Product Update - Valve
2013 年 7 月 16 日
FROM: Project Lead
TO: Beta Users
UNIT: Arma 3 Beta
ACTIVITY: Game Update: 0.72 (Interface layout options, Steam invites, Fatigue feedback, Fixathon)
SIZE: ~885 MB


Added: Ability to set starting time of Defend Kamino (MP)
Firing Drills: Automatic reload and resupply added upon restart (for lazy Mr. Endstar)
Firing Drills: Now using symbology on selector targets
Firing Drills: Ability to immediately quit at the end of CoFs added
Firing Drills: CoF Green - updated to reflect changed magazines for sidearm
Firing Drills: Times of day tweaked to match new Stratis configuration
Firing Drills: Use of color was inconsistent for non-medal times
Firing Drills: Restarting within a CP would leave the IGUI element active
Firing Drills: Medal icon sometimes shown using Training rules
Firing Drills: Added audio cue when going over the next medal time
Firing Drills: Conversations all switched to radio again
Showcase time of day tweaks to match Stratis sunrise configuration
Showcase SCUBA now uses Titan launchers instead of RPG-42
"Interface Layout" configuration tool added to Game Options
Added: More heads to select from in user profile
Interface clock control replaced with an improved version in map, editor, briefings and tasks
AI icons in role assignment screen are not deformed anymore<
Fixed: Cargo cannot take control from commander
Gunner and driver of class "Car" and its children now use optics to detect targets
Tweaked collision damage to vehicles. They now should be a bit more resistant, mostly at lower speeds.
Tweaking of wheels and suspension of both APCs (floating in air)
Adjusted agility of helicopters
Added parachutes to light helicopters
Passengers of all helicopters are now able to eject and paradrop
Added cargo parachutes for supports
Fixed: It is no longer possible to get directly from flatbed / cargo space to cabin of Trucks and vice versa
Adjusted radius of Zamak's destroyed wheels
Zamak now has the correct wheels destroyed (by shooting)
Doors of Mi-48 are closed by default now
Fixed getting in UH-80 as pilot for more players simultaneously
Gunners of UH-80 should be able to switch seats
Added day camouflage variant of Ghost Hawk
Weapons of CH-49 cargo no longer stick out of the roof
Tweaked hit points of the CH-49 Mohawk
Disabled levitation of the Strider's wheels
Fixed glass on doors of Ifrit
Green faction assault boat has its own texture
Green faction has its SDV now
Marid's crew should now abandon vehicle when all steerable wheels are gone
Fixed: Marid should have correct names of weapons
Fixed: Path to sounds of Speedboat
Speedboat's water friction has been tweaked
Engines of armed Strider hit points now have correct names
Fixed: AMV map icon was too small
Fixed: HEMTT exhaust right next to passenger head
HEMTT now has correct destruction of cargo part
Fixed: HEMTT windshield destruction
Fixed: HEMTT various descruction issues
Adjusted AH-9 missile burst for AI
Basic collimator optics should have the same zeroing
Iron sights of SOS optics now have correct zeroing
Tweaked basic setting of the direction of grenade throws
Fire mode switches are now animated for most weapons
GM6 rate of fire has been adjusted
Katiba variants are back
Flares light intensity tweaked
Changed magazine for Green faction pistol in equipment
Aiming of the ACP-C2 has been adjusted
ACP-C2 uses .45 magazines
Fixed: ACP-C2 and Vermin should have sound suppressors for .45 ACP ammo (class muzzle_snds_acp)
Improved ASRAAM behavior
Tweaked recoils for Scorpion and Vermin
Fixed: OPFOR Recon should have their weapons back
Fixed: Tweaked dispersion of mortar shells
Fixed: PCML and RPG-42 use unguided missiles
Careless AI are no longer stuck in prone after crawling under an obstacle
Parachuting soldiers are not sad anymore (death pose removed)
Adjusted vulnerability of character heads
OPFOR helmet heads-up displays retracted
OPFOR recon units inventory loadouts changed to match their BLUFOR recon counterparts
Weight and capacity of all uniforms, vests and bags overhauled into one logical, balanced and gradually scaling norm, where bags of the same type and / or purpose should share corresponding values with minor side unique differences.
Fixed: OPFOR Recon inventory loadout
Adjusted Stratis' world coordinates (affects time of day effects)
Fixed: No units on certain Sites
Animal Sites enabled
Animal Sites generation reworked into a function
Animal Sites MP support added
Changed: Minefield Site now rotates all mines in the direction of the Site module
Fixed: Support type no longer available without any usable providers (Supports module)
Fixed: Script error messages caused by Supports module (
Added: Dialog for custom init code for virtual providers in Supports module
Added: Dialog for custom supply crate init code for supply drop in Supports module
Added: Custom HQ parameter for Support Requester module
Added: HQ now informs you if you have new supports available (when using the Supports module). You can disable these reports by using BIS_SUPP_reportNewSupports = false;
Added: "Create diary record" module now allows adding a briefing entry to sides of synchronized units and to all playable units (the same options as "Create task" module have). This should simplify MP mission configuration.
Added: Module for setting a group callsign, can be found in "Group Modifiers" category.
Fixed: Units created BIS_fnc_spawnGroup were in the wrong order and of incorrect ranks.
Added: "Headquarters" module, assigning HQ speaker with specific callsign for the given side.
Added: Scripted event handler "ticketsExhausted" is now called when number of respawn tickets reaches 0.
Fixed: Error messages when placing certain modules without input parameters
Suffocating PP effects disabled for animals
Fixed: Error in BIS_fnc_arrayShift (
BIS_fnc_endMission is now terminated when trying to trigger a good ending over a bad one
Apart from "Synchronized Units" and "Groups of synchronize units", the "Create Task" module now offers new options - "Sides of synchronized units" and "All playable units"
Entering Splendid Camera while in vehicle optics resulted in NVG / TI modes being black
Removed: Ambient Combat module. It was a simple port from Arma 2 and it wasn't maintained anymore.
Fix: respawnDelay entry was ignored when defined as a string, not as a number
No more infinite clicking if space is held to skip titlecards or establishing shots
No longer possible to press buttons other than Space and Esc while titlecards or establishing shots are playing
Added: Respawn templates expanded by ability to define side specific templates using new description.ext params: respawnTemplatesWest, respawnTemplatesEast, respawnTemplatesGuer and respawnTemplatesCiv. When not found for player's side, existing respawnTemplates param is used instead.
Added: In CfgFunctions, 'forced' entry allowed designer to execute a function on mission start, before units are initialized. The entry is now renamed to 'preInit', and new entry 'postInit' provides option to execute the function right after objects were initialized.
Config definition parameter (_this select 7) in advanced hint function removed. No need for it anymore, function checks all config files now.
Notifications now support independent definition of picture color and picture text color
Introduced several variants (5 up from 1) of glass shard effects for destructible glass based on size and shape of windows
Fixed: Selections of windows on airport control tower
Fixed: Missing radio protocol sentence for Helicopter Attack "chopper destroyed" event
Fixed: Mortar sound reload spectral edited

