Mazzle is a straightforward and surprisingly difficult celebration of the simple beauty of maze and jigsaw puzzles.
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3 gebruikersrecensies - Meer gebruikersrecensies nodig om score te genereren
25 jun 2024

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Over dit spel

Mazzle is a straightforward and surprisingly difficult celebration of the simple beauty of maze and jigsaw puzzles.

In this game, you need to skillfully move the puzzle pieces, find their corresponding places, and harmoniously connect the colorful parts of the maze to complete it. After that, you need to guide a small ball through the maze, collecting planets to unlock the portal to the next level, which is usually located at the other end of the maze.

Use the mouse to move puzzle pieces and the keyboard (WASD or arrow keys) to navigate through the different mazes.

In Mazzle:

• 50 levels
• 5 kinds of labyrinths
• Colorful space art
• Simple controls
• Calm music

Informatie over door AI gegenereerde inhoud

Zo omschrijven de ontwikkelaars hoe hun spel AI gebruikt om inhoud te genereren:

The backgrounds images pre-rendered AI art


    • Besturingssysteem *: Windows 7, Vista, 8, 8.1, 10, 11
    • Processor: Intel or AMD 2 GHz
    • Geheugen: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: Intel HD Graphics, AMD Radeon Graphics, NVIDIA GeForce
    • Opslagruimte: 750 MB beschikbare ruimte
    • Geluidskaart: Any
    • Besturingssysteem *: Windows 7, Vista, 8, 8.1, 10, 11
    • Processor: Intel or AMD 2.4 Ghz
    • Geheugen: 3 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: Intel HD Graphics, AMD Radeon Graphics, NVIDIA GeForce
    • Opslagruimte: 750 MB beschikbare ruimte
    • Geluidskaart: Any
* Vanaf 1 januari 2024 ondersteunt de Steam-client alleen Windows 10 en latere versies.

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