Product Update - Valve
16 sierpnia 2013
CHANGES AND ADDITIONS [Classic and Disharmony versions]
- Improved the way fleet destructions are managed after a retreat
- Newbie difficulty level has been changed (adding a very easy mode to replace previous newbie level) where AI and pirates are clearly nerfed with restrictions:
+ AI cannot be more than one step ahead of you.
+ Pirates cannot spawn by themselves only events can trigger them whatever their level of difficulty is
+ No pirates option still totally deactivate pirates spawn
- Added a new galaxy shape in the settings: Galaxy Ring
- Game optimizations to make the game smoother, in order to lower the lag/slowdown/freeze:
+ All the AIs do their update process one after the other
+ Added some feedbacks to show the AIs that have finished their required process and are ready to end the turn
+ The order of AIs is randomly defined for each turn
+ Improve refresh score computation
+ Improve trade routes computation
+ Orders processors are delayed
+ The update of the frontiers in the galaxy view is spread
- Added End Game text if all empires are dead following a turn
- Modified probability for the different Planet Per System to be relevant regarding the localization
- Polish and Russian languages have been eventually integrated
- Golden Age can occur only one time on a system
- Golden Age triggers a narrative event
- Added 2 new effects for Tolerant trait:
CHANGES AND ADDITIONS [Disharmony version]
- We have rework on the ship design view according to the main feedback we got from community.
+You should be able to go back to previous level of modules now (note that the rule for one level only added in design is still up-to-date).
- Modified the level system of modules to fit with the incoming interface
- Weapons and defense balancing of several values (please go to for details)
- Modified Weights: removed WeightPercent, and revamp all the WeightFlat in consequences
- Changed abilityadventurer 02, 03, 08, 12 descriptions
- Removed collateral damage against improvement from Troops
- Lowered Land Invasion for Fighters
- Doubled Land Invasion for Bombers
- Moved Harmonize Planet tech from 7th circle to the 3rd
- Changed Bushido effects
- Increased cost of the Module to force player to use the Colonisation Hull
- Weight has been moved from 11 Weight to 3% Weight
- Changed Sheredyn Affinity: -50% Buyout Bonus become -33% Buyout Bonus
- Every affinity now has a base of 65 points for custom faction
- Master of Illusion is more expensive:
+ Level 1: 5 -> 10
+ Level 2: 10 -> 20
- Small 1 & Small 2: Hull Weakness increased from 100 to 300
- Medium 1 & Medium 2: Hull Weakness increased from 100 to 200
- Modified ShipClassMedium1Harmony Bonus: now affect DefenseModule instead of PointDefense
- Increased ShipClassColonizationSohpon on Civilian Module from 25% to 30%
- Increased Invasion Coefficient for Amoeba's Research from 1.0 to 1.2
- Added a Turn Cooldown for Easy mode
- Modified the deal matrice: Resources weighted 0.1 against System and now weights 0
- Removed WeightPercent and replaced them by Flat on Bomb and Scout Module
- Modified Armor Value: every module uses a percent now
- Modified the Invasion6: its bonus is applied on ship instead of fleet now
- A hero on a system under siege cannot be moved
- Fixed Lethal Modder: now give + 100 damage per salvo (divided up the number of shots)
- Moved Waiting Period of Cold War to 0 to fix a bug regarding cease fire
- Fixed: Defender player cannot join a manual battle if its opponent chose manual battle too
- Fixed: The system AI will queue the Amoeba "Resources Platform" in a counter-productive manner
