Product Update - Valve
31 Thg10, 2012
Update 171822

- Prepared everything for Steam Workshop support.
- Added Bulgarian locale.
- Fixed a crash occuring on server if a client equips sledgehammer, climbs onto a ladder and disconnects while still on the ladder.
- Fixed a crash on dedicated server occuring in coin-op if a game ends with all players disconnected.
- Fixed another way to get out of map on Medina.
- Mirror reflections are now disabled at low GPU quality.
- More optimizations on OpenGL (GLSL) shaders.
- Glowing in menu is now disabled on OSX and Linux platforms, and on 'lowest' GPU quality preset.
- Updated fbx import-export interface to make it accessible from the model editor.
- SeriousEditor: Fixed crash when trying to solve solution which doesn't have lightmaps' dimensions of power of 2.
- SeriousEditor's file open dialog is now better at handling files with weird path formats (mixed slashes and backslashes, dot-dots...)
- Updated browser list control to display green checkered background for files without a catalog index.
- Voice chat now also works via OpenAL, if enabled via svm_bOpenALVoiceRecording. It is enabled by default on Linux, but disabled by default on OSX, because OpenAL recording is broken in most OSX versions.

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