Scythe transports you to an alternate reality in 1920s Europa, one ravaged by the First World War. Take up the role of leader by assuming command of one of 5 factions, and set out to conquer the coveted "Factory". Lead your mechs to war and your people to victory!
Recenzii recente:
În mare parte pozitive (12) - 75% din cele 12 recenzii ale utilizatorilor din ultimele 30 zile sunt pozitive.
Toate recenziile:
Foarte pozitive (2,956) - 90% din cele 2,956 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
5 sept. 2018

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Cumpără Scythe: Digital Edition

Cumpără Scythe - Collection Bundle SET (?)

Include 2 produse: Scythe: Digital Edition, Scythe: Digital Edition - Invaders from Afar

Cumpără Knights Bundle SET (?)

Include 2 produse: Scythe: Digital Edition, Death Roads: Tournament



“Evocative, clever and rewarding”
PC Gamer

“Runner-up Golden Geek Best Board Game App 2018”
Board Game Geek

“Scythe (...) is truly a brilliant 4X game.”
Rubber Chicken Games

Despre acest joc

In an alternate reality in 1920s Europa, it's been several years since the "Great War", but the ashes of the conflict are still hot and the war is entering a new phase. The first conflict saw the emergence of some incredible engines of war known as Mechs.

Built by "The Factory", an independent city-state which has since become the object of everyone's desire, these technological monstrosities roam the snowy landscapes of Europa.
Be the hero of one of the five factions – Saxony Empire, Crimean Khanate, Rusviet Union, Polania Republic or Nordic Kingdom – and become the richest and most powerful nation in all of Europa during these dark times! To assure the victory of your people, you will need to explore and conquer new territories, enlist new recruits and deploy your forces by building formidable and terrifying combat Mechs. Replay history in a fictional past full of mechanical engines and technology, where each choice you make will be critical. Choose your battles with care, because in Scythe, victory is achieved with and for the people!

  • Asymmetry: every player starts the game with different resources (energy, coins, keen combat sense, popularity…), a different starting location and a secret objective. The starting positions are specifically set to contribute to the uniqueness of every faction and the asymmetrical nature of the game.
  • Strategy: Scythe offers players almost complete control over their fate. The only elements of chance apart from each player's individual secrete objective card are the Encounter cards, which players draw to interact with the citizens of newly explored lands. Combat is also handled by way of choice; no luck or chance is involved.
  • Engine Building: Players can improve their construction abilities to become more efficient, build structures that improve their position on the map, enlist new recruits into their faction, activate mechs to dissuade opponents from invading and expand their borders to reap greater types and quantities of resources. This aspect creates a feeling of energy and progression over the course of the entire game. The order in which players get to develop their economy and technologies adds to the unique feel of every game, even when playing as the same faction several times.

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO *: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
    • Procesor: Dual Core 3.0 GHz
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: DirectX 11 class GPU with 1024MB VRAM
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Stocare: 2 GB spațiu disponibil
    • SO *: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.
    • SO: Sierra (10.11 and +)
    • Procesor: 1.4 GHz
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Intel HD Graphics 5000
    • Stocare: 2 GB spațiu disponibil

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