雀皇麻雀 - 3275437117



Workplace Fantasy - HappyCreator
1.Add test languages Indonesian and Polish.
2.Fix errors in Turkish.
Delve Into Pawssion - DMQuetzalli
This patch features the following!

New Avatar (Class): The Seducer
+ Magic stats and Skills on debuffs and changing enemy behavior
+ Unlock Skills by gaining affection with characters
+ Unlock Skills by seducing monsters and asking them to follow you. The monsters won't be in your party, but rather you'll get a Skill based on the monsters that were recruited.

This Avatar is still under testing and you may find some bugs or balance issues. Please do let me know what you think, feedback is important to make this Avatar as polished as possible!
Note: I'm aware that the characters will refer you as the default name "Quetzalli" rather than the name selected by the player, will fix it in future patches.

Added a Lore Menu
Unlocked after reaching certain part in the game ,you'll find a lot of information regarding the story and characters!

Note: you can access and see a lot of info, but some of the characters data is still incomplete, it will be updated in new patches!

Improved Dashing
Hold Left Mouse button to run, it should be more responsive than in the past versions.

Thank you for supporting, let me know what you think!

Idol Showdown - retro
- New streamer rotation has been added, where P1 will be locked and spectators will be rotated through P2 regardless of win/loss
- Fixed bug where lobby ready was not being registered on host side
- Fixed bug where in game clock would disappear
- Change role now handled on lobby host side, preventing two spectators swapping into P2 at the same time
- Optimized how packets are received on the client end
卡牌迷境(CARD QUEST) - 猫事多游戏工作室
Dear Adventurer, this is the Wonderland Frontliner~ Long time no see! Let's welcome the upcoming October New Product Festival with an excited heart. This time, our cyber cat-raising project "Card Wonderland" is also going to participate!

The project team has been working non-stop to prepare for this New Product Festival version, hoping to bring more high-quality game content to adventurers.

During this New Product Festival, we will launch a new spicy and exciting challenge in the wonderland. The teleportation portal to the wonderland is being prepared. We look forward to meeting you again in this dream to write the latest chapter of adventure together.

Microsoft Allegiance - BackTrak
A new core: AC_16 from Weed and the Gang!

Retro Booster more burn time (0.00075 burn rate, was 0.001)

Heavy Scouts (turret removed)
TF: 800 ammo (from 600), Fuel = 7 (from 6) CM = 6 (from 5)
Rix: Fuel = 7 (from 6), CM = 6 (from 5)
OH: 800 ammo (from 1000)

All missile loading heavy scouts = 30 (from 20)
6 Dumbfire / 6 Seeker / 7 Quickfire / 6 Zeus

Enh Carriers HP armor class = utility (from heavy)
Enh Carriers HP = 3500 (5000 was the previous value)
Standard Carrier has 2000 HP for comparison


LRM Hunter 1 lock time = 1.5 (from 1.75)
LRM Hunter 2 lock time = 1.25
LRM Hunter 3 lock time = 1 (from 0.75)


Ripcord 1 Development = 1.1 (from 1.15)
Ripcord 2 Development = 1.1 (from 1.15)

Enhanced Fighter ripcord = 8.5 (from 8)

Hvy Booster on rate = 0.5 (from 1)
Hvy Booster sig% in use = 2 (from 1.5)
Thrust amount = 1350 (from 2000, Booster 3=900)


Troop Transport development and ship = deleted

HTT development requires Adv Expansion
All faction HTT cost = 15000 (from 10000)
Belter HTT cost = 10000 (from 5000) Belt did cost 6250 now will cost 12500
SRM EMP development requires Adv Expansion
EW AntiShield Cannon requires Adv Expansion
GT Armor Plated HTT development requires Adv Exp and Research and HTT

PE/PW Emp Cannon cost = 2500 (from 5000)

PW Damage = 0.95 (from 0.85)
PW Range = 1.1 (from 1.25)
EW Range = 1.1 (from 1.25)
He3 Speed = 0.75 (from 1)

This is a slight nerf to slow the economy, having fast research times.


PW Hammer 1/2/3 ammo use per shot = 7 (from 8)
PW Hammer 1/2/3 dispersion = 0.001 (from 0.01)

Fighter Bomber ammo = 720 (from 300)

New Fighter model, less flat
New Interceptor model, less flat

[R] Rescue Drone development cost = 2500 (from 5000)

Hvy Plas Gen and Plas Gen rotation = 120 (from 360)
It will take an extra split second for the drone to acquire the target
unlike before instantly firing.

New int model, wingpods moved closer to cockpit.

Added new TF Miner model.
Added new TF Constructor model.
Added new TF Bomber / Gunship / HTT model (Ramaglor).
Fish - GamGoo
We would like to inform you of the changes to the probability and exchange quantity for the recently added "Exchange" content.

  • Existing probability and quantity

    [Green Common]
    Quantity: 1 regular Fish (25%)
    Quantity: 2 regular Fish (50%)
    Quantity: 3 regular Fish (25%)

    Quantity: 5 regular Fish (50%)
    Quantity: 6 regular Fish (30%)
    Quantity: 7 regular Fish (15%)
    Quantity: 8 regular Fish (5%)
  • Revised probability and quantity

    [Green Common]
    Quantity: 1 regular Fish (50%)
    Quantity: 2 regular Fish (50%)

    Quantity: 3 regular Fish (50%)
    Quantity: 4 regular Fish (40%)
    Quantity: 5 regular Fish (10%)

The reasons for the changes are as follows. This is to prevent the value of fish from gradually decreasing due to excessive demand for "Fish" through Merge content.
Crop and Claw - Dinoleaf
As of 2024-09-29, formally pushing the v1.12 patch.

  • Field menu's Quit option now exits to title screen instead of closing the game.

This is a small quality of life feature to make save-scumming easier as Crop and Claw's balance is goofy. This is somewhat experimental and could lead to bugs, so report any strange occurrences where ever you see fit or on the Discord at https://discord.gg/D3ttpCkmyk

For players who've done everything and for some reason want to keep playing, you can enable the debug menu by running the game with the parameter `--uuddlrlrba`. As part of this update, MN_NO_XP was added to the debug menu to disable XP gain for a L1 run. I have no idea if the game is actually possible to beat at L1, but you sure can try.

ダンジョン人狼 - dev_steam
ZombieSquad Playtest - =NF_Doomed=
Various Stamina system tweaks Client side movement Improvements
fixed bug where client could jump and cheese the stamina system for free stamina
detail work on N base
new guns.

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