns to Tallis, dealing damage and slowing enemies again. Each hit applies one stack of passive.
  • Clarity of Mind (R): Tallis channels for ten seconds and can recast Clarity of Mind during this window. Recasting creates a rune at a target location that deals magic damage to all enemies in the area. Hits apply one stack of passive.
  • Teleport Trap (Space): Dash and leave a trap that damages and slows
It’s time for the ol’ gear reset
Between introducing the new capped map and Legendaries dropping like hotcakes last playtest, it’s time to clear everyone’s stashes and start anew. Everyone will have 500 gold to start with, plus a set of light, medium, and heavy grays. Make sure you check your quest rewards too!

More broadly, we’re starting to take a more discerning eye when it comes to gear resets. We’ll still need to clear house, particularly when we make major item system changes. But with the capped map and Legendaries available, we feel like we have space for new players to get started and experienced players to dive deeper. Wipes will still happen, but the bar is getting higher.

⭐ Solos and duos 🛠
We’re increasing the bonus experience duos and solos earn in a match. We want trios to maintain their edge, but it’s clear we’ve got some room to spare.

  • Increased duo bonus XP from +25% to +50%
  • Increased solo bonus XP from +50% to +150%
Speaking of solos… There’s a lot to learn when you first play SoS, and playing your first games solo makes it extra hard mode. To help with that, new players must now play two matches with fill on (or with a team) before they can start their solo career.

Legendary Items 🛠
This patch brings some follow-up to Legendary items. Specifically, Legendaries can no longer be insured, may have unique passives based on which boss you defeat, and now drop at their intended rate (aka less frequently).

Bosses should now always drop *at least* blues. Previously Shadebough would (unintentionally) only drop greens, which is frankly BM 💀

Crafting 🛠
  • ⭐ You can now convert basic resources into rare resources
Introducing consumable belts 🛠
The consumables on your consumable wheel are now determined by which consumables are in your consumable belt! You can pick up a belt from Taro, find them in backpack chests, or pick one up as a quest reward.

Once you equip the belt, you can drag your consumables into it, and they’ll automatically appear in your consumable wheel in the order you slotted them in (starting at the top and going clockwise on the wheel). You still cast your currently equipped consumable with `C`.

As part of this change, consumables now stack in sets of three. This should clear up some inventory space while letting you set up your belt with more options. Finally, we're still tuning the meta and usage of the consumable belts and working towards a more complete iteration.

Quests 🛠
We’ve added more quests to the pool and updated the rewards. You can also view your quest progress and claim rewards in the new end-of-game screen. This is still an early prototype of the quest system, so expect more to come!

⭐ You can now ping the map! 🛠
Press `G` or `mouse wheel` while your map is open and voilà. PING MARKER! You’ll also see a ping dropped in the real world too.

We also refined the ping wheel, reducing the number of options and color-coding them based on which player used it, or red for danger-related pings.

⭐ Extractors and overtime
Last playtest we added overtime, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! We also saw more fights play out in the last minute of a match, which is awesome.

This week we have a couple adjustments to the extractor guard packs, specifically reducing the number and level of the creatures that spawn. We also moved nearby creature packs further away from extractors. Together, this should reduce some of the PvE chaos of extracting.

We’re changing the way we group events. Events were previously grouped into Boons (good) and Banes (bad), with a Boon happening every game and a Bane happening sometimes.

Events are now grouped into three buckets…

  • Objectives: These create interest points on the map that give you good things. Currently includes the Meteor, Vault, and Wishing Well Surge events.
  • Pressure: These events increase risk of the match. Currently includes the Tunnel Extractor, Area of Denial, and Player Ping events.
  • Wildcard: This is a catch-all for all other events. Currently includes the CDR and Kill Leader event, plus a chance for no event.
One event from each category is chosen at random each game, which means 2–3 events happen each match. It’s also more likely to see some events start sooner.

The new buckets better match the impact different events have on a match, beyond just “good” or “bad.” We’re also working towards leveraging events to tell more interesting and intentional match stories rather than just being a random grab bag.

Unbound Ancient Veil, aka the core map
These are all the changes to the map you’ve played on thus far, which is now called the Ancient Veil!

  • ⭐ Added three new tunnel entrances to better balance the distribution across the map
  • Continued adjustments to brush, corrupting pools, and traps
Creatures (and why fodder is squisher)
One of the common things we hear is that our creatures are too spongy, especially from new players. Having a capped map with weaker creatures should help with this, as it’s better tuned for having little gear. We’re also reducing the health pools of early fodder packs in the Ancient Veil too. Gearing up should still have an appreciable impact, but we don’t want a slow grind (especially against tiny enemies) to stop people from finding the fun.

