Product Update - Valve
7 มี.ค. 2012

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed indy colonies from trying to add an already existing civilian
faction to a newly created colony through stimulus. (Caused a crash
during end turn)
+ Fixed a crash with declaring war on an independent
+ Fixed a crash when trying to add battleriders to platforms
+ Fixed a crash when simulating 2 AI vs AI combats involving battleriders
+ Fixed dronesats from crashing the game when trying to place them in
the defence widget
+ Fixed an SQL crash caused by improperly removing systems from a game
(when they are destroyed)
+ Fixed a crash when placing defence platforms
+ Fixed a hang when more then 1 combat took place
+ Fixed a crash when entering multiplayer games
+ Fixed a crash related to slaver encounters
+ Fixed the station sync crash in the fleet widget

Other Fixes:
+ Added AI cost assessment and picking for technologies
+ Added ability for AI to resume abandoned research projects
+ Enhanced AI research algorithms
+ Enabled UI for Special Research Projects
+ Hooked up Asteroid Monitor Special ProjectID
+ Hooked up Investigate independent Special project
+ Removed the poker chip system that combined 5 like items into 1.
+ Added additional trade from megafreighters, and an icon to represent
them in the trade view
+ Balanced freighter speeds
+ Increased visual ranges
+ Made target dish on the command monitor easier to see and hit
+ Added Pirates to randomized encounters
+ Added AI tech research strategies
+ Added the missing icon for building a mining station in the station
placement screen
+ Balanced Civilian and Naval Stations
+ Added Interceptor missiles
+ Removed waypoint arrows when specific stances are active
+ Added Indy races and Splinter factions
+ Rebalanced number of empty star systems
+ Improved zuul trade range
+ Build screen stats have been fixed and report correctly
+ Added mission times for boarding pods
+ Adjusted the number of slots available around planets for stations
+ Fixed modules not having a proper collision shape
+ Added the Comet randoms
+ Added a load screen after combat
+ Fixed a bug in the last capital standing end game rule that caused
players to be prematurely removed from the game
+ Added the ability to assimilate indy players by creating an alliance with them
+ Added an Indy button and diplomacy screen for managing diplomacy
between indy players
+ Fixed the Asteroid encounters to have the proper player avatar
+ Fixed some text width issues in the build screen related to cost
+ Dragging a ship into a fleet now selects the fleet after it has been moved
+ Tuned module deaths when they are blown off a ship
+ Added critical hits to space beasts
+ Added the combat manager button to the precombat popup
+ Tuned drone sats
+ Added a confirmation to the exit to main menu button
+ Ships destroyed by a boarding pod are now properly removed from their fleet.
+ Added death of crew if a ship breaks it's crews constraints
+ Fixed fleets not refreshing when being added in the fleet manager
+ Corrected the fleet times for missions
+ Fixed an issue where you could spam the ok button on the naming
dialog for an invoice and it would add extra empty invoices
+ Fixed feasibility studies to show 100% for techs you can definitely research
+ Tuned repair points for ships
+ Fixed an incorrect turn event for players that were being betrayed
(They were being labelled as the betrayer)
+ Fixed music from not changing if another cue was already playing
+ Fixed gms to only spawn for the number of gms picked in the game setup
+ Fixed the kill count for ships in the post combat screen
+ Fixed the human construction ships slowing down node travel significantly
+ Added Suicide Drones
+ Added Drain Drones
+ Added EW Drones
+ Clicking on news events now focus' on relevant system/colony
+ Rebellions now form splinter colonies if the rebellion is successful
+ Fixed infrastructure display value
+ Fixed the tech tree only displaying the cheapest path
+ Increased max length for fleet names
+ Changed colony stimulus to drop friendly indy colonies on
inhabitable planets - They are only negotiable when they have become
fully developed
+ Fixed an issue that caused encounters to become unhooked when naming
your player name the same as an encounter
+ Fixed indy colonies to simulate without starvation and support
(since they cannot have support)
+ Fixed the primary weapons being saved on your designs
+ Added turns remaining to build orders on the build button
+ Increased starmap label view range 20%
+ Fixed ships with structural fields not being able to be fully repaired
+ Fixed ships with structural fields not having full health when they
are created
+ Changed the slaves label to Deaths to represent the change in slaves
better on the colony summary
+ Added a mouseover to defence widget items
+ Fixed the AI from creating fleets that exceeded command point limits
+ Fixed a bug related to updating ships in the fleet manager
+ Fixed an issue with command points being calculated when moving
command ships (leviathan and cruiser commands)
+ Added color indication to defence items that require more cp then available
+ Added police cutters to defence manager
+ Added new art for defence platforms
+ Added new art for minefields
+ Police cutters are automatically added to defense fleets when they are built
+ Fixed the Vector3 Parse crash (a knock on from removing systems)
+ Fixed encounters from being properly removed when the system killer
destroys their homeworld.
+ Fixed repair points from not being rejuvinated each turn
+ Fixed invalid slot placements in the battle manager
+ Fixed morrigi sdbs not coming with drones
+ fixed jammers not working
+ Wraith abductors will now properly attack planets
+ Adjusted weapons for slaver ships
+ Fixed a typo in the encyclopedia
+ True grit is now a positive trait
+ Construction mission estimates are now correct for time and cost
+ Meteors now end combat early if they cannot hit a planet
+ Added splash screens for indy races
+ Fixed defence fleet from not showing up in the repair dialog and rider manager
+ Fixed weapon riders from showing up in the repair dialog

Known Issues:
- When loading an old saved game, the fleet mission times will display
incorrect number of turns until they start a new mission.
- Unable to target polygons on Morrigi monitors.

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