Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
Changelog 1.154

Executable is patched for fixes related with Napoleonic Wars DLC.
Check Napoleonic Wars' news page for more information.

Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
What's new in version 1.153:

- Troop AI for choosing weapon for different situations has been updated.
- Ranged troop AI not being able to choose a target under certain circumstances bug has been fixed.
- New operations for modders.
- Some fixes and operation enhancements for modders.

Single player:
- Town economies are now more balanced.
- Several other bug fixes.

- Two new multiplayer maps have been added: Canyon and Desert Town.
- HTTP communication has been rewritten due to connection issues reported by players.
Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
1.152 Changelog:

- Bugs related with sounds and music have been fixed. Disable music option now works correctly.
- Muskets sticking to left hand after reloading bug has been fixed.

Single player:
- Several dialog text fixes.
- Lords now defect even faster when their faction has no centers left.
- Minor fix on faction AI.

- Trees with bad physics that caused missiles to pass through them have been fixed.
- Switching module without closing the application now works.

18 apr. 2012
Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
Version 1.150 Changelog:
- In multiplayer, Khergit troop stats have been rebalanced to make them more viable.
- Maximum number of players in a multiplayer match has been changed to 200.
- Usernames in multiplayer games can now have special characters.
- Random rain and fog amounts have been removed in multiplayer. All players now see the same weather.
- Lots of new operations, flags and trigger types have been added for the benefit of modders.
- New parameters have been added to module.ini for modders, including new order system usage and crouching.
- Support for game controllers has been improved.
- Troop AI for selecting alternative weapon mode has been added.
- Troop AI blunt weapon usage has been fixed.
- Troop AI for distant targeting has been fixed.
- In multiplayer server filtering, "Compatible with version" checkbox has been renamed as "Compatible with module" and now it checks for both module and its version.
- Core resource files and shader files have been made modifiable.
- Face generator system now supports multiple meshes to apply deforms.
- Volume and priority have been balanced for sounds.
- Playing sounds from hard drive option has been added for module system.
- Memory usage for resources and navigation meshes have been reduced.
- Network data priority values have been updated.
- Several crash-to-desktop bug fixes.
- Minor translation fixes.
- Various other bug fixes.

Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
  • Some rebalances to the trade/production systems.
Mod system Fixes:
  • Shield replacement w/out respawning visual error has been fixed.
  • Scene objects damage editing has been fixed.
Bug Fixes:
  • Crash to desktop when entering a new scene bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed random problems with merchants' inventories not showing up sometimes.
  • Lady of the Lake achievement bugs have been fixed.
Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
  • Six new Steam achievements...
  • Several new operations added for use by modders.
  • Sarranid Archer and Sarranid Master Archer no longer have jarids.
  • Mounted units cannot spawn on walls
  • 3d mouse on map window for 3dvision;
  • 3d vision convergence has been decreased;
  • ti_on_agent_hit position is moved down a bit in order to give the correct damage value, and it now uses the trigger result as the dealt damage if it is greater than or equal to zero.
  • mayor_politics_assess_realm dialog having no options after all factions are defeated bug is fixed.
  • party_count_members_with_full_health no longer counts player as a regular troop. needs some testing on battles and sieges.
  • qst_troublesome_bandits no longer gives reputation penalty when it is aborted due to someone else destroying the party.
  • Shield no longer gets damaged when the attack is chamber blocked.
  • process_text now encodes for url if requested. therefore url strings will only encode the tokens like {s0} {s1} etc for url.
  • show_item_details_with_modifier operation is added for showing item details which have modifiers (unlike the original operation).
  • several wrong operation condition checks are corrected.
  • Font is now reloaded when player switches to a new module without closing the application.
  • module_version, compatible_module_version, compatible_savegame_module_version keys are added to module.ini
  • become_knocked_down works for mounted agents too (but they don't get knocked down with an animation, they just continue fighting).
  • healing of wounded troops of parties are now related to wounded troop ratio in that party and 50% slower also it is a bit related to campaign ai.
  • overlay_set_container_overlay, agent_get_ammo_for_slot, scene_prop_set_prune_time operations are added
  • agent_unequip_item and agent_equip_item operations now have new parameters
  • ti_on_player_exit trigger is added
  • mission_object_prune_time is added as a key to module.ini
  • savegame checksum calculation no longer requires megabytes of memory (which causes the CTDs during saves).
  • restore module objects is removed from ctrl + m
  • equipping unequipping agents after they are spawned had several visual bugs. they are all fixed.
  • Crash when exiting dedicated server (bugid:3431) fixed;
  • new sound system is redone, and working fine under both old and new versions
  • ti_on_scene_prop_hit: set_trigger_result sets the damage dealt, just like the new feature for ti_on_agent_hit.
  • scene_prop_set_cur_hit_points is added
  • agent_equip_item and agent_unequip_item bugs are fixed (minor)
  • Various minor item stat fixes
  • Rhodok infantry troops dont have battle forks and military sycthes anymore
  • Long axes and great axes now have proper "unbalance" penalty
  • Minor balance bug .. Rhodok Multiplayer_ai items changed (was clone of nords scout)
  • inventory infinite ammo bug is fixed
  • client side fixes for agent ragdoll effects;
  • dedicated server fixes;
  • tableau fixes for new 3d vision drivers
Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
An update to Mount&Blade: Warband has been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted.
  • Rhodok Sharpshooters' ironflesh skill has been decreased.
  • Sarranid infantry & archers now have jarids added to their inventory.
  • Some other minor game balances.
  • Numerous game bugs of all shapes and sizes have been squashed.
  • Minor fixes to scripting files.
  • Some collision issues fixed.
  • Some operations for modders are now "fully operational".
  • Plenty of new operations and features have been added to aid our amazing mod community.
Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
An update to Mount&Blade: Warband has been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted.
The major changes include:
  • Some multi-player map fixes.
  • Some armor stats have been rebalanced.
  • Quests fixes:
    • Aborting quest bugs have been fixed.
    • Ordering your lords to stop script error bug has been fixed.
    • Pretender quest has been fixed under the condition of already having a village/center before starting the quest.
    • Caravan escort quest script error has been fixed.
    • Deal with looters quest script error has been fixed.
  • Other fixes:
    • ATI driver fix.
    • Achievements "last man standing" and "morale leader" have been fixed.
    • Non-ending battle/siege bugs have been fixed.
    • Desertion of prisoners when party morale is low bug has been fixed.
    • Hold fire/use blunt weapons orders have been corrected, player agent no longer changes his/her weapon because of the order.
    • Formations not looking at the enemy bug has been fixed.
    • Automatic offline favorite server removal is added.
    • TCP protocol optimizations are made for dedicated servers.
    • Various other bug fixes.
Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
Updates to Mount & Blade: Warband have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Version 1.126