  • Fodder potatoes in the starting area have significantly less health and deal slightly more damage
  • Replaced the 4x potato fodder packs with 3x potatoes and a normal creature, to emphasize the need for decent gear when progressing further into the map without feeling like you’re blocked by tiny-but-tanky potatoes
  • Reduced the power level of non-unique creatures in unique creature packs. This should reduce the overall time-to-clear, while highlighting the named creatures and leaving them the last one standing more often
  • Continued refinements to creature pack compositions and placements for variety and balance
  • Stat pass on unique creatures to buff up the power and movement speed of some weaker outliers
  • ⭐ Reduced stump and cairn interaction time from 3s to 1.5s
  • Added a handful of Speed Altars to dead ends, tunnel exits, and other areas
  • ⭐ Spirit Altar names now include Common, Uncommon, and Rare
  • Chest names now include Common+, Rare+, and Epic+
  • Reworked the center of Druid’s Circle to make space for a chest
  • Downgraded some chests in Castle Del Rey and moved the Rare+ linked chest to the platform with Elmsnarl
  • Added a lightning bolt to the locked chest linked to the cursed chest in the Temple
  • KNOWN ISSUE: The linked chest near the Perma Cooldown Altar is connected to the wrong creature pack in the Ruins
UI and UX improvements
  • End-of-game screen now has multiple tabs with different stat views
  • You can now see your gear score of your total stash (look above your collection)
  • Increased the size of your current Challenge Rating (CR) on the Loadout screen
  • ⭐ Loading screens are now sky blue instead of blinding white
Seeker Tuning and Updates
  • All Seekers have had their base health increased by 20%.
Basic Attack
  • Alice now attacks faster
  • Cooldown reduced from [20,19,18,17,16] to [14,13,12,11,10]
  • Base damage reduced from [50,60,70,80,90] to [35,45,55,65,75]
  • ⭐ Delay reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1.25 seconds
  • Immediately grants Zephyr to allies in the target area
  • Casting Aegis on another ally also grants the shield to Alice
⭐ Supercell
  • Cooldown reduced from [120,110,100,90,80] to [80,75,70,65,60]
  • Deals bonus damage to creatures and roots them for 5 seconds
  • Reduced the duration you can change direction after casting
Grand Finale
  • Takes slightly more time to start damaging after casting
  • Damage now ticks every 0.25 seconds (previously 0.2 seconds)
  • Total duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds
  • Fixed a bug where Kumu’s basic attacks didn’t deal damage after ability casts
  • Fixed a bug where Kumu’s passive didn’t grant a shield
Wrath of the Forest
  • Pull occurs slightly later in cast time
  • Increased the transit speed of things being pulled
  • Cast can no longer be interrupted
Basic attack
  • Bounces now deal reduced damage: 100% 🠆 66% 🠆 33%
Sonic Bloom
  • No longer slows
  • Range reduced from 650 to 500
  • Now causes Neri to hop backwards
Basic attack
  • Width decreased from 150 to 100
  • Radius decreased from 325 to 275
Warrior of the Wind
  • No longer grants movement speed
Bug Fixes
  • ⭐ Your PvP Challenge Rating can no longer be negative
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where HUD health bars didn’t display correctly after closing the options menu
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where allied and enemy health bars were both green when spectating
  • Fixed a bug where creatures would sometimes be invisible (spooky)
  • ⭐ Treant’s Stag Rush should no longer hit players standing behind the starting point
  • Fixed a bug where shift-clicking item sometimes didn’t move it to your bag
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where Seekers could instantly complete channels with button spam
  • Fixed a bug where the Vault couldn’t be opened when you had both keys
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where the final Pine Forest event chest didn’t contain gear
  • Fixed a bug where the Fountain Wishing Well didn’t accept items during the Wishing Well Surge event
  • Fixed a bug where the Bounty event didn’t always transfer to the next highest kill leader
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where player stats would decrease during the cooldown event
  • ⭐ Fixed an issue where frame rates dropped in the GLA
  • ⭐ Fixed an issue where you could login to earlier versions of the game and be stuck in queue purgatory
Wings of Redemption - Vacheque
  • Initial cut scene added
  • Timed explosion barrels introduced
  • New weapon affixes introduced
  • Adjusted some game parameters
  • Minor bug fixes
Seekers of Skyveil - bananaband1t
Welcome back NA! Check out the tl;dr below then dive deeper if you'd like to learn more.

Changes marked with ⭐ were inspired by your feedback.
Changes marked with 🛠 are prototypes. These features are still in early development and may be buggy and/or missing key elements!

