Sub Rosa is a multiplayer first-person shooter about tense deals, double-crosses, and the occasional high-speed car chase.
Análises recentes:
Muito negativas (14) - 14% das 14 análises de utilizadores nos últimos 30 dias são positivas.
Todas as análises:
Praticamente positivas (2,808) - 71% das 2,808 análises de utilizadores sobre este jogo são positivas.
Data de lançamento:
25 mar. 2021

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Produto com Acesso Antecipado

Obtém já acesso e começa a jogar; participa no desenvolvimento deste jogo.

Atenção: Jogos de Acesso Antecipado não estão completos e não é garantido que sejam alterados no futuro. Se não estás confiante neste jogo no estado atual, recomendamos que esperes até que o desenvolvimento avance mais um pouco Fica a saber mais

Atenção: a última atualização deste jogo foi lançada há mais de 3 anos. As informações e o roteiro de desenvolvimento descritos aqui pelos developers podem estar desatualizados.
O que os criadores do jogo têm a dizer:

Porquê Acesso Antecipado?

"Sub Rosa is an experimental online multiplayer FPS with a focus on orchestrating deals and coordinating a team of players to increase their wealth and perceived status in the game. This requires a great deal of iteration and testing with how a growing numbers of players understand and react to the possibilities laid out before them in Sub Rosa. Early Access gives an opportunity to tinker with many facets of the game in an attempt to better the experience for everyone."

Aproximadamente durante quanto tempo vai este produto estar em Acesso Antecipado?

"Sub Rosa is unique in that the game has been in Early Access for years now, albeit hidden from the store and relying on word of mouth to build a small but motivated community of fans around the world. Currently the game is planned to remain in a public Early Access period indefinitely until The Management Team deem it final and their work complete."

Qual vai ser a diferença entre a versão final e a versão de Acesso Antecipado?

"Sub Rosa will likely expand with new modes of play and actions for players to do within the game world while the city and elements within continue to be refined."

Qual é o estado atual da versão de Acesso Antecipado?

"The game currently has the core mechanics in place and several game modes to select from in a multiplayer environment including World Mode, Round Mode, and Eliminator Mode."

O jogo vai ter preços diferentes durante e depois do Acesso Antecipado?

"There has been no final determination in price or a price increase by The Management Team at this time."

Como estão a planear incluir a comunidade durante o processo de desenvolvimento?

"The community will be consulted for technical and gameplay bugs but the direction of the game design will be at the sole discretion of The Management Team. Suggestions on gameplay mechanics, game modes, and specific additions to the game will be ignored wholesale."
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Acerca deste jogo

Sub Rosa is a multiplayer first-person shooter about tense deals, double-crosses, and the occasional high-speed car chase. The game is currently in an extended and indefinite Early Access period so please do not purchase Sub Rosa without watching gameplay or doing a modest amount of research into the game. P


World Mode

Multiple corporations vie for money and power by taking control of different colored disks through clean trades or bloody acquisitions. Both cash and disks are immensely valuable and allow players to purchase guns, cars, equipment, and clothing that may contribute to their company’s success. Smooth transactions and smart business practices with others can eventually lead to riches while a quick trigger and a steady aim can get you there faster as long as you're the one still standing.

Round Mode

Similar to World Mode, each corporation is pitted against one another in a round-based variant of World Mode that goes through a five day work week and the cumulative money of a corporation over those days determines its standing at the end of the round week.

Eliminator Mode

One player is secretly assigned as the Eliminator and is tasked with killing the player assigned as the Savior. While the Savior does not initially know their role, another player that is assigned the role of the Protector is given this knowledge and the ability to periodically track the Savior which allows them to meet up and communicate the Saviors' importance to them. All remaining players (and the Savior) will see themselves as assigned the role of Civilians and must work together to either avoid the Eliminator for the duration of the round or take down the Eliminator with a grenade.

Descrição de conteúdo adulto

Descrição do conteúdo fornecida pelos developers:

Shooting with slight blood.

Requisitos do Sistema

SteamOS + Linux
    • Sistema Operativo *: Windows XP or later
    • Processador: Passmark CPU 1000 or better
    • Memória: 2 GB de RAM
    • Placa gráfica: Passmark GPU 200 or better with OpenGL 2.0 support
    • Espaço no disco: Requer 10 MB de espaço livre
* A partir de 1 de janeiro de 2024, a aplicação Steam irá apenas funcionar no Windows 10 e em versões mais recentes.
    • Processador: Passmark CPU 1000 or better
    • Memória: 2 GB de RAM
    • Placa gráfica: Passmark GPU 200 or better with OpenGL 2.0 support
    • Espaço no disco: Requer 10 MB de espaço livre

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