Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars - Valve
Changelog 1.006

New features:
- Added “Litovskiy Ulanskiy Polk”, Lithuanian Lancer Regiment, to Russia.
- Added new swords for British Musicians and 95th Rifles, Austrian Infantry and Jägers.
- Added new wall scene props for mappers - in desert and wood styles.
- Added more destruction stages for some walls (that are commonly used in custom siege maps) and improved their textures.
- Added new French Officers pants.
- Pioneer earthworks can now be removed by using the shovel in alternate mode (accessible by press X).
- Added the top ten community maps from the mapping contest.
- Released full source code for modders.

General Changes
- Remade all equipment for Russia: Cartridge bags, belts, etc.
- Remade Austrian battle flags.
- Players are now forced to walk when surrendering.
- Improved textures of British and Austrian saddles.

Balance changes
- Reduced the length of the bayonet slightly.
- Increased the length of all cavalry swords.
- Made the readying animation for the upper stab slower.
- Upper stab chamber attacks are now not blockable anymore just like the lower stab.
- People getting bumped by a horse now stay on the ground a bit longer before getting up.
- Removed the damage a rider would receive when his horse dies.
- Horses don’t rear up anymore when hit by a bayonet to their front.
- Reduced the amount of bullets and damage of the Musketoon.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to spawn objects on the map.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to spawn with multiple firearms.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to spawn naked.
- Fixed a bug that made upper stabs unblockable when in crouch-mode
- Fixed a bug that when a rocket launcher is picked up whilst someone is using it the player using it would get stuck.
- Fixed small historical errors on Russian uniforms.
- Fixed the mirrored banners above players.
- Fixed stones not spawning near the walls that got destroyed.
- Fixed some upside down texture errors on roofs.
- Fixed some cases where you would not be able to spawn explosion crates.
- Removed riding skill from pioneers.
- Fixed several specular and normal map issues.

Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars - Valve
Changelog 1.005

New features:
- You can now surrender to the enemy by pressing P on your keyboard (configurable).
- Added the ability to change your 3rd person field of view, use the plus and minus buttons on your numpad.
- Added a new map: Fort Hohenfels

General changes
- Redone the hit detection and damage calculation of the bayonet upper stab. It should now have the exact same code as the lower stab, but still need a different block direction.

Balance changes
- Changed default build points for sappers from 25 to 40 per team.
- Decreased the range of the bayonet slightly for balance reasons.
- Increased the speed of rifle melee slightly to reduce the damage speed bonus.
- Reduced the damage of the rifle melee.
- Increased the speed of all heavy horses.
- Reduced the sword damage slightly to balance the new horse speed.
- Knifes and other peasant weapons can now deal stab damage without bouncing off.
- Removed the stab ability from the farming serp.
- Rebalanced the sword weights.
- Increased the lance range.
- Decreased the stab speed of lance slightly to give it more speed damage bonus and a larger hit area once released.
- Removed the stun that a swordsman would receive when blocking an upper stab.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the client round timer in Siege mode to not correspond with the server.
- Fixed an exploit that let you hit people on the floor above you in a building.
- Resolved an issue with the Austrian Cuirassier trumpeter not having any hands.
- Fixed a bug that made birds spawn underground in random maps.
- Fixed that when you get hit whilst playing the piano/organ you didn't stop producing music.
- Russian Jäger Sergeant is now correctly named “Sergeant”.
- Russian Jäger Sergeant now has bullets.

Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars - Valve
Changelog 1.004

Bug Fixes
- Admin chat no longer switches between universal and inter-admin when using the letters “I” or “U” in a message.
- Fixed a problem where some horses changed colour when your distance to them changed.
- Players hit by a firearm now properly play a bullet hit body sound.
- Fixed problems with defender lives counter in Siege mode.
- Fixed issues where the respawn counter did not get displayed, or did not disappear after spawning.
- The French translation no longer causes crashes when accepting a duel.
- You can now construct a fence when building upon other scene props.
- The server console no longer returns a wrong input error when you set a variable to the same as its current value.
- Map placed rocket launchers now respawn the next round when picked up, as they should.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain destructible objects to be possible to walk through the next round if destroyed.
- Fixed all the missing strings from the German and French translations.
- Bots in Commander Battle should (hopefully) charge now when a player disconnects.
- Fixed teleport problems with the siege gamemode, when the fort wall gets hit.
- Low damage melee hits will now only generate “thump” sounds and no blood splash sounds.
- In the Duel gamemode, you will now no longer regain health when you kill a horse.
- Particle and sound effects placed by mappers will now always emit their effects, as they should.