  • Find your feet on the new capped map, with one region, fewer teams, and a limit to how much gear power you can bring in
  • Channel your inner cool guy and decimate the battlefield as Tallis
  • We’ve reset all gear (spend your gold!)
  • Your consumable wheel is now controlled by what you put in your consumable belt
  • 2–3 events now occur each match
  • You can only queue solo (no fill) after you’ve played two matches; duos and solos earn more bonus experience
  • You can now ping the map!
  • Legendary items from Boop Snoot and Shadebough may have powerful passives
  • Early fodder potatoes are even squishier
Known Issue: Experience Gains May Fluctuate
We recently identified a bug that can cause the experience you gain from defeating packs to fluctuate slightly. As a result, the leveling rate can sometimes be slower than intended. We’ll have a fix next patch!

Introducing the Capped Map 🛠
We’ve talked about our long-term vision for maps in Seekers before, but to summarize… We see having a capped map, core map, and high-stakes map as key, interconnected pieces of our overall gameplay loop. And with this patch, we get one step closer with a prototype capped map!

The capped map has a couple goals.

First, it should be the place where new players can get their feet wet. They can learn their Seeker, build up their stash, and learn the core game mechanics–all in a less complex zone with fewer players and no one geared up to their teeth. Once they’re feeling comfortable (and brave), they can then venture into the uncapped map, where the risks are higher and the rewards are sweeter.

The capped map should also be a place for experienced players too, especially ones who might be looking for a more low-key, chill experience. Maybe you’re coming down from a high of a close fight, or maybe you just want to vibe with friends. Or perhaps you want to collect some resources with less risk, or just make a bit more coin. Whichever the reason, this map should be fun for you too.

Everything in this map is still a work-in-progress, so please share all your feedback so we can make it better. The best place to leave feedback is in our community Discord.

Here’s what to expect…

  • A maximum gear score, aka Challenge Rating (CR) is 200. You cannot bring any weapons or gear in your bag. Consumables are okay!
  • Four teams max per match
  • Only one region (Blooming Grove), plus the Heart of the Forest
  • Bosses in the Heart have been replaced with unique creatures; unique creatures have been replaced with their junior counterparts
  • The highest quality gear you can find should be Rare+, aka blue+. If you find anything higher, it’s a bug so please let us know!
  • Resource nodes only drop tier 1 (basic) materials
  • Creatures, chests, altars, etc. may be in different locations.
  • One spawn point has been moved to the Ruins to better space out starting areas.
  • Creatures are generally weaker (less damage and less tanky)
  • A lower percentage of damage taken is converted to wounds
  • There’s no tunnels and a smaller pool of events
A New Seeker Approaches: Tallis! 🛠
Tallis is a knowledgeable and powerful mage who excels at dealing burst damage from a distance. He’s also deeply intelligent, endlessly arrogant, and frustratingly cool.

We’re looking for feedback on Tallis this playtest and would especially love your thoughts on things like…

  • Does he feel like a burst mage who requires precise gameplay to excel?
  • Does he have a cohesive fantasy, aka does his character and gameplay match each other?
  • Does he have clear strengths and weaknesses?
  • And is he just fun to play?
Please note that Tallis is still early in development, which means all of his visuals (model, VFX, SFX, animation) are still a work-in-progress. His gameplay is also ready for refinement, so please do share your thoughts!

  • Interacts with Tallis can take slightly longer than the interact bar
  • When an enemy Tallis casts their ultimate off screen or out of your perception range, you might not see his ult’s range indicator (you'll still see the warnings for individual volleys)
  • Tallis sometimes fires a stray projectile; it’s just a visual bug and doesn’t deal damage
Check out his abilities below or join our Discord to see him in action.

  • Passive: Mark of the Sightless Eye: Hitting abilities applies stacks of Mark of the Sightless Eye to the target. Once a target reaches 3 stacks, they explode, dealing high damage to enemies around them and applying 1 stack of Mark of the Sightless Eye.
  • Basic Attack (LMB): Fires a projectile in a target direction
  • Slow Nuke (RMB): Launch a projectile that deals damage to the first target hit. Applies one stack of passive to the target and stuns them if they are slowed.
  • Confluence of Thought (Q): Summon two flanking portals, each summoning a beam after a short delay, dealing damage to enemies in the path. Deal triple damage and apply one stack of passive in the area where the two beams meet.
  • Crushing Focus (E): Launch a runic projectile that grows as it travels forward, dealing damage and slowing all enemies hit. After reaching max distance, it shrinks and returns to Tallis, dealing damage and slowing enemies again. Each hit applies one stack of passive.
  • Clarity of Mind (R): Tallis channels for ten seconds and can recast Clarity of Mind during this window. Recasting creates a rune at a target location that deals magic damage to all enemies in the area. Hits apply one stack of passive.
  • Teleport Trap (Space): Dash and leave a trap that damages and slows
It’s time for the ol’ gear reset
Between introducing the new capped map and Legendaries dropping like hotcakes last playtest, it’s time to clear everyone’s stashes and start anew. Everyone will have 500 gold to start with, plus a set of light, medium, and heavy grays. Make sure you check your quest rewards too!

