- Valve
19 січ. 2010
King Arthur: Knights and Vassals DLC includes Briton Archers, Briton Cavalry, Saxon Knight, Welsh Pikemen, Sir Alymere and Sir Lucan.

King Arthur: Legendary Artifacts DLC includes the Sage Set (Staff of the Blind Hermit, Ring of the Blind Hermit and Cloak of the Blind Hermit), the Champion Set (Sword of Sir Marrick, Amulet of Sir Marrick and Plate of Sir Marrick) and the Warlord Set (Banner of Gorlois, Ring of Gorlois and Armour of Gorlois).

The two new DLCs may be purchased along with the base game in this pack King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame + Knights and Vassals + Legendary Artifacts DLC.

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