Space-themed action and skill game.
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Release Date:
Jul 3, 2024

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About This Game

It's a time of space conquest. Colonies spread throughout the Solar System.

The colony on Mars, governed by a central computer, was considered the safest in the system. However, successive murders by police robots and other terrible events jeopardize life in the colony—the central processor has gone mad.

A rescue ship is heading to Mars, initiating Operation RED ALERT.

You must collect and teleport all the inhabitants of the underground colony on Mars.

To collect the colonists, position your ship behind the colony house, and a loading indicator will show when the colonists are on board.

Once the colonists are on the ship, you must take them to the teleporter. Simply position yourself in the center of the teleporter, and they will be teleported automatically.

To advance to the next level, you must teleport all the colonists, except for the final level where you will have to defeat the boss drone.


• We control a small spaceship constantly battling gravity and inertia.
◦ The ship can propel itself upward and sideways. Vertical thrust prevents falling due to gravity, while lateral thrusters counteract inertia.
◦ The main mechanic is to land carefully on designated platforms and avoid crashing into the cave walls.
◦ Keys: Cursor arrows.
• Shoot at enemies and obstacles you encounter.
◦ There are 2 shooting modes, single and double.
◦ Keys: Spacebar and Enter key.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows
    • Memory: 2 MB RAM
    • OS: Windows
    • Memory: 2 MB RAM
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