Metroidvania dungeon crawler about Death & Grief full of puzzles, secrets & challenges. Inspired by old GameBoy Color games with Retro Pixel Art Aesthetics but with challenging boss fights & Lore-Rich
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1 Feb 2022

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Beli Kharon's Crypt - Even Death May Die

Beli Kharon's Crypt & Soundtrack

Terdiri dari 2 item: Kharon's Crypt - Even Death May Die, Kharon's Crypt - Even Death May Die - Soundtrack



“Few games take retro graphics as far as Kharon's Crypt”

“It's an impressive game with some great pixel art animation”

Tentang Game Ini

Kharon's Crypt is an eerie metroidvania dungeon crawler game full of puzzles, riddles and deadly challenges, and graphics designed to follow the aesthetics of the beloved Game Boy Color. In Kharon's Crypt, you'll be playing as Kharon (a being thought to be death itself) in his mission to escape from the crypt where he had been sealed by a deranged king that wanted to elude death.

As Kharon, your abilities are flying, going through physical objects, and stun your enemies. To defeat your opponents and escape from the crypt, you'll need to steal the bodies of your enemies by possessing them. You'll be able to fly in a bat's body, fight from inside a skeleton, or even use a mimic's abilities to help yourself hide.

Do you have what it takes to escape from the crypt and compel the Deranged King to meet his fate?


  • You can possess all exanimates (enemies)

  • Each exanimate has unique properties: bats can fly, skeletons can open locks...

  • Multiple items with different powers and abilities

  • Near 100 collectable Necronomicon pages full of lore

  • Metroidvania world design

  • Dozens of mysteries, side quets and puzzles

  • And more than 11 challenging Boss Fights!

Colorblind-Friendly Design
Kharon's Crypt has been designed taking into account three types of color blindness –protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia– in order to make the game more accessible.

Persyaratan Sistem

SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10
    • Prosesor: 1.8 GHz
    • Memori: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafis: 256MB
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.
    • OS: Proton 8.05 is compatible. If you can run other games on Steam, it's probably OK
    • Prosesor: 1.8 GHz
    • Memori: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafis: 256MB
    • Catatan Tambahan: Proton 8.05 is compatible. Debian package. You may need to install a controller compatibility package like ximput.

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