Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)

It’s late o’clock in Britainland, so forgive this being a shortie of a post but… well, as the headline says, really. The lovely Rayman Origins, which made all the right people cheer over on console, is due on PC on March 29, but a demo unexpectedly arrived earlier today. Go get (the demo link is over on the right of the page that links to), and hopefully understand why John and I are absolutely delighted to see this mega-cheerful, visually inventive platformer find its way to PC.


Thanks, Drew C.>

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)

Analogue: A Hate Story, the latest game from Digital: A Love Story and Don’t Take It Personally, Babe creator Christine Love, came out a few weeks back. I’ve finally been able to sit down and explore this dark, sad detective story set on a ghost ship from the 25th century. Here’s what I discovered.>


I like the art style/don’t care either way/won’t let my dislike of it stand in the way of finding out more about an interesting videogame.

I will not play a game that has that art style.


Feb 29, 2012
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)


One of the many problems with games publishers continuing to give exclusive early game reveals to magazines is that the vast majority of the world’s gaming populace ends up basing its initial opinions of the game on hurried summaries and blurry scanned screenshots on forums. The lure of the free advertising in newsagents that a game magazine cover constitutes, even in this day of catastrophically low print sales, is too hard to resist, I guess.

So here we are hearing, via forumy types sharing info from the latest edition of German mag Gamestar, that Sim City 5 is happening at long last, and is presumably the Maxis game set to be revealed at GDC next week. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Craig Pearson)

Why do jets look sad to me?Precocious, pondering, prattish younger me used to stand in game shops holding Jane’s Combat Simulation games, marveling at the heft of the box, the grandeur of the screens, imagining Jane at her desk, making a game and being so proud she’d put her name to it. I was stupid. Now I know better: Jane is the second name of military enthusiast Fred T. Jane, and he died in 1916. He didn’t make those games, although given that they were basically manuals made into gaming form, with his love of detailing military hardware he’d probably have enjoyed their elegant air battles and cockpit rendering. As for the latest incarnation, Jane’s Advanced Strike Fighters, being released a full decade after the last one, I’m pondering how he’d react. The video below looks fun, sure, but I’m sensing developers Evolved GamesTrickstar have taken a bit of a diversion around realism. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

The only type of strategy I like! Grids!

The ex-BioWare bods, Stoic, with their offices in a goat shed have released a trailer for the intriguing The Banner Saga. Revealing the traditional animation style, as well as the ye-olde-school grid-based turn-based combat, along with RPG-like dialogue options, it gives you an idea of the tone being aimed at, if not how it will feel to play. We’ve also got some rather lovely screenshots that we’ll even let you look at. If you’re good.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

Bad pixels! Die pixels!

Serial demaker, Eric Ruth, has a new game out. And it’s not an IP-threatening pixellation of someone else’s game this time. It’s Corril Slayer, a Castlevania/Mega Man-style side-scrolling shooter for only $3. There’s a trailer below, which reveals some truly awesome dialogue.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

Wow, i can't wait to play that.Could the Game Of Thrones MMO being about breeding?> I ask because of this: “Bigpoint’s design goal is to capture the show’s compelling drama and action and create a visceral gaming experience via an unprecedented level of visual fidelity. The bloodthirsty struggle for power, corruption, and deception will persist. To ensure survival of their dynasty, players must master combat and politics.” Because, you know, that’s not all> you need to do to ensure survival of your dynasty, is it? I mean there are> certainly other aspects to it, which I personally have been pursuing for years… Anyway. Probably not, eh? No.

The game will be browser-based, so we’re speculating F2P, the website is up here, and that’s the first image up above. Not all that inspiring, but the only way is up, eh? More on this will be coming out of GDC, apparently. So that’s good.

Feb 29, 2012
1000 Amps - (John Walker)

You have to believe me that there's more to it than appears.

What can I do to convince you to play 1000 Amps? The unenigmatic screenshots of black and white levels made of dull tiles are not going to do it. That you’ve never heard of it, nor its developer, Brandon Brizzi’s The Odd Man Out, means you’ve no previous attachment or interest. And if I describe it to you, I still fear it won’t convince you. I’ll have to think of >something>.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

Coo lummee, that's in-game too.

Can you remember as far back as October 2010? No, nor me, but fortunately all my acts and deeds are collated in an almanac, so it is that I can recall my enthusiasm for the prototype of Pirates Of The New Horizon. A third-person action game, that evokes memories of Ratchet & Clank, featuring a double-jumping, pickpocketing, grapple-hooking pirate, on a flying pirate ship in a world inhabited by robots. Those are the ingredients for all of gaming. And now you can play a demo chunk of it in your browser, via Unity, with the hope that you’ll pre-order at the end.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

"Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die for..." WRONG

A persistent world map with conflicts across the globe taking place between up to 56 players, nuking each other into metal morsels as they attempt to tip the overall balance of war in their faction’s favour. End of Nations is an MMRTS, alright, but how does something like that work and, digging past the garbled mess of consonants, what kind of conflict is this and can just anybody make a difference?>



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