Product Update - Valve
2012년 3월 21일

** Changes will likely break old save games. **

Critical Fixes:
+ All known crashes related to fleet lists and drag-drop have been fixed.
+ Fixed a diplomacy point generation crash.
+ Fixed a crash related to improper battle rider cleanup after combat.
+ Fixed issues where weapon banks were being misidentified. These
changes will break some existing games.
+ Fixed a pirate encounter related crash and lockup.
+ Fixed a crash related to adding ships to a fleet.

Other Fixes:
+ AI players now have personal preferences when researching.
+ Rider placement in Rider Manager screen fixed.
+ Fixed a bug where new admirals were being assigned to fleets in deep space.
+ Salvage odds now take correct ships and races into account.
+ Volume slider now affects GUI sounds as well.
+ Fixed issue that was having impact on screen transition times.
+ Recent combat effects no longer show up on systems outside sensor range.
+ Save games now recall initial encounter and GM settings.
+ Increased morale penalty associated with raising taxes.
+ Fixed an issue where civilian populations were not resuming growth
after recent combat.
+ Cancelled missions now return fleets immediately if possible.
+ Fixed issues related to constructing mining stations.
+ Added support missions.
+ Fixed a number of minor visual glitches in UI appearance.
+ Hardened Structures now behave correctly.
+ Fixed an issue where battle riders were not assignable in the battle
rider manager.
+ Fixed incorrect production cost display for prototyped designs.
+ Fleets outside of sensor range can no longer be selected.
+ Added missing animations to Zuul Immersion content. This was
preventing certain weapons from functioning.
+ All budget pie charts are now buttons that transition to the Empire Summary.
+ Fixed the loophole allowing feasibility studies to be skipped.
+ Icons are now clearly visible for deployed gates on the star map.
+ Fixed all known instances of Human AI players slow-boating fleets.
+ Encounters tuned.
+ Kalvenic Torpedos tweaked.
+ Intertial Cannon (standard and heavy) added. Each shot will slow
down target properly.

Additions and Changes
+ Interception missions are now available.
+ New drone and assault shuttle designs are now selectable on carriers.
+ Grav Cannon added.
+ Tar Baby COL added.
+ Cry Baby COL added.
+ Thud Missile added.
+ Leech Rounds added.
+ Improvements to VN encounters made.

Known Issues:
- Fixes to game data will likely break existing save games.

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