Dota 2 - Valve
- Added the Dota 2 Store!

- Enabled Ogre Magi in Captain's Mode.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust autocast interrupting your TP scroll.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Multicast Fireblast not extending the stun duration.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust being castable on magic immune units.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust Multicast being used up by couriers.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Fireblast Mutlicast stopping if you die while it is multicast.
-Ogre Magi: Added unique effect for unrefined fireblast
- Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Arcane Orb not working on Illusions recently.

- Fixed losses and abandons not showing correctly on your own profile.
- Kill Cam panel now shows any custom items the killer was wearing.

- Empowering Haste visual no longer shows up on creeps
- Added new effect for unrefined fireblast.

- Fixed bug where bots would run out of their base immediately after teleporting to it.
- Fixed bug that could cause bots to prioritize a temporarily invalid unit (nightmared, reincarnating, etc) over one that is currently valid.
- Fixed case where bots would prioritize other desires over picking up Aegis/Cheese/Rapier.
- Fixed a number of bugs that could cause bots to get stuck near Roshan.
- Easier and Easy bots will now have ability usage lockouts where they're periodically unable to use items and abilities.
- Fixed bug where passive bots would get stuck trying to ward.
- Fixed bug where Dire-side lobby slots would be inaccessible when there were bots in the corresponding Radiant-side lobby slot.
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Added The Surgeon's Side Satchel
  • Added new promotional items
  • Updated The Stickybomb Jumper

    • Players with this weapon equipped cannot carry the intelligence
  • Updated The Rocket Jumper
    • Attributes now match The Stickybomb Jumper
    • Players with this weapon equipped cannot carry the intelligence
    • Updated the model and material
  • Updated The Enforcer
    • +20% damage bonus while undisguised
    • -20% firing speed
    • No random criticals
  • Updated The Last Breath to fix some clipping issues
  • Updated the localization files
Dota 2 - Valve
- Improved dashboard positioning/sizing for 16x9 resolutions.
- For live games, fixed the WATCH button coming up too early and an error where you could be connected to a game that has already completed.
- Made changes to hero picker based on community feedback.
Left 4 Dead 2 - Valve
Updates to Left 4 Dead 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- Next Mutation: Flu Season
- Removed a demo ConVar that was being used for an exploit

Dead Center 1:
- The lower windows should no longer be accessible (versus map grief).

Dark Carnival 3:
- Adjusted brush that was blocking a truck interior, to no longer block the truck interior.
- Adjusted the rollercoaster event start to make it more difficult to skip.

Hard Rain 2:
- Adjusted blockers on the pipe-hop shortcut to provide better coverage.

Hard Rain 1/5:
- Adjusted blockers to better cover the added box which itself covers an invincible spot.

The Passing 1:
- Added blockers for survivors along the railings in the upper areas to prevent them from leaving the map or getting stuck out of bounds
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Ogre Magi!

- New Dashboard! (feedback here)
- New Hero Picker! (feedback here)


- Enabled Treant Protector in Captain's Mode.
- Spectre: Fixed Haunt Illusions having collision.
- Lifestealer: Fixed Rage being dispellable.
- Spirit Breaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness immediately failing when cast on Razor's Unstable Current.
- Bounty Hunter: Fixed a bug that could sometimes allow Jinada to work on buildings.
- Fixed Black King Bar not dispelling Haste and Double Damage.


- Revised performance bar calculation and display.
- Added support for putting bots into individual slots in a private lobby.
- Fixed issue where the camera would recenter when quickly switching between different control groups.
- Fixed incorrect player id when pinging runes.
- Added a short cooldown to the chat message when pinging a rune.
- Added disconnected player icon in scoreboard and top bar.


- The game start horns now play different cues from each team location and are now spatial.
- Added sound when the courier delivers items to you.


- First pass at spectator-only Roshan timer.
- Added overhead healing messages for Warlock and Bloodseeker.
- Fixed a visual hitch sometimes experienced while spectating using Directed view.