- Fixed: The Amoeba specific "Resources Platform" star system improvement does not update the trade route bonuses
- Fixed: [Disharmony] Client receives an assert after selecting "Raze" on approximately half of the systems
- Fixed: [Disharmony] The game application uses the default mouse cursor graphic (The problem could still occur on Mac)
- Fixed an issue on Silic Soil
- Fixed an issue: some design had still level 2 kinetic at start
- Fixed an issue on Kinetic2SRHissho
- Fixed: Playing Harmony at Slow game speed you lose 2 populations after 1st turn even with enough food
- Fixed: Modded planets were not integrated correctly
- Fixed: Dusty sensors was brainwave sensor
- Fixed a bug regarding prerequisite checks (ship design)
- Fixed an issue where the approval status of the empire (and the owned systems) were not refreshed after the colonization of a new system
- Fixed: Sheredyn Integrity: declaring war on Sheredyn broke their contracts
- Fixed: Some icons level 1 were using level 4 ones
- Fixed a bug on the module thumbnails in the ship design view (weight and MP were not multiplied by quantity)
- Fixed: Colony ship that cannot be built is not greyed out
- Fixed a bug on the Small2Terran
- Fixed a bug on Adaptive Strategy
- Fixed: Constructing colony ships does not consume population upon completion
- Fixed: The game application reverts to the default mouse cursor graphic
- Fixed: Game remains stuck on end turn if the user selects to continue after winning the game
- Fixed: The user remains stuck after selecting manual combat for two battles in the same time
- Fixed: Formation & Targeting override themselves in case there is multiple battle report
- Fixed: Before completed colonization through a system, the use of a colony ship to settle the system was freezing the growth endlessly
- Fixed bug on Endless Facility linked to Academy Hero Cap
- Removed an option which wasn't working for Endless Facility random event (x0 turn for next hero arrival)
- Fixed: 100% success land invasion fails with no report
- Fixed: Cannot invade - Misleading tooltip due to Ally already invading
- Fixed: Sometimes, other players’ ships are invisible when orbiting a system
- Fixed: Tooltips flicker on and off a lot more especially during other fleet movement
- Fixed: The Horatio Coms and Archidux hull effects are not functional
- Fixed: The Craver predator hull effects are not functional
- Fixed: The title remains unresponsive each time the user quits to desktop on Mac
- Fixed: The Craver High-Tolerance Reactors empire improvement bonus is not displayed in the empire wide factors
- Fixed: The "Revenge" faction trait is reffering to fleet MP instead of Invasion power
- Fixed: Graphical issues are present in galaxy view when starting a 2nd session
- Fixed: Friends' games filter remains active if the user checks it and the presses Cancel button
- Fixed: The battle report generates an assert when trying to display the tooltip of a ship destroyed after a retreat
- Fixed: The ship icons do not faded when the player does not have enough population on the star system to build them
- Fixed: The ongoing number of turns in a Cease Fire deal is not shown correctly for ally members
- Fixed: Assert received when the player is exiting the game using the right mouse button
- Fixed: "The Legendary Wreck Analyzed" event does not grant the experience to ships in the hangar
- Fixed: The rings of the Harvester large hull ship of the Automatons Faction remain floating in space after the ship has exploded during manual combat
- Fixed: One of the Pilgrim paladin hull effects does not properly apply its bonus
- Fixed: The offensive retreat made the fleet flee after a battle even if it was countered during the encounter

