OMNIMUS - AngryGames

We received a lot of positive reviews about the Rorschach test in OMNIMUS, which very accurately reveals the identity of the reader, acting out the main character, and at the same time breaks the fourth wall a little. Also, some readers were saddened by the fact that they were not allowed to play chess with the girls.

Therefore, we decided to release a free add-on , which includes a set of three mini-games.
  1. Rorschach test
  2. Chess (you can choose an opponent - Kira or Becky)
  3. Problems of logic
Unfortunately, artificial intelligence in chess is not very smart, it does not know that castling can be done, and it does not always correctly determine the end of a game.
Utopia - DAX Entertainment

• [Update] - [Pyramide] World Wonder in [level 6] 3d model updated.
• [Update] - Some additional updates and optimizations

! [bugfix] - Grid visualization repaired
! [bugfix] - [City center], [Grain storage] and [Storage] now hide their numbers while behind of player
Freestyle 2: Street Basketball - [GM] Dime

Calling all Returnees!

This event is exclusively only for the Returnee Ballers!

Event Period: 11/01 00:00 (PDT) ~ 11/05 23:59 (PST)

Aside from the rewards for completing the 3.6.9 Missions, You will also have the chance to win Free Event GKash!

Here's How:

1. Login and complete the Returnee version of 3.6.9 Event.
(Only Ballers who didn't log-in for 60 days and more will have the 3.6.9 event screen in-game)

2. Screen capture the completed Mission.

3. Upload the saved screen capture to the forum.
Joycitygames Forum Page: {LINKKI POISTETTU}
Steam Discussion: {LINKKI POISTETTU}

Put this as title: [Event] Completed Knock-Knock to Returnees Web Event!

Follow this format:


Character name (Case Sensitive):

* Please write down your IGN correctly.

* After when the event ends, the mission completion will be checked and the users who did not finish the missions during the event period will be removed from the list.

*the Event reward will be sent during our 11/6 maintenance (the rewarding date may change)

Reward: 4,500 Event Gkash
Advisors at the End of the Universe - Drac32Drac
After several requests for it, Steam leaderboards have been added to AEU. There are now 6 leaderboards, one for each victory type(Domination, Diplomacy, Economy, Technology and Espionage) as well as one for general high scores. Expect these leaderboards to be reset a few times as AEU develops.

In addition, a random crash bug has been tracked down and fixed. If any more crashes are discovered, please report it so it can be found and fixed.

Finally, several tooltips with missing information have been fixed.
The Long Dark - hinterland_community
Hello community,

We’ve released hotfix 1.62 [55870]. With this release we’ve continued to address a number of issues specific to Episode Three as well as issues with the Crafting Menu, Wolf behaviors and numerous world art issues. If you encounter any issues while playing The Long Dark please visit our Support Portal.

To stay-up-to-date with news and information about The Long Dark and Hinterland, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Twitter (Game | Studio ).

If you have any other questions or are just curious to know more about the game, please also consider joining our weekly Milton Mailbag Q&A.


* Fixed an issue that caused Wolf pathfinding to become confused after a decoy was dropped in certain scenarios.
* Fixed the distance which Wolves can grab decoys.
* Added further checks to prevent Wolves from attacking players through objects.
* Fixed an issue that prevented players from dropping a decoy from the Radial Menu.
* Fixed animation popping during the Wolf Struggle Animation while holding a Revolver.
* Fixed Bears resetting to their dens after loading a save.
* Fixed an exploit that allowed players to craft arrows even if there was time remaining.


* General polish throughout the world.
* Added a third digit to imperial values to prevent rounding errors.
* Fixed missing shadows from Fridges.
* Fixed missing quantity when crafting.
* Fixed Tool Selection not appearing when crafting arrows.
* Fixed materials being consumed when cancelling crafting.
* Fixed flames disappearing on pre-placed fires after exiting and reloading the game.

Episode Three

* Polish pass through the episode.
* Survivor stats now displayed while passing time.
* Added map icon for Survivors dropped by the player.
* Fixed numerous areas the player could become stuck.
* Fixed being unable to place the third rescued Survivor in some scenarios.
* Gwen can no longer die after completing her mission.
* Fixed issue that caused players to be forced out of aim when attacked by a Timberwolf.
* Adjusted the size of Wade’s campfire.
* Adjusted the distance which Timberwolves will hold ground when the player is holding a lit Marine Flare.
* Fixed Timberwolves howling more than intended.
* Fixed Timberwolf corpses resetting after transitioning indoors.
* Fixed player position changing when exiting Diagnosis.
* Fixed incorrect location being displayed when viewing information on the Load Screen.


梅塔特隆 Metatron - 大一码DYM
v0.9.8.1 小更新
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Belfast is a state-of-the-art light cruiser used by the Royal Navy. This is the ship that is permanently moored near London’s Tower Bridge.

