Imagine Me - holliebuckets
Hey!! We wanted to share with you where we are at with the new random generation. Check out the YouTube video to see where we are headed. The video shows the random generation logic. Its not in game yet, but Chris will be working on that next! :D We can't wait to get it into the game and live for feedback! :D
Imagine Me - holliebuckets
Hey!! We wanted to share with you where we are at with the new random generation. Check out the YouTube video to see where we are headed. The video shows the random generation logic. Its not in game yet, but Chris will be working on that next! :D We can't wait to get it into the game and live for feedback! :D
31 MAY 2014
Pixel Boy and the Ever Expanding Dungeon - Nickervision
1.01 Patch Notes

These are the latest fixes and changes. Thanks to the community and everyone that has helped us find errors. If you find more or there are any inconsistencies please email us at

-Coins now give correct value, look out wall street.
-Anvil no longer charges when you have no armour.
-Astral power up nows works as intended.
-Fixed bug when leaving dungeon OTU’s would be lost.
-Fixed OTU’s giving proper power ups and labelled correctly (oh boy what a mess that was).
-You can now use ‘esc’ to exit controls menu (ironic).
-Fixed the ShieldSpin power up tossing most enemies around.
-Moby Richard crates in corners should no longer hoard your loot atop of them. (we are working on a more permanent fix for other objects as well).
-Treasure splash ceiling should be more accurate now. No floating treasure near the camera, taunting you with its inaccessibility.
-Shellshock, and Frank have had their trigger detections tweaked and fixed.
-Weird speed save/load problems in town resolved.
-Astral/Mirror crafting inconsistencies fixed.
-Heart of Gold store description has been updated.
-Heart of Gold unequip death should now be resolved (many hearts were broken).
-Shaman Shop Item price is now reflecting its intended cost.(more expensive, sorry to the mushroom exploit addicts, seriously though, you may need help).
-Enemy Treasure drop rates corrected.
-Boss treasure explosions amped up and increased slightly
-Added ability to sell power ups and OTUs for five coins at the merchant in the armour shop.
-Tutorial crucial ants should now be guaranteed to drop a key (oops).
-Planter in starting scene is now impenetrable, we hope.
-Indicator arrows added to Anvil + Health Shrine in safe room.
-Tons of love received by our Dev team from you

If errors you have already reported are not in this list, it does not mean we’re ignoring you, we are a small three person team, we are looking at everything that is sent to us, it can just take some time.

Thanks for all the support and patience
31 MAY 2014
Pixel Boy and the Ever Expanding Dungeon - Nickervision
1.01 Patch Notes

These are the latest fixes and changes. Thanks to the community and everyone that has helped us find errors. If you find more or there are any inconsistencies please email us at

-Coins now give correct value, look out wall street.
-Anvil no longer charges when you have no armour.
-Astral power up nows works as intended.
-Fixed bug when leaving dungeon OTU’s would be lost.
-Fixed OTU’s giving proper power ups and labelled correctly (oh boy what a mess that was).
-You can now use ‘esc’ to exit controls menu (ironic).
-Fixed the ShieldSpin power up tossing most enemies around.
-Moby Richard crates in corners should no longer hoard your loot atop of them. (we are working on a more permanent fix for other objects as well).
-Treasure splash ceiling should be more accurate now. No floating treasure near the camera, taunting you with its inaccessibility.
-Shellshock, and Frank have had their trigger detections tweaked and fixed.
-Weird speed save/load problems in town resolved.
-Astral/Mirror crafting inconsistencies fixed.
-Heart of Gold store description has been updated.
-Heart of Gold unequip death should now be resolved (many hearts were broken).
-Shaman Shop Item price is now reflecting its intended cost.(more expensive, sorry to the mushroom exploit addicts, seriously though, you may need help).
-Enemy Treasure drop rates corrected.
-Boss treasure explosions amped up and increased slightly
-Added ability to sell power ups and OTUs for five coins at the merchant in the armour shop.
-Tutorial crucial ants should now be guaranteed to drop a key (oops).
-Planter in starting scene is now impenetrable, we hope.
-Indicator arrows added to Anvil + Health Shrine in safe room.
-Tons of love received by our Dev team from you

If errors you have already reported are not in this list, it does not mean we’re ignoring you, we are a small three person team, we are looking at everything that is sent to us, it can just take some time.

Thanks for all the support and patience
Community Announcements - noms || Angry Engineers

Now Powered by Unreal Engine 4
We're extremely pleased to announce that Centration is now powered by the power of Unreal Engine 4

Over the past month, a lot of you may have been wondering why we've been so quiet and secretive about what we're doing with Centration, why there hasn't been any updates, why we haven't been releasing screenshots like crazy or doing the 'marketing' stuff a small game like Centration needs to stay afloat in the gaming industry.