Features and Gameplay:
  • NEW! Gameplay features have been added, now players have the ability to build production houses that produce valuable goods such as iron, wine, velvet and more. The building of production houses is accessible through guild masters in towns. Also players may visit these newly modeled scenes via the town menu.
  • New Swadian houses have been added to major Swadian towns.
  • New, AI Behavior enables more realistic AI lord behaviors, such as AI lords collecting taxes.
  • Campaign difficulty has been rebalanced, hard mode is now even more challenging with AI lords recruiting troops faster.
  • Economy parameters such as taxes from fiefs and raiding outcomes, have been balanced.
  • The Khergit faction has been given some much needed love and as a result has had their troops and items rebalanced.
  • Khergits get modified hats and steppe armor instead of leather vests in multi-player.
  • Man-hunters and high tier slaver troops have been given an overhaul and have top tier troops equal to other top tier army troops.
  • Weapons that cannot be used to block can now do feint attacks.
  • All items from hammers to warhammers and spiked clubs to iron maces now have knockdown capabilities.
  • New flags for items are added and new operations are defined to give more freedom to modders.
  • Out of memory errors while rendering are now handled more properly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused AI lords to have too many high level troops.
  • Several bug fixes to the level editor.
  • Lots of other bug fixes and some healthy re-balancing/improvements in both single and multi-player modes.
Mount & Blade: Warband - Valve
Updates to Mount & Blade: Warband have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Version 1.123 Changelog:
-Dedicated server list has been revamped and several game filters are now operational.
-Fixed bug where some players were unable to join multiplayer games.
-Character turning cap has been made tighter.
-The code for finding spawn locations has been moved from scripts to native code, making dedicated servers run smoother.

-AI that is following their leader as a tactic now switches to charge when the leader dies.
-Item stat display improved in inventory screen.
-Retreat order is now operational.
-Fixed a critical bug causing occasional crashes.
-Tax efficiency has been reduced in easy Campaign difficulty setting.
-Kidnapped girl staying on party when quest aborts is fixed.
-Village prosperity texts are shown only when the player is the owner.
-Fixed bug where hit point loss during a tournament was not cleared at the end of the round.
-Player no longer has to pay for staying at vassal's castles.
-Prisoner and castle guards are spawned correctly in towns in player's domain.
-Surrendering no longer delivers you permanent stat damage.
-Player caravans are now stronger.
-Player party name change bug is fixed.
-Allies' shields can no longer be damaged by friendly fire.
-A cut-scene is now shown at weddings.

-The method for calculating damage when your attack connects too soon or too late has been changed.
-AI now moves back more effectively in combat to control distance.
-Some polearm attack animations have been redone.
-Some troop stats and equipment have been rebalanced.
-New key combination added to hide overlay mesh (Ctrl + o).
-Left-right and up-down keys now cancel each other (instead of one key always overriding another).
-Characters now have softer shadows.
-The models for several items and weapons have been redone.
-Camera raycast direction fix for dungeon-like places.

-A ton of other bug fixes and improvements.


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