- Rewrote siege spawn code to greatly improve performance on the server CPU.
- Further improved the performance when having bonuses enabled.
- Improved client side frames per second with explosions and destruction.
- Reduced the long wait when a new map is loaded on the server.
- Generally improved overall server and client performance and reduced lag.
- Reduced overall memory usage and reduced startup loading time slightly.

Game Balance
- Russian Jägers can now choose to use a cavalry musket instead of the rifle.
- Lowered the cannon accuracy slightly.
- Doubled the health for doors.
- Increased the damage for all swords.

General Changes
- Added a new map: Hungarian Plain
- Various updates to maps, fixing bugs and improving performance.
- Round time in Battle mode now starts after the first player has spawned, to allow slower clients to spawn within the 30 sec spawn window.
- Made Toggle Walk a configurable game key, in the place of the Warband native zoom key.
- Equipped the Russian Jäger NCO with a firearm.
- Added a full Russian translation.
- Added preview images for Fort Boyd and Fort Lyon in the admin panel.
- Stray horses will now not run away anymore, unless they take damage.
- Added anti-cheat protection for the zoom exploit.
- Added an icon on the Conquest flag selection map, showing your current position.
- The player beacon icon is now located a bit above the player.
- Changed the maximal defender lives that admins can set for siege from 5 to 10.
- Added a Open/close caption to the doors.

Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
What's new in version 1.153:

- Troop AI for choosing weapon for different situations has been updated.
- Ranged troop AI not being able to choose a target under certain circumstances bug has been fixed.
- New operations for modders.
- Some fixes and operation enhancements for modders.

Single player:
- Town economies are now more balanced.
- Several other bug fixes.

- Two new multiplayer maps have been added: Canyon and Desert Town.
- HTTP communication has been rewritten due to connection issues reported by players.
Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars - Valve
Changelog 1.003:

Bug Fixes
- Fixed that destructible scene props didn't refill their health after a round is over client side
- Fixed the huge lag spike at end of a siege or battle round
- Map placed artillery pieces limbered by a player no longer disappear the next round
- Remade the collision mesh for the barrels
- Non-dedicated servers now show up on the server list
- Fixed an issue that caused occasional lag spikes in siege mode
- Made player selection for admin tools work on non-dedicated servers
- Fixed teleport scripts not working sometimes
- Fixed a crash when opening the pioneer build window when using French localisation
- Fixed that doors in siege mode had much too low health at map start
- Fixed a bug that allowed doors to be destroyed multiple times
- Destroyed doors can no longer be opened or closed
- Fixed an issue that caused no hit sounds or particles to be generated from the first cannonball hit against certain house walls
- Fixed that when changing checkboxes in the admin panel the screen would not fully update
- When spawning with cannons is enabled but spawn with rockets is disabled you are now able to choose your cannon type
- Fixed that in siege your defender lives didn't drop client side when you died
- Fixed a bug where riflemen/cavalry class limits wouldn't let people join a regiment if 100% of the team's skirmishers/cavalry was in that regiment
- Prussian Hussars are no longer better than the hussars of other factions in Commander Battle

- Cannons and rockets that are player spawned are automatically removed after they are not used for 4 minutes in respawn modes, to limit the amount of cannons and rockets in the map for performance reasons
- Improved performance on server to client network data for explosions
- Improved performance on cannon aiming scripts
- Now (hopefully) really fixed performance issues with bonuses

Game Balance
- Default rocket limit is now 5% of the team instead of 10%
- Cuirassiers now have additional body armour and same health as everyone else
- Increased sword skill slightly for all sword cavalry
- Decreased the weight of all flags to make flag bearers move faster

- Added a new dedicated server command: max_num_bots #set the max number of total bots the server is allowed to spawn (50-500) to allow less powerful servers to run commander battles without problems. Also changeable in the Admin Panel.
- Added two new siege maps: Fort Lyon and Fort Boyd
- Added Intern-admin chat that is only visible to admins. Colour is pink.

General Changes
- Added the missing backpack bottle to the Russian Foot Guard
- Admin tools such as Slay, Freeze and Beacon now only show alive players
- Replaced the Japanese "Rising sun" flag with the regular Japanese flag
- Re-organised the Admin Panel to have the less used things at the end
- Redone the French translation to be more French
- Updated various maps to fix some issues

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