This is because our entire team has been primarily focused on porting our game over from Unity 3D over to Unreal Engine 4, and we can now proudly say that we've more or less accomplished this - with staggering results, which involve a huge increase in framerate, graphics quality, feature quality, and gameplay content.

We're currently working on our previously mentioned goal - combat and health. This will be included in our next major update, which will be made with Unreal Engine 4's amazing technology.

For more information, please click this link:
31 MAY 2014
Community Announcements - [SignalStudios] ThexNinthxAngel
Patch #3 went live yesterday! Thank you all for your feedback!

Patch Notes:
  • Forge has been fixed and will now repair items 3600% faster both online and offline
  • Fixed issue with Ascended champions not reporting the correct stats
  • Fixed an issue with combo multiplier that was improperly calculating the amount of souls the player receives
  • Fixed crashes involving server queries and Level changes
  • Players can now use the mouse to click “Continue” to dismiss the daily blessing UI
  • Fixed UI collision issue that could potentially cause the player to sell the wrong item
  • General networking tweaks to improve stability

Thanks everyone! Keep letting us know your feedback, suggestions, and problems! It helps us improve the game!
Xenonauts - Goldhawk
We have now released Xenonauts V1.0 on the Stable branch, which marks the end of formal development for Xenonauts. This is effectively the final version of the game, minus any stability patches that may be required.

Official release and leaving Early Access for the game is in about two weeks (tentatively pencilled in as 16th June), but the remaining time is mostly going to be spent on sending out review copies, the PR around the launch, porting to Mac / Linux and getting the Kickstarter rewards sorted out etc.

We will continue to work on fixing any crashes / hangs encountered in the game, and any non-crash bugs that render the game unplayable in other ways.

We've fixed all the worst issues that appeared over the past few days of community testing, but as the game is 10-15+ hours for a playthrough we've obviously not been able to fully test the game internally after the last bunch of fixes. So there may still be some issues in the game - but if so, they'll be addressed in the next two weeks before the official release.

There have been a lot of changes made since the previous Stable version. The game has a much smoother difficulty curve, more information for new players, new line of sight mechanics, much improved AI and all sorts of finer polish.

The choice is therefore up to you whether you want to play the "final" version of the game now or whether you'd prefer to wait a couple of weeks to make sure any stability kinks have been ironed out. We'll make more of a song and dance about the release when it comes to the 16th, but I thought it was best to explain this update and make it available to anyone who did not want to wait that long!

Thanks for your patience and support over the past five years of development, it's been a long and difficult journey and I doubt we could have got so far without the all help from our community!

PS - if the update has broken your save games, you can access the legacy branch to continue your playthrough in the previous version. The instructions on how to do so can be found here.
Xenonauts - Goldhawk
We have now released Xenonauts V1.0 on the Stable branch, which marks the end of formal development for Xenonauts. This is effectively the final version of the game, minus any stability patches that may be required.

Official release and leaving Early Access for the game is in about two weeks (tentatively pencilled in as 16th June), but the remaining time is mostly going to be spent on sending out review copies, the PR around the launch, porting to Mac / Linux and getting the Kickstarter rewards sorted out etc.

We will continue to work on fixing any crashes / hangs encountered in the game, and any non-crash bugs that render the game unplayable in other ways.

We've fixed all the worst issues that appeared over the past few days of community testing, but as the game is 10-15+ hours for a playthrough we've obviously not been able to fully test the game internally after the last bunch of fixes. So there may still be some issues in the game - but if so, they'll be addressed in the next two weeks before the official release.

There have been a lot of changes made since the previous Stable version. The game has a much smoother difficulty curve, more information for new players, new line of sight mechanics, much improved AI and all sorts of finer polish.

The choice is therefore up to you whether you want to play the "final" version of the game now or whether you'd prefer to wait a couple of weeks to make sure any stability kinks have been ironed out. We'll make more of a song and dance about the release when it comes to the 16th, but I thought it was best to explain this update and make it available to anyone who did not want to wait that long!

Thanks for your patience and support over the past five years of development, it's been a long and difficult journey and I doubt we could have got so far without the all help from our community!

PS - if the update has broken your save games, you can access the legacy branch to continue your playthrough in the previous version. The instructions on how to do so can be found here.
Nuclear Throne - Rami
Update number twenty-nine brings you a ton of good stuff. First of all, three new weapons with beautiful placeholder art. The weapons are all relatively high level, but aren't giant ammo eaters like most in that category. The Smart Gun is a high rate of fire machinegun that automatically targets the enemy closest to the cursor, the Heavy Crossbow is a crossbow that uses two bolts to fire a double-damage, slower bolt, and the Blood Hammer is a melee weapon that causes Blood Explosions on impact, at the cost of absolutely no ammo!