More broadly, we’re starting to take a more discerning eye when it comes to gear resets. We’ll still need to clear house, particularly when we make major item system changes. But with the capped map and Legendaries available, we feel like we have space for new players to get started and experienced players to dive deeper. Wipes will still happen, but the bar is getting higher.

⭐ Solos and duos 🛠
We’re increasing the bonus experience duos and solos earn in a match. We want trios to maintain their edge, but it’s clear we’ve got some room to spare.

  • Increased duo bonus XP from +25% to +50%
  • Increased solo bonus XP from +50% to +150%
Speaking of solos… There’s a lot to learn when you first play SoS, and playing your first games solo makes it extra hard mode. To help with that, new players must now play two matches with fill on (or with a team) before they can start their solo career.

Legendary Items 🛠
This patch brings some follow-up to Legendary items. Specifically, Legendaries can no longer be insured, may have unique passives based on which boss you defeat, and now drop at their intended rate (aka less frequently).

Bosses should now always drop *at least* blues. Previously Shadebough would (unintentionally) only drop greens, which is frankly BM 💀

Crafting 🛠
  • ⭐ You can now convert basic resources into rare resources
Introducing consumable belts 🛠
The consumables on your consumable wheel are now determined by which consumables are in your consumable belt! You can pick up a belt from Taro, find them in backpack chests, or pick one up as a quest reward.

Once you equip the belt, you can drag your consumables into it, and they’ll automatically appear in your consumable wheel in the order you slotted them in (starting at the top and going clockwise on the wheel). You still cast your currently equipped consumable with `C`.

As part of this change, consumables now stack in sets of three. This should clear up some inventory space while letting you set up your belt with more options. Finally, we're still tuning the meta and usage of the consumable belts and working towards a more complete iteration.

Quests 🛠
We’ve added more quests to the pool and updated the rewards. You can also view your quest progress and claim rewards in the new end-of-game screen. This is still an early prototype of the quest system, so expect more to come!

⭐ You can now ping the map! 🛠
Press `G` or `mouse wheel` while your map is open and voilà. PING MARKER! You’ll also see a ping dropped in the real world too.

We also refined the ping wheel, reducing the number of options and color-coding them based on which player used it, or red for danger-related pings.

⭐ Extractors and overtime
Last playtest we added overtime, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! We also saw more fights play out in the last minute of a match, which is awesome.

This week we have a couple adjustments to the extractor guard packs, specifically reducing the number and level of the creatures that spawn. We also moved nearby creature packs further away from extractors. Together, this should reduce some of the PvE chaos of extracting.

We’re changing the way we group events. Events were previously grouped into Boons (good) and Banes (bad), with a Boon happening every game and a Bane happening sometimes.

Events are now grouped into three buckets…

  • Objectives: These create interest points on the map that give you good things. Currently includes the Meteor, Vault, and Wishing Well Surge events.
  • Pressure: These events increase risk of the match. Currently includes the Tunnel Extractor, Area of Denial, and Player Ping events.
  • Wildcard: This is a catch-all for all other events. Currently includes the CDR and Kill Leader event, plus a chance for no event.
One event from each category is chosen at random each game, which means 2–3 events happen each match. It’s also more likely to see some events start sooner.

The new buckets better match the impact different events have on a match, beyond just “good” or “bad.” We’re also working towards leveraging events to tell more interesting and intentional match stories rather than just being a random grab bag.

Unbound Ancient Veil, aka the core map
These are all the changes to the map you’ve played on thus far, which is now called the Ancient Veil!

  • ⭐ Added three new tunnel entrances to better balance the distribution across the map
  • Continued adjustments to brush, corrupting pools, and traps
Creatures (and why fodder is squisher)
One of the common things we hear is that our creatures are too spongy, especially from new players. Having a capped map with weaker creatures should help with this, as it’s better tuned for having little gear. We’re also reducing the health pools of early fodder packs in the Ancient Veil too. Gearing up should still have an appreciable impact, but we don’t want a slow grind (especially against tiny enemies) to stop people from finding the fun.