- Increased bot cautiousness when going to the side shop.
- When invisible, bots will now only use abilities or items that they really want to use.
- Bots are now more likely to roam and gank when invisible.
- Juggernaut bot will no longer offensively use Blade Fury when he's sufficiently powerful (better to just attack).
- Zeus will now use Wrath in teamfights.
- Fixed bug where Vengeful bot could try to swap out-of-range allies.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
• Fixed server crash when total number of player reaches 64
• Fixed issue with mouse cursor becoming non-visible after launching a game via the server browser
• Fixed UI crashes related to more than 10 players in a game
Counter-Strike: Source - Valve
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:

  • Fixed a client crash related to dynamic model loading
  • Fixed dedicated server not receiving restart requests when updates are released
  • Fixed IP bans not applying to RCON access
  • Fixed server crash exploit related to audio buffer overruns
  • Fixed server crash caused by using changelevel2
  • Updated console logging system to minimize opening and closing of files, greatly improving performance under certain conditions
  • Additional improvements for client/server stability
  • Fixed a problem that allowed malicious clients to disable the "ping" and "status" commands for other connected clients
  • Fatal engine errors are now written to the server log file
  • Added sv_lowedict_threshold and sv_lowedict_action which allow the engine to take action before running out of free edicts
    • Possible values for sv_lowedict_action are: 0 - no action, 1 - warn to log file, 2 - attempt to restart the game, if applicable, 3 - restart the map, 4 - go to the next map in the map cycle
  • Added changelevel_next server command which changes to the next map in the map cycle
  • Added mp_restartgame_immediate ConVar which has the same effect as mp_restartgame without a delay
21 Thg05, 2012
Portal 2 - Valve
An update to the Portal 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- Added more descriptive error messages to common publishing failures.
- Optimizations and rendering improvements for the Puzzle Maker.
- Fixed compile error from fizzlers in certain orientations.
- Fixed stacked goo creating kill triggers that spanned between the two levels of goo.
- Fixed connection symbols potentially leaking outside the map, causing maps to fail compiling.
- Fixed some lightboards not showing their map titles and tags properly
- Fixed compiler error when trying to compile certain very large maps.
- Localization fixes and additions.
- Autosaves made while playing workshop/puzzlemaker maps no longer conflict with singleplayer saves.
- Fixed glass not having collision before being moved after being dropped in.
- Fixed paint dropper arc becoming weird while extruding.
- Fixed going through portals on angled platforms in goo killing the player.
- A loading screen will always show up when playing puzzlemaker/workshop maps and dying or restarting the maps.
- Using puzzlemaker_export to export a custom vmf will make the player start in the elevators and not spawn the triggers that restart the map when walking in the exit hallway
- Better progress indication for compiling puzzles.
- Paint is valid on goo and buttons now.
- Fixed a crash on completing the preview puzzle.
- Fixed the first item in the map list not always showing valid information.
- Fix a variety of bugs (some Mac-specific, mostly platform-independent) which made the texture filter setting in the Advanced Video Options act incorrectly.
- Fixed bug with light strips and fizzlers sometimes changing the portalability of the surface they were on during export.
- Fizzlers are now properly sorted when a portal shot hits a fizzler. This makes the correct fizzler light up when there are multiple fizzlers along the portal shot.
- Better item handle interactions.
- The catapult target is now copyable. Copying the target will drop a catapult on the spot and attach a target to your cursor.
- Fixed the box dropper and paint dropper disappearing if you did Undo past their creation, then Redo back through it.
- Fixed hitting "Undo" while dragging causing weird behaviors.
- "Bendy" player model appears in all community map chambers now
- Right mouse button clicking on a solid volume selection boundary surface no longer clears selection.
- Bound 'view reset' to H as well as Home, for Mac users without a Home key
- Removed bad keyvalues from elevator_exit instance
- Fixed a crash due to deleted items not removing their collision entries
- Fixed glass and rail platforms computing the wrong extents just after being undeleted.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
• Updated weapons based on performance metrics:
- Slightly increased the damage for the fiveseven to keep it on par with other pistols.
- Lowered the max width of the recoil patterns for the MG's to make them better for their price point.
- Lowered the spread on the Negev to be more in line with the m249.
• Improvements have been made to burst fire and tapping.
• Added player spawns to all maps to support up to 30 players.
• Player spawns are now randomly selected from a prioritized list of spawn locations in order to better support more players per map.
• Adjusted bot behavior to fix the “antline” looking behavior.
• Added support for server operators to specify tick rate with the –tickrate parameter.
• Physics simulation tick rate now set to be the same as the game tick interval.
• Bullet tracers have had improvements made to speed, visual effect, and frequency.
• Chickens added to Inferno

