Product Update - Valve (06-22-2012)

- Added: "Estonian Dawn" mission (forum competition winner)

- Added: Chaff to air superiroty fighters (Su-27, Su-35, Jas-39).
- Added: "IsAmphibiousAssault" role for Wasp and Mistral.
- Updated: Tweaked autumn temperatures.

- Fixed: AI automatic and HighLevelOrder ASW operations.

Product Update - Valve (05-04-2012)

- Updated: Removed possibility for fixed wing and helicopter to be launched together in a group in Flight Deck. Units that can't be launched together will be greyed out in flight deck.
- Updated: Made clearer what units isn't ready for launch in Flight Deck.
- Fixed: Problem selecting group from Units Panel after it had previously been selected.

Satellite Map:
- Added: Deselect unit/group by holding down left control button when clicking on the icon in the map.
- Fixed: Properly destroyed Jamming vector line when loading new level.

- Added: Gradual decline in hit % over range for multipurpose guns.
- Updated: AI submarines will fire at all targets in torpedo range.
- Updated: For missiles in groups, only one will perform sensor sweeps. This improves performance significantly when there's lots of action.
- Updated: Missiles do not check sensors against units other than target (when they have a target). This also improves performance.
- Updated: Increased chance of component damage on impact.
- Updated: HighLevelOrders for launching AWACS air automatically goes to max altitude.
- Updated: Tweaked HitPercent vs. air.
- Fixed: Direct shots did not use GetHitPercent, ie. super laser gun effect.
- Fixed: Aircraft to flee AA missiles that can be targeted, not engage them.
- Fixed: Unable to change preferred time compression to same as set by other player (if lower than what already requested) in multiplayer game.
- Fixed: When assigning new home base for unit, entire group changes home base as well if either group or main unit was selected.

- Added: New multiplayer and skirmish scenario: "War of the Roses".
- Updated: NATO submarines moved in "C01S10: Convoy 13 No Reply".

- Added: AlternatePositions list to GameScenarioGroup. If present, the group/unit will select randomly which of the alternate positions are chosen on scenario loading.
- Added: Alternative sub positions added to Jutland scenario.
- Added: CanRetargetAfterLaunch property to WeaponClass. Is on unless specifically set to false. Specifies whether a missile will search for new target if original target is lost/killed.
- Updated: Updated Vymbel R-77 to AE-PD (higher range); kept old weapon for reference. This affects balance!
- Updated: Reduce ammo on all CIWS weapons; count bursts not bullets.
- Updated: Guns/gatlings shots/min reduced.
- Updated: Guns with MaxSimultanousShots > 1 changed to 1.
- Updated: JAS39 upgraded to E: longer range, supercruise.
- Updated: Semiactive radar removed from missiles.
- Updated: Reduced TimeBetweenShotsSec for some SAM missiles (using VLS).
- Updated: Reduced TimeBetweeenShots for most SAM, AA missile weapons.
- Updated: Increased speed for Mark 46, Mark 54 asw torpedoes.
- Updated: Removed Gau12 gun from NH90 helicopter.
- Updated: Increased max speeds for Virginia, Ohio and Astute submarines.
- Updated: Increased max depth for Virginia.
- Updated: Massive increase in fuel on tanker aircraft.
- Updated: HitPercent for all CIWS incresed.
- Updated: Reduced minimum range for AA guns.
- Fixed: Sea Skua req weapon control (semihoming).
- Fixed: Absalon radar corrected to Smart-L.
- Fixed: F125 gun corrected to Otobreda 127 mm.
- Fixed: Non-helo UAVs set minimum speed to non-zero.

- Fixed: Missing mouse cursor on some systems.
- Fixed: Reset input when game loses focus.

- Fixed: Stopped all 3D sounds when playing victory/defeat sound.

- Fixed: More memory leaks removed.

Product Update - Valve (04-20-2012)

- Added: New background sounds for dialog scenes in campaigns.

- Updated: Land installations already known to opponent sets active radar automatically at start of game.
- Fixed: Rare crash related to group movement.
- Fixed: Bug in visual and IR sensor logic that reduced range.
- Fixed: Aircraft not moving forward when changing elevation.
- Fixed: Unable to redesign detection as Undetermined after it has been marked as Foe due to mission settings.

