Product Update - Valve
10 Jun 2018

* Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Bonus movement speed reduced from +40 to +30
* Moon Shard: Night vision increased from 300/150 (base/consumed) to 400/200
* Refresher: Recipe cost reduced from 1800 to 1700
* Talisman of Evasion: Evasion reduced from 20% to 15%
* Talisman of Evasion: Cost reduced from 1450 to 1400
* Solar Crest: Base evasion reduced from 20% to 15% (active application is still 20%)

* Abaddon: Level 10 Talent increased from +20% XP to +25%
* Abaddon: Level 15 Talent increased from +60 Mist Coil Heal/Damage to +75
* Abaddon: Level 15 Talent increased from +6 Armor to +8

* Alchemist: Chemical Rage now applies a basic dispel on cast

* Ancient Apparition: Level 10 Talent increased from +60 Gold/Min to +90

* Anti-Mage: Base damage increased by 2

* Bane: Base damage reduced by 2
* Bane: Brain Sap manacost increased from 70/100/130/160 to 90/115/140/165

* Beastmaster: Base armor reduced by 2

* Bristleback: Viscous Nasal Goo now has a -2 base armor reduction

* Clinkz: Base armor increased by 1
* Clinkz: Strafe dodge now works against non-player units
* Clinkz: Strafe attack speed increased from 80/140/200/260 to 110/160/210/260

* Clockwerk: Base damage reduced by 4

* Crystal Maiden: Crystal Nova cooldown reduced from 12/11/10/9 to 11/10/9/8
* Crystal Maiden: Level 15 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to +150

* Dark Willow: Bramble Maze cooldown reduced from 40/35/30/25 to 34/31/28/25
* Dark Willow: Level 10 Talent increased from +20 Damage to +30

* Death Prophet: Exorcism spirit spawn interval increased from 0.3 to 0.35

* Disruptor: Thunder Strike cooldown increased from 15/13/11/9 to 18/15/12/9

* Earthshaker: Echo Slam now has 100 Initial Damage

* Enchantress: Nature's Attendants cooldown reduced from 45 to 35
* Enchantress: Enchant slow rescaled from 3/4/5/6 to 3.75/4.5/5.25/6

* Enigma: Demonic Conversion manacost reduced from 170 to 140/150/160/170
* Enigma: Demonic Conversion Eidolon HP regen increased from 0.25 to 4

* Gyrocopter: Level 15 Talent changed from +3 Flak Cannon Attacks to +0.5s Homing Missile Stun Duration
* Gyrocopter: Level 20 Talent reduced from +45 Movement Speed to +40

* Huskar: Level 25 Talent changed from 0 Inner Vitality Cooldown to Burning Spears Pure and Pierces Immunity
* Huskar: Level 25 Talent increased from +125 Attack Range to +150

* Invoker: Catacylsm max spread distance reduced from 220 to 200

* Io: Spirits damage reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 20/40/60/80
* Io: Tether movement speed reduced from 7/10/13/16 to 5/8/11/14%
* Io: Level 10 Talent reduced from +60 Damage to +45
* Io: Level 20 Talent reduced from +20 Health Regen to +15

* Juggernaut: Base armor increased by 1

* Keeper of the Light: Chakra Magic no longer has a 25/35/45/55 manacost

* Leshrac: Lightning Storm cast range reduced from 650/700/750/800 to 650

* Lich: Frost Blast attack slow increased from -20 to -30
* Lich: Frost Blast cooldown reduced from 8 to 7
* Lich: Level 10 Talent increased from +175 Health to +200

* Lycan: Feral Impulse damage reduced from 15/26/37/48% to 12/24/36/48%

* Magnus: Base strength increased by 1
* Magnus: Skewer slow increased from 2.5/2.75/3/3.25 to 3.25
* Magnus: Shockwave damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300

* Meepo: Base armor increased by 2

* Mirana: Level 25 Talent reduced from -80s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown to -75s

* Naga Siren: Song of the Siren manacost increased from 100/150/200 to 150/175/200

* Necrophos: Level 15 Talent increased from +16% Ghost Shroud Slow to +20%
* Necrophos: Level 25 Talent increased from -1.5s Death Pulse Cooldown to -2.5s
* Necrophos: Level 25 Talent increased from +0.6 heartstopper Aura to +0.8

* Night Stalker: Crippling Fear cooldown increased from 12 to 24/20/16/12
* Night Stalker: Void cooldown increased from 8 to 11/10/9/8

* Oracle: Fortune's End is no longer disjointable
* Oracle: Level 15 Talent increased from +90 Gold/Min to +120

* Pangolier: Fixed Rolling Thunder having no effect on units like Primal Split Brewlings and Ancients neutrals (still doesn't affect roshan)

* Phantom Assassin: Stifling Dagger slow rescaled from 1/2/3/4 seconds to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
* Phantom Assassin: Level 20 Talent improved from Double Strike Stifling Dagger to Triple Strike Stifling Dagger

* Phoenix: Supernova stun duration from 1.5/2/2.5 to 2/2.5/3.0

* Puck: Waning Rift silence duration increased from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to 1.5/2/2.5/3

* Pudge: Level 10 Talent changed from +5 Armor to +30% XP
* Pudge: Level 15 Talent changed from +75 Damage to +12% Rot Slow

* Riki: Base armor increased by 1
* Riki: Base damage increased by 4

* Sand King: Base damage reduced by 3
* Sand King: Caustic Finale slow reduced from 21/24/27/30% to 15/20/25/30%

* Shadow Shaman: Base intelligence increased by 2
* Shadow Shaman: Hex manacost reduced from 110/140/170/200 to 70/110/150/190
* Shadow Shaman: Level 15 Talent increased from -4s Hex Cooldown to -5s
* Shadow Shaman: Level 25 Talent reduced from +60 Wards Attack Damage to +50

* Silencer: Arcane Curse penalty duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds

* Sniper: Assassinate cast range increased from 2000/2500/3000 to 3000
* Sniper: Level 10 Talent changed from +15% Cooldown Reduction to +25%

* Spectre: Level 15 Talent increased from -8s Spectral Dagger Cooldown to -10s

* Spirit Breaker: Greater Bash disable duration increased from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6 to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8
* Spirit Breaker: Nether Strike damage reduced from 150/250/350 to 150/200/250
* Spirit Breaker: Level 10 Talent increased from +400 Night Vision to +600

* Sven: Storm Hammer Manacost reduced from 140 to 110/120/130/140

* Terrorblade: Agility gain increased from 3.2 to 3.7

* Tiny: Base movement speed increased from 280 to 285
* Tiny: Tree Throw splash damage increased from 130% to 150%
* Tiny: Grow Status Resistance increased from 20/30/40% to 30/40/50%

* Ursa: Overpower duration increased from 15 to 20
* Ursa: Level 20 Talent changed from +1s Enrage Duration to +1.5s

* Winter Wyvern: Base Intelligence increased by 2

* Wraith King: Mortal Strike skeletons now have 30% Magic Resistance
* Wraith King: Level 15 Talent increased from +25 Skeletons Attack Damage to +35

* Zeus: Lightning Bolt manacost increased from 75/95/115/135 to  90/105/120/135

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