• The Server Browser sorts Favorites and Lan tabs by ping rather than Tags.
• The radar will no longer display an ‘X’ for dying players when they are not within sight of the player or player’s teammate.
• Weapons with a burst mode will now show which state the gun is in on the ammo panel.
• Input device is now locked to whatever device launched the game session.
• Updated the Kevlar and Kevlar + Helmet buy menu images.
• Updated the Domination icons.

• Footsteps update position more often by shifting position determination to client side entity tracking.
• Tuned ambient sounds in most maps

Bug Fixes
• Fixed a bug with individual pistol round-based achievements. They can only be earned in Classic game mode now.
• Fix for changing video settings while in game sometimes causing a deadlock.
• Added a popup message triggered when a player attempts to initiate a vote on a server with voting disable.
• Fixed bug where player's nav area would be reported as being on the floor below them causing the radar location to be displayed incorrectly.
• Fixed several UI related crash issues.
• Third party map and _SE map names no longer display in the scoreboard with the #SFUI_MAP_ localization token.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Enabled Phantom Lancer in Captain's Mode.
- Fixed turn rates for the following heroes: Lifestealer, Alchemist, Clockwerk, Bounty Hunter, Dark Seer, Dazzle, Ancient Apparition, Brewmaster, Chen, Silencer, Lone Druid, Spectre and Spiritbreaker.
- Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction self explosion still stunning you if you are invulnerable.
- Alchemist: Fixed night vision being too small.
- Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction damage being too small.
- Bane: Fixed being unable to nightmare non-hero units.
- Batrider: Fixed Flamebreak to not trigger Sphere.
- Beastmaster: Fixed Aghanim's Primal Roar cast range being 50 too short.
- Beastmaster: Fixed base damage being slightly too low.
- Brewmaster: Fixed attack range being 138 instead of 128.
- Brewmaster: Fixed critical strike working against wards.
- Brewmaster: Fixed base HP regeneration (0.25->0.75).
- Brewmaster: Fixed Primal Split's Wind element being unable to Dispel Sandstorm.
- Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs bounty being too small.
- Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs knockback speed and distance being too small.
- Clockwerk: Fixed Rocket Flare reveal aoe.
- Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs having very small night vision.
- Crystal Maiden: Fixed Crystal Nova vision.
- Dark Seer: Fixed Vacuum tree aoe destruction being too big.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed very minor inaccuracy on Dragon Form attack range.
- Enigma: Fixed Eidolon split attack count incrementing on allied unit attacks.
- Invoker: Fixed Chaos Meteor burn damage being a little too low.
- Juggernaut: Fixed Omnislash selection aoe being slightly too big.
- Lifestealer: Fixed Feast working against wards.
- Lone Druid: Fixed base HP regeneration (0.25->0.5).
- Lone Druid: Fixed Spirit Bear getting trapped in Power Cogs and Sprout.
- Lone Druid: Fixed Entangling Roots working on wards.
- Lycan: Fixed Shapeshift speed boost disappearing from other units upon Lycan.
- Lycan: Fixed other controlled units not getting movement buff if created after Shapeshift was cast.
- Lycan: Fixed Shapeshift not healing for the amount of bonus HP he gains.
- Morphling: Fixed being able to heal under Ice Blast.
- Nevermore: Fixed Requiem of Souls travel distance being too small.
- Outworld Destroyer: Fixed arcane orb doing bonus damage to Warlock illusions.
- Puck: Fixed attack range.
- Puck: Fixed channel time on level 4 Phase Shift.
- Pugna: Fixed Life Drain range not improving with Aghanim's Scepter.
- Riki: Fixed Blink Strike not guaranteeing a backstab proc.
- Shadow Fiend: Fixed base HP regeneration (0.25->0.5).
- Slardar: Fixed Crush duration on creeps.
- Spiritbreaker: Fixed base HP regeneration (0.25->0.75).
- Spiritbreaker: Fixed base Intelligence.
- Warlock: Fixed Golem's Flaming Fists doing half damage in a bigger aoe.
- Fixed Force Staff cast range (600->800).
- Fixed Bloodstone charge loss from 30 to 33%.
- Fixed Shiva's Guard blast radius.
- Fixed Manta invulernability duration (0.23->0.1).
- Fixed Tranquil Boots broken movement speed being too low.
- Fixed Shiva's Guard not granting unobstructed vision during the cast phase.
- Fixed Satyr Hellcaller's Shockwave doing less damage than intended.
- Fixed Neutral Ursa Warrior Thunder Clap doing 20% slow instead of 25%.
- Fixed Ghost's frost attack missing 15 bonus damage.
- Fixed minor inaccuracy on dire range upgraded creeps bounty.
- Fixed Ogre Mauler having 3 extra armor.
- Fixed Spirit Bear bounty being too low.
- Fixed Greater Boar unit level.
- Fixed Healing Ward vision radius.
- Fixed Lycan Wolves giving too much XP.
- Fixed Freezing Field ground slow aoe being slightly off.
- Fixed Heaven's Halberd's disarm not being dispellable.