- Added: 'Battle of Jutland 2030' multiplayer and skirmish scenario.
- Added: TLAM weaponload for Astute submarine.
- Updated: Moved location of subs in '01S06: Peekaboo in the Fjords'.
- Updated: 'C01S03: Show of Force' made easier. Carrier group moved north, added extra P8's on Easy.
- Updated: Increased limitation on IR range.
- Updated: Increased range and resolution on Visual (binoculars added!)
- Updated: Taurus KEPD-350 name updated, model changed, range tweaked.
- Updated: Increased refueling tanks on F-35C and F/A-18 Super Hornet.
- Updated: Increased fuel on KC767 and Midas tanker planes.
- Fixed: Victory condition description in 'C02S10: Rear Guard'.
- Fixed: Helicopters can no longer be refueled in-air.
- Fixed: JAS-39 Gripen "Strike (Maverick)" loadout had wrong weapon.

- Added: Keybinding for toggling what view is maximized (map or 3D). Default key is 'Tab'
- Added: Framework for customizable input bindings. No GUI yet, but can be changed in NWACPrefs.ini
- Updated: Increased time mouse button has to be pressed before it's considered to be a drag command in the satellite map.

- Fixed: Memory leak caused by terrain loading.

Product Update - Valve (04-16-2012)

- Fixed: Changed font in Victory/Defeat screen when using Norwegian language to handle special characters (æøå).

- Fixed: Weapons that can target surface units can now target submarines that's on the surface.

- Added: Localization of "Tutorial 5: Radar"
- Updated: 'C01S11: Wings of Retribution' scenario difficulty increased. Added more enemy air, reduced own offensive units and added spotter for enemies.
- Updated: Reduced effectiveness of torpedo decoy.
- Updated: 'JAS-39 Gripen' Air superiority Amraam load increased from 4 to 6. Air superiority (LR) added 2 Amraam.
- Fixed: 'C01S07: Baltic Breakout' victory condition for enemy could never be met.
- Fixed: 'C01S12: Ragnarok Armada' victory condition.
- Fixed: 'C02S06: Hide and Seek' victory condition for destroying airport.
- Fixed: Removed trailing dialog entry in dialog before 'C02S07: Northern Lights'.
- Fixed: Broken newspaper body before last Russian campaign mission.
- Fixed: StrengthPercent is changed to percentages for jammers.
- Fixed: Patriot SAM Base misnamed.
- Fixed: Ronneby spelling.

- Fixed: Mouse wheel and keyboard not working for people that had previously played other Unity3D games that required DirectInput.

- Fixed: Several causes of game crashing removed. Also added more logging to track down harder to identify ones.

Product Update - Valve (04-12-2012)

- Fixed: CultureInfo not set when running French version of game causing GUI to fail to initialize.
- Fixed: Scenario names and descriptions that's not localized will now fallback to English instead of just showing LOCID.

- Fixed: Crash related to missiles targeting aircraft that lands on a base.
- Fixed: Error in hitpoint damage calculations (damage will now be higher)

- Updated: Changed weapon trajectory on 'AS-4 Kitchen' missile from sea skimming to high altitude.
- Updated: Increased terminal speed range on 'AS-4 Kitchen' missile.
- Updated: Increased minimum weapon range and highest operating height on 'AS-4 Kitchen' Missile
- Updated: 'RIM-67 Standard ER Missile' can now target surface and also be targeted itself.
- Updated: Increased effective weapon range on 'RIM-67 Standard ER Missile'
- Added: 2 'AIM-9 Sidewinder' missiles default weapon load in 'F/A Super Hornet'
- Fixed: Name on 'Sikorsky SH-60B Seahawk'
- Fixed: Name on 'Pyotr Veliky'

- Added: Keyboard bindings for zooming in satellite map (PageUp and PageDown)

- Fixed: Stopped playing menu music when opening Credits screen from main menu.

- Updated: Upgraded to Unity 3.5.1f for improved memory management.
- Updated: Properly unloaded textures created in memory during runtime.
- Updated: Improved memory management to avoid fragmentation.
- Fixed: Cleared object pools when exiting game to menu.
- Fixed: Stopped trying to re-initialize game when exiting to desktop. Fixes FileNotFoundException reported in output log.


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