Arma 3 - Valve

  • Dedicated Server files added to the root of the game (arma3server.exe and supporting libraries)
  • Comprehensive lighting tweaking (details)
  • Environmental tweaks: sun, lens flares, material changes for changed lighting
  • Lights optimization
  • Lighting tweaks for vehicles (headlights, positional lights) and flashlights
  • Increased light intensity of muzzle flashes
  • Added: dedicated combat radio protocol
  • Added: dedicated stealth radio protocol
  • Fixed various radio protocol issues
  • Asset audio overhaul: volume balancing, WAV to WSS conversion and more (details)
  • Alarm sound now also configured under CfgSounds, as “Alarm”
  • Improved Ka 60 fire geometry
  • Various types of lights on the Ka 60 improved (placement, parameters)
  • Fixed: (Ka 60 rotor collisions)
  • Fixed: (wrong Ka 60 horizon indication)
  • Adjusted mass distribution of MH-9
  • Fixed: Position lights of helicopters have been adjusted
  • AI helicopter handling improved
  • Improved ‘fording depth’ for helicopters to deal with ‘landing’ on water better
  • Speedboat (minigun) now uses correct muzzle points
  • Fixed: (top-speed gear change for the Hunter)
  • Fixed: Tweaked fire geometry (mostly glasses) for the Hunter
  • Tweaked MRAPs' maximum light radius to improve performance
  • MRAPs should have tracers every third shot now
  • Fixed: (helicopter wreck's smoke and electricity effect did not stop after wreck was deleted)
  • Launcher AI settings and weapon performance configuration tweaked
  • Various (missile) ammunition behavior tweaks (maneuvering, locking, etc.)
  • Material penetration properties modified
  • Fixed: (MXM suppressor)
  • Holosights have been replaced by ACO for Katiba
  • 12.7mm HMG Rate of Fire fixed
  • Tweaked missiles for AH-9 to be better used by AI
  • Adjusted DAGR locking cone and adjusted its AI characteristics
  • Fixed: NLAW and RPG-32 optics rotated by 0.7° down, muzzle 0.7° up for better aiming by both for players and AI
  • Fixed: MXM and MX SW handles have better materials
  • Range Master character added
  • All chest rigs should be of better visual quality
  • BLUFOR marksman's has changed its color to match his uniform
  • Removed hand grenades from helicopter pilots and crew
  • Diver UW magazine count modified
  • Automatic rifleman shouldn't have a tracer round every bullet anymore
  • Removed little cubes from BLUFOR rifleman's right wrist
  • Fixed: Missing texture of backpack has been re-mapped
  • Movement speed tweaking and unification deployed
  • Various little tweaks and fixes on common houses
  • Fixed: (fuel station coloration after destruction)
  • Fixed: (telephone pole collisions)
  • Added numberOfDoors parameter to structure configs
  • Added numberOfHatches parameter to structures configs
  • Reduced durability of reflectors and markerlights on structures
  • Added baked lighting for crowns and trunks of trees and shrubs (macro maps)
  • Last / distant LOD for plants improved
  • Fixed: various bush material / alpha shaders
  • Smoke shell effect tweaked
  • Rocket effects tweaked
  • Blood hit and fire dust effects tweaked
  • Added small settlement near Kamino firing range
  • Stratis bridges improved for characters and vehicles
  • Stratis environmental settings tweaked: lighting (night and underwater), fog, haze, colors
  • Tweaks to Stratis lamp placements
  • Fixed: Sandbag barriers adjusted on Stratis
  • Added: New system for displaying scenario overview information
  • Side colors are now customizable. Two presets are available; one based on previous Arma 3 colors (default) and one recreating the Arma 2 scheme
  • Author's name in scenario overview is formatted like "by %s". If undefined "by Unknown Community Author" is displayed
  • Added tooltips to CListBox and key presets
  • Added: When the default (GUI) color is updated, it will be forced for all users who were using the previous default
  • Welcome Screen no longer shown for new profiles made during the same session
  • Fixed: White background when downloading scenarios looked like the game stopped responding. Custom color used instead of white
  • Added: Debriefing now shows number of respawns instead of reverts in multiplayer
  • Fixed: Quick command linked to the old communications menu
  • Added: Correct cursor for supports communications menu
  • Added: Framework for respawn templates - custom scripts and functions executed when player dies and respawns (details)
  • Added: Currently existing respawn effects (e.g., seagull, spectator camera, ...) moved to the respawn templates
  • Added: Communication menu manager
  • Function BIS_fnc_objectsGrabber would sometimes not close the output Array
  • Fixed: Functions viewer was not working when launched from mission editor
  • Added: Adding new control presets and their tooltips
  • Fixed: Notification area is now wider
  • Fixed: Debug console was not visible when launched from Splendid camera in non-editor mission
  • Field Manual Commanding / Move hint improved
  • BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle added to functions
  • Fixed: BIS_fnc_infoText was using obsolete sound
  • Added: A notification is displayed when a new communication menu item is added
  • Fixed: allowFunctionsRecompile description.ext param had no effect
  • Added: BIS_fnc_loadInventory throws an error when non-existent uniform is added
  • Added: BIS_fnc_MP now accepts SIDE type as a target. Function will be executed on computers of all players on the given side
  • Optimized: BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted
  • Added: Variable header added to local functions