ACP-C2 now uses 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag magazine and a new muzzle_snds_acp sound suppressor
Vermin SMG now uses 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 and 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_tracer_green magazines and a new muzzle_snds_acp sound suppressor
Green faction has received its SDV with class I_SDV_01_F
Green faction has received its Supply create with class I_supplyCrate_F

Support for Steam friend invites / joins
Added: Wind synchronization in MP
Disabled loading screen when switching closing map
Switching weapon modes doesn't require two key presses when the weapon info IGUI is hidden anymore
AI use Thermal Imagery to detect enemy when available
Removed warp when reloading in 3D optics
Improved thread synchronization of object drawing
Recognition of damaged part of body has been improved
Fix and slight optimization of detection of Simul Weather optimization
Fixed: Brightness of nearby objects in the first frame after map display is closed
Fixed: Items disappearing during inventory operations
Fixed: Unable to take weapons from non-local containers
Fixed: MP: Unable to throw grenades after taking vest from ground
Fixed: Magazine not being removed for other clients if a player loads it directly into their gun
Fixed: When player tries to place a vest or uniform into a backpack from the ground, target backpack will be copied and stored on the ground
Fixed: Headgear no longer displayed after leaving a multiplayer game
Fixed: Players could not access vehicles that cannot move
Fixed: Helicopters don't wait with another burst of CounterMeasures
Fixed: Helicopter collective ascent / descent rates were not consistent among devices
Fixed: GET IN waypoint - AI went for wrong seats in the helicopters
Fixed: Icons and text outside of valid area in combo boxes, added ST_NO_RECT style support
Fixed: Text alignment support for map icons
Added: Scripting commands for tree interface control
Fixed: Command enableEnvironment to toggle off all ambient wildlife
Fixed: setAmmo command description
Fixed: AI turn limitation while aiming

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