  • Fodder potatoes in the starting area have significantly less health and deal slightly more damage
  • Replaced the 4x potato fodder packs with 3x potatoes and a normal creature, to emphasize the need for decent gear when progressing further into the map without feeling like you’re blocked by tiny-but-tanky potatoes
  • Reduced the power level of non-unique creatures in unique creature packs. This should reduce the overall time-to-clear, while highlighting the named creatures and leaving them the last one standing more often
  • Continued refinements to creature pack compositions and placements for variety and balance
  • Stat pass on unique creatures to buff up the power and movement speed of some weaker outliers
  • ⭐ Reduced stump and cairn interaction time from 3s to 1.5s
  • Added a handful of Speed Altars to dead ends, tunnel exits, and other areas
  • ⭐ Spirit Altar names now include Common, Uncommon, and Rare
  • Chest names now include Common+, Rare+, and Epic+
  • Reworked the center of Druid’s Circle to make space for a chest
  • Downgraded some chests in Castle Del Rey and moved the Rare+ linked chest to the platform with Elmsnarl
  • Added a lightning bolt to the locked chest linked to the cursed chest in the Temple
  • KNOWN ISSUE: The linked chest near the Perma Cooldown Altar is connected to the wrong creature pack in the Ruins
UI and UX improvements
  • End-of-game screen now has multiple tabs with different stat views
  • You can now see your gear score of your total stash (look above your collection)
  • Increased the size of your current Challenge Rating (CR) on the Loadout screen
  • ⭐ Loading screens are now sky blue instead of blinding white
Seeker Tuning and Updates
  • All Seekers have had their base health increased by 20%.
Basic Attack
  • Alice now attacks faster
  • Cooldown reduced from [20,19,18,17,16] to [14,13,12,11,10]
  • Base damage reduced from [50,60,70,80,90] to [35,45,55,65,75]
  • ⭐ Delay reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1.25 seconds
  • Immediately grants Zephyr to allies in the target area
  • Casting Aegis on another ally also grants the shield to Alice
⭐ Supercell
  • Cooldown reduced from [120,110,100,90,80] to [80,75,70,65,60]
  • Deals bonus damage to creatures and roots them for 5 seconds
  • Reduced the duration you can change direction after casting
Grand Finale
  • Takes slightly more time to start damaging after casting
  • Damage now ticks every 0.25 seconds (previously 0.2 seconds)
  • Total duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds
  • Fixed a bug where Kumu’s basic attacks didn’t deal damage after ability casts
  • Fixed a bug where Kumu’s passive didn’t grant a shield
Wrath of the Forest
  • Pull occurs slightly later in cast time
  • Increased the transit speed of things being pulled
  • Cast can no longer be interrupted
Basic attack
  • Bounces now deal reduced damage: 100% 🠆 66% 🠆 33%
Sonic Bloom
  • No longer slows
  • Range reduced from 650 to 500
  • Now causes Neri to hop backwards
Basic attack
  • Width decreased from 150 to 100
  • Radius decreased from 325 to 275
Warrior of the Wind
  • No longer grants movement speed
Bug Fixes
  • ⭐ Your PvP Challenge Rating can no longer be negative
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where HUD health bars didn’t display correctly after closing the options menu
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where allied and enemy health bars were both green when spectating
  • Fixed a bug where creatures would sometimes be invisible (spooky)
  • ⭐ Treant’s Stag Rush should no longer hit players standing behind the starting point
  • Fixed a bug where shift-clicking item sometimes didn’t move it to your bag
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where Seekers could instantly complete channels with button spam
  • Fixed a bug where the Vault couldn’t be opened when you had both keys
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where the final Pine Forest event chest didn’t contain gear
  • Fixed a bug where the Fountain Wishing Well didn’t accept items during the Wishing Well Surge event
  • Fixed a bug where the Bounty event didn’t always transfer to the next highest kill leader
  • ⭐ Fixed a bug where player stats would decrease during the cooldown event
  • ⭐ Fixed an issue where frame rates dropped in the GLA
  • ⭐ Fixed an issue where you could login to earlier versions of the game and be stuck in queue purgatory
Tower Unite - MacDGuy
Hey everyone, we’re here again for our Monthly Dev Update! This is a big one!

Update Progress
In the last dev update, we were wrapping up the Bumper Cars update, and we gave an overview of what we were working on, such as Minigolf & Ball Race SDK and other projects. Since then, our plans were to release an update with the new Workshop rig, Workshop sound packs, some Arcade optimizations, and accessibility changes.

However, this update’s been having some technical challenges that are both complicated to resolve and to complete. And, as you all probably know, we’re a small team, so it’s taken a lot of work to resolve these issues.

Basically, we’ve been having a very busy month, and this update is jam-packed with stuff, so let’s just get into what we have going on!