In our game, the Belfast became a premium rank IV ship in the Royal Navy tech tree. Technically, she is a town-class cruiser, just like the Southampton, a ship players will already be familiar with. However, the Belfast is slightly different from her – and for the better. For our game, we chose the iteration of the ship after her last significant modernisation during service. In 1959, the primary armament of the cruiser comprised of four triple 152mm cannons (12 in total) and four dual purpose 102mm cannons (8 in total).

In a nutshell, the Belfast truly is a phenomenal light cruiser representative in our game. This ship cannot be recommended enough to players – and not just for the purpose of researching new heavy rank V ships, which made their first appearance in update 1.93, but also simply for the fun factor alone, as the Belfast’s powerful armament, excellent defences against attacks from the air, and great armour make her a real toughie that far from every opponent can handle.

The Belfast is a legendary ship and contemporary London tourist attraction that has come to War Thunder in update 1.93. So keep calm and rule the waves!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!
Time Warpers - Kenzie
This update was all about implementing some of the top voted ideas from our Discord Ideas Channel.

Weapon Cube Timeline Settings

Timeline Settings now give bonus Weapon Cubes as well as bonus Time Cubes.

Once you've collected your first Weapon Cube, a message will appear in the Timeline Settings letting you know that the bonus applies to both Time Cubes & Weapon Cubes.

Link Preset to Soldier

You can now link the Drone & Turret Presets to the Soldier.
When linked, it automatically switches to the same preset number the Soldier is using.

Click Weapon Energy Research

This new Time Cube & Weapon Cube Research lets you increase the Click Weapon maximum energy from 100 up to 300.

Rainbow Waves

The Zone HP bar will change to a rainbow when fighting a Rainbow Wave of enemies.

Teleport to Player
Clicking on a player in the Live Leaderboard gives you the option of teleporting to the health station near that player.
So if you're on Zone 51 and click on a player in Zone 23, you'll be given the option to teleport Zone 21.
You won't be able to teleport to player's that are in a Zone you haven't unlocked on your current run.

Shoot Butterflies
In addition to manually collecting or using the Free Look Camera, you can now shoot Red, Blue & Rainbow butterflies to collect them.

Gold Butterflies
The Gold Butterfly calculation has been updated to include Gold Multipliers.
Previous formula: Zone Gold * 100
New formula: Zone Gold* 100 * Gold Multiplier (from Abilities, Perks, Research & Achievements)

Starting Gold Offset Boost
Starting Gold Offset Boost is now affected by Gold Multipliers (from Abilities, Research & Achievements).

Other Changes
- Weapon Cube Active Ability countdown shows Recharge Time rather than 1 Day when fully charged
- Fixed Pathfinding Error
- Changed Maximum Damage Research description to say Bonus Energy instead of Extra Energy

Halloween Event
One of the highlights was 96 players feeding the same pumpkin
https://imgur.com/a/2qOmOGB (Gif)
We spent the first half of October adding new features like Offline Candy & rebalancing based on player feedback.

The next Update will be on Sunday December 1.
Eternal Return - John Doe
Hello, this is GM_John Doe.
Today we are presenting the second records of most used weapons per character.

There are a few standards when choosing your starting weapon.
You can choose it depending on its power, or on the ingredients, it requires to make and their location.
Add also to that the weapon skills that change depending on the weapon chosen.
What do you look at when choosing your starting weapon?

So should we take a look at Fiora, Nadine and Magnus' most used weapons?


Fiora used Rapiers the most.
Can it be because it's a weapon that was added in the 3rd Alpha test?


Nadine used the Bow more than the Crossbow.
Like Aya, is it because of its fast attack speed and long-range?


Magnus used the Hammer the most.
Why can it be?

Here are the statistics about the most used weapon per character for this 3rd Alpha test.
Should we take a guess at which weapon will be most used for the 4th Alpha test?

I will come back with more interesting records in the next news.

Do not miss the next Alpha test or any BS:ER event by subscribing to our official calendar
(you can only subscribe and get notifications if you use the mobile version).

Your WISHLIST is a great strength for our DEVS.
Please recommend BS: ER to your friends. We will be having Beta tests coming sooner than you expect.

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive news from BS: ER.

In addition, you can get various news on our Discord Server, Twitter and Facebook.

'Survive' until next time!

Let there be glory to the pawn, who reached the end of the despair!
Reiko's Fragments - Reiko
Due to the number of players using our servers today, we had major connection issues with players unable to join and start games. To address the issues today, we are deploying a hotfix that increases the number of server instances.

This will disconnect current active sessions so you will need to restart the current game sessions. We hope this will resolve the issues we encountered today and prevent incidents like this from happening in the future. For Mobile / Web Browser players we suggest clearing your cookies to bring you back to ReikoVR.com login screen.

Thank you for your patience as we're working around the clock to make sure you all have the best experience possible!

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