- If no stats will be recorded for a match due to someone leaving too early the abandonment message will now reflects this.
- Fixed hero-type units (like Brewmaster's splits) being able to purchase items directly into the Stash from the Secret Shop.
- Added free camera control for Spectators and Replays (dota_free_camera in the console).
- All events involving player-controlled units now show up in the combat log.
- Added new Director event for when Roshan spawns.

- Fixed smoke of deceipt not making some heroes invisible (it was visual only).
- Added healing overhead messages to Dazzle and Omni

- Fixed bug that would cause bots to clump at the center of map rather than roaming to gank a target.
- Fixed bug that would cause bots to run out of the fountain prematurely sometimes rather than healing up.
- Bots should now only buy TP scrolls when at the home base or side shops, and will want to buy a TP scroll if they don't have one in their inventory.
- Bots will now only buyback after the laning phase is done.
- Vengeful Spirit bot will now use Nether Swap to interrupt channels.
- Bots will now forget whether a hero is an illusions or not when they lose sight of it.
- Bots will now properly disable themselves for team-balance even if the opposing player disconnects before hero selection.
- Made bots doing something else more responsive to Push ping requests.
- Made bots more wary about trying to farm lanes with enemies potentially nearby.
- Made Razor a carry for now to help him get selected more.
- On Easy, bots will no longer use Force Staff, Orchid, or Phase Boots.
- On Easy, bots will no longer preferentially attack real heroes rather than illusions
- Reworked how Roshan desire is computed, it's now done on a per-team basis rather than per-hero.
- Fixed bug where bots wouldn't buy back once they'd run out of items to buy.
- Fixed bug where Earthshaker bot's desire to Enchant Totem would somtimes override his desire to Echo Slam.
- Fixed bug that would cause Tidehunter bot to occassionally use Ravage on just creeps.
- Bots that are healing in the fountain will no longer run out to meet their courier.

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