Reconstructing Core Code
So, sometimes when you fix something, something else breaks, or you find another issue or a flaw in the system. With many interconnected parts and a long development history, it’s easy for this to happen with Tower development. This has been happening a lot with this update. We’ve had to reorganize and refactor a lot this month. The issues have not been ones we can just let slide, either.

So, as you read through all of the following tasks we’ve been working on, know that it was probably juggled with fixing a frustrating regression. But we’ve been getting it done and working on ways to not cause these issues in the future.

Workshop Sound Packs
Workshop sound packs are a highlight of this update, adding the ability for players to upload custom sounds! We’ve also introduced new options for playlists, sound volumes, Game World Music override Manager, and “SetSound”, “Fade”, and general improvements to the sound emitter. You’ll be able to upload sound packs to Workshop, and we’ve made an easy to use editor in the Workshop editor for these. These tie into other I/O changes that will be explained more later on.

Workshop Fixes
A major issue we’ve been trying to resolve is a bug with Workshop models not appearing on Linux machines. This is notable as it affects Steam Deck users as well as any PC Linux users. Since work is being done on various areas of the Workshop, and this is a big issue, we have been tackling this and have resolved this issue after weeks of work. The change needed required us to rework how Workshop models are installed, and, with the added sound packs, the pipeline had to be gutted and refitted. We’re very happy that Workshop will be working again for Linux.

Workshop Rig 3.0 & Animations
Implementing the new Workshop rig has been an arduous task, but it’s been having great payoff. This new rig has allowed for more fluid animation of player models, IKs, and easier options for modifying proportions of a model, and massive improvements to the process of rigging player models. We’ve retargeted the old rig to work with the new rig (and existing player models) without any changes needed. That means that legacy Workshop player models will be compatible immediately. The animations have all be overhauled and improved and many ways.

We’ll have more information on the new SDK 3.0 very soon. But first, we’ll be releasing the updated animations and new rig support next update.

Accessibility Options
We’ve been hard at work implementing accessibility suggestions requested by players.

These include various changes to improve general visual and audio experience, changes to reduce eye strain and nausea, changes to controls for easier interactions, and improvements to existing accessibility settings, among other changes.

Plaza Minigames, Arcade, Minigolf, Drunk Effects, Condos, Stores, Controls, and other parts of the game all had accessibility changes, and you’ll get a full overview of the changes in the update change log (or on Trello).

Arcade Optimizations
Arcade physics server optimizations have been in progress for a few months now, and we’ve been working hard at getting the Arcade into a better state. These optimizations involve arcade physics which are a very finicky thing to work with due to the amount of machines that have unique physics to each game.

We had to refactor our code so the physics simulations would run as a system instead of independently on each machine. This required us to take the existing code and port the majority of it to C++. Server-side optimizations were made and a massive cleanup of the code was done. We improved the networking and reduced the amount of work the simulation has to do so it’ll execute it faster.

Item and Inventory Changes
We’ve made some updates to how items are categorized in the inventory. This has allowed for some previously hidden items to come out of the woodwork, as well as improving the search experience.

Speaking of searching, you can now see quick results as you type in the inventory search bar. This will allow you to get to your intended items quicker and to have a better view of your inventory as a whole.

Some items have been moved around to the appropriate stores or categories, and some items have had their names adjusted to better reflect their purpose.

Internally, we also optimized how items are queried in the system to make improvements to the inventory UI and you’ll see an FPS boost for large inventories.

Lastly, our item editor was bogging down development time and making it harder for us to continue to add new items. So, we improved our own item creation tools, which has already immensely helped us create items faster than before.

Condos / SDK
Big features in this update have had a connection to Condos, so other work has been done on our building tools as well. There are some accessibility additions such as a 3D grid visual and more editor options such as Noclip Speed Adjustment.

There’s also a new Replace Canvas URL tool and Find Canvas tool that will help out with quickly fixing dead image links in a Condo, as well as updating URLs quickly.

Changes have been made to the inventory system, grid snapping, organization, I/O options, and much more.

And that’s not all! We also massively improved the time it takes to reset your Condo and load Condo snapshots. For builders, you’ll see immediate improvements to these systems.

Condo I/O
There’ve been quite a few updates to Condo I/O, but some of the highlights are that we’ve added Cylinder and Sphere shape types for Volumes!

We also moved some items to be I/O items; Sound Emitter, Floating Text, Floating Dialogue, Hidden Seat, Aquarium Volume, and Sound Emitter are now I/O items (no unit cost).

Co-Op Condos
We’ve also implemented some fixes for bugs with co-op Condo building. These include fixes for Copycat, Connection Tool, and editing Notebooks. We also fixed drag-copy for I/O and grouped items.