- Changed Nano Repair: bonus divided by 2
- Changed Armor: remove +X% Max Health added to Armor
- Fixed several issues concerning tooltip descriptions
- Fixed: No loss of population on a fully populated system
- Fixed bug on Door to Infinity effect + FX
- Fixed: Fleet sorting does not work properly

- [AI] Allowed to run the AI with some cooldown turn (2 turns in newbie in order to weaken the AI)
- [AI] Fixed several issues when AI proceeds to an invasion
- [AI] Fixed: Too many Scout Fleets are built
- [AI] Fixed: Pirate has no invasion modules
- [AI] Allowed the AI to attack while moving to target
- [AI] Refactored the "Is the ship exploration ready" method
- [AI] Fixed: attack are not fulfilled in military power
- Modified EmpireImprovementUniqueHissho2 and added a descriptor EmpireImprovementUniqueHissho2Hidden to correctly feedback the effect
- Changed FID bonus of Bushido invasion from 15% to 20%
- Changed duration of Bushido battle to 15 and Bushido invasion to 10
- Increased the battle performances of the fighters and bombers
- Increased the industry cost of the medium and large hulls
- Increased the industry cost of the different defences linked to strategic resources
- Increased the industry cost of the different weapons linked to strategic resources
- Increased the Command Point bonus of coordinated fleet (MaxFleetSize1) from 2 to 3
- Reduced the Command Point bonus of C3 SYSTEMS (MaxFleetSize2) from 2 per class unlocked to 1 per class unlocked
- Added two variations of COORDINATED FLEETS: COORDINATED FLEETS II (MaxFleetSize5) and COORDINATED FLEETS III (MaxFleetSize6) in the warfare tech tree, each one giving +2 Command Points
- Modified the loss of Approval from Hellgourds from -25 to -30
- Tolerant trait changes:
+ Lvl1 new effect - 8% growth per colonized planet until required tech as Harmony
+ Lvl2 new effect - 4% growth per colonized planet unitl required tech as Harmony
- Removed Titanium 70 prerequisites on Flak1
- Added Hexaferrum prerequisites on Deflector2
- Lower Military Power for a smoother progression
- Harmony hulls: Replaced Freeze Growth by Slow Growth => -100% positive growth to -50% positive growth
- Moved Colonial Base effect from StarSystemImprovementDescriptor to PlanetDescriptor
- Added a default RepairModuleRate: 20% on ally territory and 10% everywhere else
- Removed all bonus affecting module Cost and replaced them by new one: mainly the same but affecting weight
- Capped BuyoutBonus to 10%
- ShipClassLarge1Sower: effect now uses tonnage instead of industry cost
- Changed Nano Repair: bonus divided by 2
- Changed Armor: remove +X% Max Health added to Armor
- Trick shooter achievement should unlock itself properly now
- Increased anti-aircraft defence: instead of being flat value it's now a bonus per Population
- AntiAircraft1 : 150 -> 150 / Pop
- AntiAircraft2 : 250 -> 250 / Pop
- AntiAircraft3 : 400 -> 400 / Pop
- [MAC ISSUE] Fixed the freeze/crash after a manual battle with a retreat
- Fixed some technologies related issues
- Fixed several issues concerning tool-tip descriptions
- Fixed: Razing a system can prevent a planet to be colonized
- Fixed: Playing as Harmony a colonization ship reset max pop of a planet to 1
- Fixed: No loss of population on a fully populated system
- Fixed an issue where an assert is received when the player uses the "Raze system" on all of his star systems. Modified Victory conditions, to let one turn pass before the death of a player is triggered, if he razed a system
- Fixed: Colonial base bonus is applied each time the user razes and colonizes a system
- Fixed: Crashes when deleting a ship design
- Fixed: Fleet sorting does not work properly
- Fixed: NullReferenceException when displaying the purification tech's tool-tip
- Fixed: Plasma Raze Grid and Contamination Barriers require Industry in order to be built on system
- Fixed: Resources aren't lost after razing a system
- Fixed: Got an assert if inside system view of a system I'll raze next turn following end of turn
- Fixed: Resources aren't displayed as missing when a system is under blockade
- Fixed issue on Sower affinity: only 25% of industry were converted instead of 33%
- Fixed bug on Door to Infinity effect + FX
- AI was not using its first scout to explore anymore and thus was not colonizing properly
- AI was passive and did not attack when it was supposed to

- Fixed an issue with the fleet sorting buttons on the military view.
- Fixed several issues concerning tooltip descriptions.

- Increased the battle performances of the fighters and bombers.
- Increased the industry cost of the medium and large hulls:
+ 120=>160
+ 500 =>800
- Increased the industry cost of the different defenses linked to strategic resources:
+ 4=>8
+ 14 =>16
+ 28=>36
+ 40=>48
- Increased the industry cost of the different weapons linked to strategic resources:
+ 4=>8
+ 14 =>16
+ 28=>36
+ 40=>48
- Increased the Command Point bonus of COORDINATED FLEETS (MaxFleetSize1) from 2 to 3.
- Reduced the Command Point bonus of C3 SYSTEMS (MaxFleetSize2) from 2 per class unlocked to 1 per class unlocked.
- Added two variations of COORDINATED FLEETS : COORDINATED FLEETS II (MaxFleetSize5) and COORDINATED FLEETS III (MaxFleetSize6) in the warfare tech tree, each one giving +2 Command Points.
- Modified the loss of Approval from Hellgourds from -25 to -40.
- Modified some technology descriptions.
- Fixed several issues when AI proceeds to an invasion.
- Fixed an issue with Automaton and Harmony ships causing various visual glitches in the 3D battle.
- Fixed an issue where the Xenology technology wasn't connected to the Relativistic Economics technology when playing a custom faction with the Sheredyn Affinity and the Eternal War faction trait.
- Fixed an issue with the Sheredyn Affinity where the Xenology technology was not unlockable for a custom faction.
- Fixed several issues concerning tooltip descriptions.
- Fixed several issues of French and German localizations.

The Classic and Disharmony versions now have the same version number.
- Increased cost of Hellgourds from -5 to -2
- Fixed a bug where a freeze occurs when creating a MP game without having the Disharmony content.
- Fixed a bug where Emperor faction was not available for everyone
- Fixed a bug on Emperor Affinity: -50% Buyout wasn't working
- Fixed a bug where hull affinity for the Large Automaton was disabled
- Fixed an assert received when the enemy AI executed a land invasion
- Fixed an assert caused by the "Power Convergence" battle action
- Fixed a bug where the CP label in the fleet lines displayed the value of MP + Invasion MP
- Fixed a UI bug regarding the module drop lists
- Fixed an issue where resource icon was marked as unavailable when a hull is full
- Cleaning on English texts and completing the French localization

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