Product Update - Valve
15 พ.ย. 2013
Release Notes for 11/15/2013

- Reduced fade to black time to 0.3s to better hide enemy movement when playing with "mp_forcecamera 2".
- Buy Time now lasts the entire Warmup period.
- Fixed the Defuse Kit making a pickup sound that everyone could hear when walking over it.
- In official competitive mode players now accumulate end of round money even if they are disconnected at the moment when end of round money is awarded to their teammates.
- In official competitive mode players who disconnect from the game server while alive are treated as having committed suicide and don't receive end of round money for that round.


- Mirage improvements based on pro feedback
-- Raised skybox ceiling around T spawn
-- Rebuilt red building in T spawn to give more room for grenade throws
-- Fixed a bug where Ts could see into Bombsite A without exposing themselves
-- Added collision on tall box near CT stairs to prevent players getting onto it
-- Fixed a bug where a player could get onto boxes near ladder room alone
-- Added wider cover in mid, T side
-- Made CT sniper window in mid taller
-- Removed gaps where players could see through scaffolding in Bombsite A
-- Fixed various spots where you could see through crates in Bombsite A
-- Made it possible to shoot through a crate in Bombsite A
-- Smoothed out movement inside Palace
-- Added wider windows in Bombsite B apartment
-- Fixed a bug where a player could stand on the wall outside B apartment
-- Removed dark door underneath Bombsite B apartment
-- Added pretty flowers

- Nuke
-- Fixed invisible I-beam collision in hut/lobby

- Inferno
-- Made railings on balcony near Bombsite A and CT spawn easier to see through

- Fixed the overhead Freeze Time icons not updating frequently enough to catch certain equipment changes.
- Fixed the Freeze/Invuln Time color correction being wrong if the Invuln Time was shorter than the Freeze Time length.
- Fixed Achievement icons not appearing when it displayed Achievements earned in the previous round.
- Fixed map selection button becoming inactive when Workshop maps are being updated.
- Added Inventory error message when Steam cannot access your items.
- Added item image to Delete Item confirmation.
- Contracts
-- Fixed not auto-scrolling away from a blank item list.
-- Fixed being able to submit without signing.
-- Fixed signatures being offset from the mouse cursor.

- Reduced duration of red player damage effect.
- In GOTV the kill camera now orients so both the killer and victim are visible.
- Fixed spectator navtext no longer wrapping.

- Work in progress improvements to demoui & demoplayer:
-- Menus, Overview Map, Graphs, etc. now work when the demo is paused.
-- Improved seeking with less particle effect, sound, and HUD spew.
-- Demo Timescale slider now goes up to 10x.
-- Added buttons to directly set demo timescale to 1/4x, 1/2x, 1x, 2x, 4x speeds.
-- Fixed Stats Graph round columns not resetting correctly when rewinding a demo.
-- Removed demoui2.
- Fixed color of weapon names not matching the actual rarity of the weapon.

- Added server convar sv_matchend_drops_enabled for suppressing item drops at the end of tournament matches, play time is still accumulated by players and items will be awarded at the next opportunity.
- Using the game_round_end to force a specific winner now consistently increments the round number (you must still use the game_score entity to set the appropriate team score).
- Fixed a case where CT coaches would get locked into 3rd person.

- Cached inventory icons are regenerated if Texture/Shader Detail is increased using the Options menu.

- Updated the version of for Linux dedicated servers to require Glibc 2.11.
- Linux dedicated servers now upload core dumps out-of-process and more reliably.

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