We’ve made some improvements to Libretro support, too. These improvements include automatically positioning the camera for Arcade cabinets (allowing for easier play with controllers) and Fullscreen support. Fullscreen also comes with lightgun and touchscreen support!

You can also disable automatic save states and we’ve added hot keys for save states (F3, F4 keys).

God, this update is inconceivable! When’s it coming out?!
We are in the late stages of testing the update! We are resolving more issues with the Arcade physics rewrite but the majority of the other features mentioned are ready to go! So, as soon as possible. We’re really working as hard as we can to get this out to you all.

Future Update Progress
In any downtime we’ve had while working on the next update, we’ve been making progress on various features that will be implemented in future updates.

These include:

Minigolf SDK Progress
A lot of exciting progress has been made on the Minigolf Map editor. We’ve set up the settings menu and customization options for course pieces. We’ve finished up work on the loop size setting, base settings, wall variation and height settings, corner shape and magnitude settings, fill settings, the corner tool, path-curve tool, ramp settings, the half-pipe tool, and intersection tool.

Additionally, there have been some updates to I/O for Minigolf. These include the course pieces being considered I/O items, an Out of Bounds Volume, In Bounds Volume, a Friction Override Volume, Boost Volume, and a Putt Zone Override Volume.

We also have made progress on Pipes, Cannons, Launchers, and Camera Volumes.

The testing tools have also been completed and you can quickly test Minigolf courses by interacting with the start pad and it’ll automatically put you into a golfball.

Ball Race SDK Progress
For Ball Race SDK, progress has been made on Finish Goals, Finish Volume, Attractors/Repulsors, Bumpers, Boost Volume, and of course Melon pickups.

The testing tools have also been completed and the editor now can run custom Ball Race maps.

We plan to roll out both the Minigolf SDK and Ball Race SDK out at the same time after the update.

Transit Station Optimization and Art Pass
Along with Arcade Server Side Optimization, we’ve been working on optimizing the Plaza Train Station area as we found through profiling that it was impacting performance across the entire Plaza. Doing this required aggressive modeling work, which led to… a complete overhaul of the artwork of the transit station! Fans of Lobby 2 will be happy to know that the overhaul takes notes of the best parts of the transit station and the escalators actually work this time!

If you want to follow along with the update, check out the “Next Releases” section on our Trello.

June Calendar

Here is the Tower Unite calendar for June! If you’d like to give feedback on bonus events, please do so here!
That’s gonna do it for this Dev Update! Thanks for reading.
<3 PixelTail Games


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Take a peek at what's being worked on every week in our weekly dev logs! There's bound to be something interesting every week!

Please report bugs & submit suggestions on our forums. We're active everyday & here to help.
For bug reports:
For suggestions:

<3 PixelTail Games
Dungeons of Blood and Dream - lori vornoy
-teleporting bosses no longer teleport outside the map...
Nightingale - Inflexion Steph

Servers have been taken down for maintenance to push a hotfix. Offline Mode can still be played at this time, but the Online Mode will be unavailable until the update is complete.

This hotfix is to address:
  • A calculation bug on an item resulting in players being able to damage other players
  • Occasional crash when chopping trees
Thank you for your patience and for joining us on this journey!
ContractVille - Mr Cakir
We've listened to your feedback on Steam and Discord, and we've found and fixed the bugs you reported.
First of all, I would like to thank you, our community and players, for being so kind and understanding, and for helping us fix the bugs. You all make this game thrive and grow, so thank you!

If you want to revert to the previous version in any case, change your branch to old_public_0.0.2.2.

If you are having Resolution, Input or Crash problems, please don't forget to check the FAQ on our Discord channel.


