Product Update - Valve
Added the ability to cut down trees while matchmaking - counting towards the community goal.
The Miss You More Quest in the Path of the Rogue has been changed to:
Purchase Solar Crest before the game timer reaches 22:00 / 18:00 / 14:00.
The Pure Magic Quest in the Path of the Spellbinder has had the time duration for achieving the max count of damage instances increased from 5 to 10 seconds.
Fixed many outdated Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade tooltips.
New Section added to Battle Pass Rewards page to track Level Up Rewards
Improved ward targeting at the ward spot above Roshan.
Starting with the next voting round, arcana vote results will be hidden while in calibration until enough votes have been made.
River vials now last 15 minutes.
You can now override an existing river vial with a stronger one.
River vials get consumed only on expiration if they lasted the full 15 minutes. (They do not get consumed if they are overriden by a stronger vial)
Fixed Weekly challenge achievements' Level 2 and Level 3 progress bar.
Fixed some sounds playing at the map origin instead of at cast position
Fixed recent regressions in some custom game script APIs.
Allow -cursor_scale_percent to scale the cursor smaller than the Windows cursor size

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