Besides that, the Fire Salamanders and basic Guardians have been given sound effects, and gold and cursed weapons now have their very own colored outlines on the HUD. We did a bit of tweaking to the IDPD, Laser weapons and Portal cameras, made the game pause when you accidentally click outside of the window or Alt+Tab, fixed an ugly visual glitch where shadows were drawn outside of the level, and even found the time to balance energy weapons a bit and fix a dumb bug in the Flame weapons that allowed you to kill Big Dog in 2 seconds! And that doesn't even include the work that has been going on behind the scenes...

Anyway, we're curious as always to hear your thoughts! Enjoy.

  • The Smart Gun.
  • The Heavy Crossbow. This thing shoots what seems to be two bolts taped together... Very work in progress!
  • The Blood Hammer, causes Blood Explosions on impact.
  • Sound effects for the Fire Salamanders.
  • Sound effects for the basic Guardians.
  • Gold/cursed weapons now have colored outlines on the HUD.

  • IDPD now need to be within a certain range of you to throw grenades.
  • IDPD Grunts no longer spawn on chests after the caves.
  • Flame weapons have been nerfed a bit and should no longer be able to completely trash bosses.
  • Laser Cannon has a higher rate of fire.
  • Laser Pistols now have a slightly lower rate of fire.

  • Shadows are no longer drawn outside the level, several issues with this have been fixed.
  • HP can no longer go under 0, sorry Sharp Teeth Chicken users.
  • The Golden Hammer now draws properly in the HUD.
  • Some of the wall collisions have been reworked.

  • The game now pauses when unfocused!
  • The camera is now pulled less towards Portals.
  • Added a rare little visual joke to the Mimics.
  • A new tip for Rebel.
  • Palace ambience track has been updated.

Cool stuff from the community
We started with Ganil's figurines this week, and we'll do that again this week because wow, are those some fine figurines. We also found this animation pretty good, YouTube-user zqxinran posted their 100th video, Sleepcycles and Tengu Drop were mentioned in our talk on the process of making Nuclear Throne.

Forum Member Solid's Passive Challenge last week was won early by meow. This week, the challenge is named after the "Rami RNG".

Expect a bit more work on the Palace next week, and maaaaybe a start at reworking the Game Over screen. Things might get a bit more hectic as E3 closes in, so bear in mind that we might seem a little slow!
Nuclear Throne - Rami
Update number twenty-nine brings you a ton of good stuff. First of all, three new weapons with beautiful placeholder art. The weapons are all relatively high level, but aren't giant ammo eaters like most in that category. The Smart Gun is a high rate of fire machinegun that automatically targets the enemy closest to the cursor, the Heavy Crossbow is a crossbow that uses two bolts to fire a double-damage, slower bolt, and the Blood Hammer is a melee weapon that causes Blood Explosions on impact, at the cost of absolutely no ammo!

Besides that, the Fire Salamanders and basic Guardians have been given sound effects, and gold and cursed weapons now have their very own colored outlines on the HUD. We did a bit of tweaking to the IDPD, Laser weapons and Portal cameras, made the game pause when you accidentally click outside of the window or Alt+Tab, fixed an ugly visual glitch where shadows were drawn outside of the level, and even found the time to balance energy weapons a bit and fix a dumb bug in the Flame weapons that allowed you to kill Big Dog in 2 seconds! And that doesn't even include the work that has been going on behind the scenes...

Anyway, we're curious as always to hear your thoughts! Enjoy.

  • The Smart Gun.
  • The Heavy Crossbow. This thing shoots what seems to be two bolts taped together... Very work in progress!
  • The Blood Hammer, causes Blood Explosions on impact.
  • Sound effects for the Fire Salamanders.
  • Sound effects for the basic Guardians.
  • Gold/cursed weapons now have colored outlines on the HUD.

  • IDPD now need to be within a certain range of you to throw grenades.
  • IDPD Grunts no longer spawn on chests after the caves.
  • Flame weapons have been nerfed a bit and should no longer be able to completely trash bosses.
  • Laser Cannon has a higher rate of fire.
  • Laser Pistols now have a slightly lower rate of fire.

  • Shadows are no longer drawn outside the level, several issues with this have been fixed.
  • HP can no longer go under 0, sorry Sharp Teeth Chicken users.
  • The Golden Hammer now draws properly in the HUD.
  • Some of the wall collisions have been reworked.

  • The game now pauses when unfocused!
  • The camera is now pulled less towards Portals.
  • Added a rare little visual joke to the Mimics.
  • A new tip for Rebel.
  • Palace ambience track has been updated.

Cool stuff from the community
We started with Ganil's figurines this week, and we'll do that again this week because wow, are those some fine figurines. We also found this animation pretty good, YouTube-user zqxinran posted their 100th video, Sleepcycles and Tengu Drop were mentioned in our talk on the process of making Nuclear Throne.

Forum Member Solid's Passive Challenge last week was won early by meow. This week, the challenge is named after the "Rami RNG".

Expect a bit more work on the Palace next week, and maaaaybe a start at reworking the Game Over screen. Things might get a bit more hectic as E3 closes in, so bear in mind that we might seem a little slow!

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