Update Notes
  • 1) Added FOV settings.
  • 2) If you bought the wind turbine with a loan in the Office upgrade and it didn't arrive, the loan will be deleted and the money you paid will come back to you!
  • 3) The client skill load problem has been fixed. (If your skill points have been reset, they will come back to you unspent with the update!)
  • 4) The crash issue when placing the convex corner of the upper cabinet against walls has been fixed.
  • 5) Mission fame rewards have been fixed. (The average fame xp of the missions you have done so far will be paid to you with the update!)
  • 6) Fixed error that cause obstructing the progress of the stair placement objective on Sean's mission.
  • 7) Fixed an issue where players could not compress garbage bags in Level 2.
  • 8) The issue where purchases below the minimum loan limit triggered a loan instead of a cash purchase has been resolved.
  • 9) The issue where the loans displayed on the loan screen did not match the actual loans has been resolved.
  • 10) The issue where ambient lights did not respond to day events and turned on at night when their settings were changed has been resolved.
  • 11) Fixed the problem that "upgrade office" and "upgrade storage" interface names written as text in the task in office quest were not highlighted.
  • 12) Fixed the problem of vehicles showing as "None" in the vehicles tab under the company tab on the tablet and the error of the "Save to garage" option.
  • 13) Problem with the land property main goal progression has been fixed.
  • 14) Fixed tools clipping through walls.
  • 15) Fixed issue that some people encounter with key bindings.
  • 16) The furniture progress and finish sign on Parcel 2 have been fixed.
  • 17) The issue where the minimap overlaps with the pause menu and planner has been fixed.
  • 18) Fixed an issue that occurred while late joiner clients were playing the bus sequence.
  • 19) Fixed an issue where the design point of the current room would display incorrectly when other players changed the design point in another room.
  • 20) Fixed an issue where the stair locations would not accept stairs in some states.
  • 21) Fixed an issue where the furniture and electronic stores did not display luxury point numbers on the map description.
  • 22) Fixed an issue where the music player would sometimes play two different sounds when the back button was pressed.
  • 23) The miscalculation error in the paint wall percentage at Robert's house has been fixed.
  • 24) In the build mission, the objective won't be affected by stair placement.
  • 25) Number of decoration mission comments is now limited to 50.
  • 26) The issue with the unscrewable window in Scott's mission has been fixed.
  • 27) The issue with main goals not having values after Chapter 9 has been fixed.
  • 28) Plasterboard baseboard demolish sound VFX now works.
  • 29) The logistics timer now starts when you enter the logistics area with a vehicle.
  • 30) Compress machine level 1 can be started while player is inside.
  • 31) The issue with material selections not working in ceiling lamp customization has been fixed.
  • 32) The issue with undemolishable floor tiles has been resolved.
  • 33) The issue with lights not staying hidden in the office preview on the Office Upgrade Screen has been fixed.
  • 34) The issue where focus distance wasn't hidden with the "hide UI" button in photo mode has been fixed.
  • 35) The issue with lampshade customization material selections not working has been fixed.
  • 36) Pressing the "P" key no longer closes the screen while the storage rack naming screen is active.
  • 37) Michael's logistics mission screenshot has been fixed.
  • 38) The Barber's slow camera rotation speed has been fixed.
  • 38) Fixed some localization problem with german, chinese, japanese, turkish.
  • 39) Fixed quest activation sound volume.
  • 40) Siggo Glider trunk collision has been fixed.
  • 41) Fixed an issue where the time interval settings were not loading correctly.
  • 42) A time indicator has been added to the music player.
  • 43) Fixed an issue where interacting with the end marker in Scott's house would cause a crash.

If you experience problems again with the issues we said have been resolved here, please let us know and write what do you think and if there is anything you would like us to improve!
Hemos arreglado bugs en el gameplay y HEMOS NERFEADO A LOS ESQUELETOS
Archean - batcholi
This update will greatly improve performance for players using 4K monitors.

This is due to the addition of a second upscaling algorithm on top of DLSS, which will by default clamp the effective output resolution to 1440p equivalent and upscales to native resolution with a smart edge-detection sharpening filter.
This effectively boosts framerate by almost 2X when played at 4K with Medium graphics settings, without much noticeable impact on visual quality.
Of course it can be toggled.

This feature can also be used with lower resolution, by selecting Lower graphics presets or by using Custom graphics settings and selecting a specific Final Render Upscale.

When not set to Automatic, a value of 1 means no upscaling (off), and increasing this value will improve the framerate up to 4X at the expense of a little bit of blur. This can be adjusted to the user's preference so as to get their perfect framerate/quality ratio to their taste.

Using graphics presets High and Ultra will NOT take advantage of this feature.

Another addition useful for players with a 4K monitor is the ability to scale the entire UI.
This UI Scaling value can be set to a very precise value.

Both settings are found in Graphics Settings when pressing F1.

Full changelog:
  • Added a Final Render Upscale setting to greatly improve 4k performance with minimal impact on quality
  • Added a UI Scaling setting (great for 4k monitors)
  • Bugfix Crafter was still consuming items when cannot craft product because of missing fluid
  • Bugfix Buzzer in Blueprints would not save configured mode
  • Bugfix Crusher would always consume 10kw even when off
  • Bugfix Crusher would accumulate ore even when off
  • Bugfix CTD when connecting item junctions in weird ways looping onto each other
  • Bugfix SpotLight tracing shadow rays both in front and behind it causing unnecessary performance hit and some light leaks (this resulted in a gain of up to 20% in framerate in areas with lots of spotlights)
  • Fixed VehiclePhysicsSensor connector offset
  • Cleaned up old unused resources from renderer
  • Fixed typos
Simple CEO - Tony Madowl Games
  • Performance improvements
  • Graphics api fix

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