Product Update - Valve
5 юли 2012

==> Adding a new map : « Mecklenburg ».
==> Adding a new game mode : « Conquest ». Seven maps will be available for this mode, including « Mecklenburg », which can be played both against humans or AI.
==> Adapting two more actual maps for the « Siege » mode : « Hold until relieved » & « None shall pass ».
==> New game lobby interface (multi & skirmish).
==> Better visibility of the number of people in the ranked games.
==> Major tuning patch (see below).


==> Fixing a bug causing a crash when a game host leave the lobby.
==> Fixing a bug causing a crash when using custom flares.
==> Fixing some rare bugs (when a command unit of the edge of a zone is forced to move into another, when loading infantry under fire into a transport, during some solo campaign’s briefings, …).
==> Fixing a graphic bug on map « Mlada Boleslav » (solo campaign) & « Open Range » / « Duel Field » (multi). Therefore the patch’s weight …



=> All flamethrowers are now restricted to direct fire. It means they need a LOS on target to fire.
=> All flamethrowers are now able to auto fire.
=> Aiming time for all flamethrowers decreased.

=> Aiming time for all ATGM decreased.
=> Fire range for all ATGM have been increased of +175m, except for both M47 Dragon.

• PACT :

=> 23mm ammunitions loadout for the Soviet ZSU-23-4V Shilka & NVA FlaKPz Shilka decreased from 4.000 to 2.000 rounds.
=> Fire range of the ZSU-23-4V Shilka increased from 1.575m to 1.750m.
=> Accuracy of the ZSU-23-4V Shilka increased from 3 to 4.

=> Fire range of the ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka increased from 1.575m to 1.750m.
=> Accuracy of the ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka increased from 4 to 5.

=> Fire range of the ZSU-23-4M2 Biryusa increased from 1.575m to 1.925m.

=> Replacing the actual (NATO ) rocket pods of the MI-2URN with a correct 16-rockets S-5 57mm pod.

=> Accuracy of the FJB-40’s Strela-2 increased from 4 to 8 (on par with the SAS & Rangers’ Redeyes).

=> Accuracy of the MT-LB Strela-10 increased from 4 to 6
=> Aiming time of the MT-LB Strela-10 decreased.

=> Price of the Soviet BRDM-2 Malyutka-M & NVA SPW-40P2 Malyutka-M decreased from $35 to $30.
=> Price of the Soviet BRDM-2 Malyutka-P & NVA SPW-40P2 Malyutka-P decreased from $45 to $40.

=> Price of the Soviet BM-21 Grad & NVA MFRW BM-21 decreased from $80 to $70.
=> Price of the CSLA RM-70 & NVA MFRW RM-70 decreased from $150 to $130.

=> Fire range of the obsolete 85mm gun of the Polish T-34/85M1 & NVA KPz T-34/85 decreased from 1.925 to 1.500m.

=> Fire range of the obsolete 76,2mm gun of the Soviet PT-76B & NVA SpPz PT-76B decreased from 1.925 to 1.500m.
=> Price of the Soviet PT-76B & NVA SpPz PT-76B decreased from 30$ to 25$.

=> Fire range of the obsolete 76,2mm gun of the Soviet PT-71 decreased from 1.925 to 1.500m.
=> Price of the Soviet PT-71 decreased from 35$ to 30$.

=> Fire range of the following MBT’s main gun increased from 1.925m to 2.100m :
* T-62M-V
* T-64A & T-64B
* T-72A

=> The following ATGMs' AP value is increased :
* Falanga from AP 10 to 12.
* Fleyta from AP 10 to 12.
* Malyutka from AP 10 to 11.
* Malyutka-M from AP 10 to 11.
* Malyutka-P from AP 10 to 12.
* Bastion from AP 10 to 12.
* Sheksna from AP 10 to 12.
* Kobra from AP 11 to 13.
* Svir from AP 11 to 14.
* Refleks from AP 11 to 15.
* Fagot from AP 10 to 11.
* Konkurs from AP 10 to 12.
* Konkurs-M from AP 11 to 14.
* Kokon from AP 11 to 14.
* Ataka V from AP 11 to 14.

• NATO :

=> Fire range of the US M109 decreased from 18.200m to 14.000m (does not affect the Bundeswehr variant).
=> Price of the US M109 decreased from $50 to $40 (does not affect the Bundeswehr variant).

=> Size of the British FV102 Striker changed from "Small" to "Normal".
=> Speed and maniability of the SwingFire increased.

=> Price of the French MILAN F2 team increased from $20 to $25.

=> Price of the German Panzergrenadiers decreased from 35$ to 30$.

=> Blindicide (German Jäger)’s caliber changed to 83mm (no gameplay effect, just a realistical change ).

=> Availability of the US M132 Zippo increased from 8 to 12.

=> Stabilizer of the US MBT-70 changed from "None" to "Bad".

=> Price of the German SPz 11-2 Kurz decreased from $35 to $30.

=> Speed of the British Saracen increased from 65km/h to 70km/h.

=> Price of the US V-150 90mm decreased from $50 to $45.

=> Speed of the British FV432 Rarden increased from 45km/h to 50km/h.

=> Replacing the Marder 1A3’s actual MILAN F1 with a MILAN F2.

=> Price of the US ATGM jeep M151A2 I-TOW increased from $25 to $30.

=> Price of the French ATGM team MILAN F1 increased from $15 to $20.
=> Price of the French ATGM team MILAN F2 increased from $20 to $25.

=> Price of the US ATGM team M47 Dragon decreased from $15 to $10.
=> Price of the US ATGM team M47 Dragon II decreased from $20 to $15.

=> Fire range of the following MBT’s main gun increased from 1.925m to 2.100m :
* Leopard 1A4 & Leopard 1A5
* Chieftain Mk.10
* M1 Abrams & IPM1 Abrams
* M8 AGS
* AMX-30B Valorisé & AMX-30B2
* M60A3 Patton & Super M60

=> The following ATGMs' AP value is increased :
* Shillelagh from AP 10 à 11.
* Shillelagh-C from AP 10 à 12.
* TOW from AP 10 à 12.
* I-TOW from AP 11 à 14.
* TOW 2 from AP 12 à 15.
* HOT 1 from AP 11 à 13.
* HOT 2 from AP 12 à 15.
* MILAN F1 from AP 10 à 12.
* MILAN F2 from AP 12 à 15.
* Swingfire from AP 11 à 13.
* SS-11 from AP 10 à 12.
* Hellfire from AP 13 à 16.

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