Iris Odyssey is a text-based adventure game. In the heart of Shibuya, an orphaned girl searching for her family and a magical crime investigator are brought together by fate. Their journey will challenge them and spark a battle against unimaginable forces. A modern fantasy adventure begins.
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Planned Release Date: 2025

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About This Game

Note: The English version of the game is currently in preparation. Please stay tuned for updates!

What is Iris Odyssey?

Iris Odyssey is a classic text-based adventure game set in modern-day Shibuya. The story follows Fuka, a "girl searching for her brother," and Iris, a "crime investigator with magical powers," as they embark on an adventure filled with heartfelt encounters. The game features choices that players can make, which will unlock new story elements as the narrative progresses.


Fuka, an orphaned girl living in Shibuya, is searching for her only family member, her missing brother Mitsuba. Along her journey, she awakens to her hidden magical powers. Meanwhile, Iris, a seasoned magic investigator, is pursuing a criminal organization of rogue sorcerers known as the Skyseekers. Her investigation leads her to take an interest in this brother and sister duo, who appear to be connected to the group.

As Fuka and Iris grow closer, they come to share a bond like family. Will this bond be enough to shatter the conspiracy that awaits them? Join Fuka and Iris in a modern fantasy adventure filled with destiny, intrigue, and magic in the opening chapter of Iris Odyssey!

System Requirements

    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS: windows 11
    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
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