  • Fixed: BIS_fnc_sortBy ignored entries with duplicate values
  • Danger FSM: Script command setUnitPosWeak used instead of setUnitPos. Priority of event DCCanFire is higher now
  • Fixed: Chromatic aberration remained when camera was launched from the pause menu
  • Removed: pauseOnLoad.sqf redundant script
  • Optimized: Module framework now loads modules significantly faster and takes less time during a mission
  • Added: BIS_fnc_startLoadingScreen and BIS_fnc_endLoadingScreen - a simple loading screen manager which gives a designer the ability to control his / her loads without fear of breaking others
  • Added: Error message will now interrupt loading screen
  • Fixed: The default editor template was still calling functions
  • Fixed: Feedback FSM optimization
  • Fixed: When respawnOnStart was set to 1 in description.ext, death scripts were sometimes executed after respawn scripts
  • Added: Correct ETA for mortar support in SCUBA mission
  • New Dedicated Server parameters for configuring ports for Steam services (should allow multiple DS per OS-instance) (details)
  • Updated to Physx3.2.4
  • Fixed several MP synchronization issues
  • Fixed several crash opportunities in SP and MP
  • Several inventory interaction and stability fixes
  • Removed destroyed buildings from PhysX simulation
  • Fixed: Wheel speed in damaged or destroyed state
  • Dynamic light influence to AI visibility tweaked
  • Tweaked darkness coefficient computation for AI visibility and NVG threshold for AI
  • Fixed: Hard limit usage while performing light sorting
  • Added: New hard limits implemented into particle lights
  • Added: New parameters for particle effects (global variants of surfNormalX, Y and Z)
  • Fixed: Starting scenarios from subfolders did not work correctly
  • Fixed: Audio distance curve
  • Added: Radio filter / effect
  • Fixed: MX UGL had a displaced crosshair
  • Added: Loiter waypoint
  • Fixed: AI will not eject before player
  • Fixed: Taking additional ammo for pistol would play reloading sound
  • Fixed: Certain magazines could not be moved to another container from backpacks
  • Fixed: RMB in inventory (moving from backpack to your own backpack) lost the item
  • Fixed: Headgear items when on the ground (WeaponHolder) were missing the 'Take' action
  • Fixed: Backpack items when on the ground (WeaponHolder) were missing the 'Take' action
  • Fixed: Sidearm taken from enemies are duplicated if put into the vest or backpack
  • Fixed: Texture flickering on wrecks
  • Fixed: Tooltip crash in MP sessions listbox
  • Fixed: (crash when trying to bind controls - drag and drop)
  • Added lbSetTooltip script command
  • Removed redundant CfgFirstAid >> firstAidScript
  • Small optimization of face mimics
  • Fixed: enableFatigue command was not working
  • Fixed: Manual control for locked missiles works again
  • Added: Most detailed shadow lod is now displayed in view pilot
  • Fixed: Helicopters engines now are damaged correctly upon contact with water

Arma 3 - Valve
  • Added: Functions are now compiled using newly introduced compileFinal
  • Added: Functions meta data are now secured against rewriting
  • Removed use of vulnerable script commands in DynO functions
  • Added: BIS_fnc_log enabled in public version when 'allowFunctionsLog = 1;' is set in description.ext
  • Fixed: BIS_fnc_sideColor can now load non-number values
  • Fixed: BIS_fnc_functionMeta was not working with scenario and campaign functions
  • Added: Scenario / campaign functions now support 'forced' param, allowing them to be executed automatically upon mission start
  • Added: BIS_fnc_spawn
  • Added: Ability to execute BIS_fnc_execVM and BIS_fnc_execFSM without arguments
  • Fixed: BIS_fnc_error was not working correctly
  • Changed: Splendid Camera roll speed decreased, users should no longer be inclined to take screens with too extreme roll
  • Fog is now really enabled for this branch
  • getFuelCargo, getAmmoCargo, getRepairCargo commands added
  • Fixes to serialization of particle emitters
  • Fixed: shoreline was not covered by fog properly
  • Correct vonCodecQuality is set now
  • Fixed: Animation source gear for PhysX vehicles
  • Fixed: Ships are now using the correct Arma 3 gearbox
  • Merge from OA: attack helicopter was unable to engage with rockets (PhysX-compatible)
  • Fixed: canMove on a vehicle with dead driver would return false in some cases
  • Improved synchronization of structure destruction in MP
  • Hotfixed: (MP crash)
  • Fixed: AI now uses optics better to detect enemies
  • Fixed: Switching HDR settings could cause graphical corruption
  • Added: Removing destroyed buildings from PhysX simulation
  • Fixed: Crash opportunity related to PhysX
  • Added: new events for inventory event handlers: "Take" and "Put"
  • Fixed: improved path planning related to roads
  • Tweaked darkness detection and use of NVG by AI
  • Minor optimizations to dynamic lights
  • Added: difficulty command to return high-level selected difficulty mode
  • Added: getArtilleryETA script command
  • Input Array: [unit, targetX, targetY, targetZ, magazineType]
  • Returns: ETA of the first available mode (the mode the AI will probably use)
  • Fixed: Glitch in blending of 2 animations masks
  • Added: compileFinal command
  • Removed fully script commands: setVehicleInit, clearVehicleInit, processInitCommands
  • Made all script commands final (no longer possible to reassign in most circumstances)
  • Fixed: healing sound could play in an endless loop
  • Attenuation of dynamic lights can now be influenced by a new parameter in asset configuration - maximum distance of light
  • On steep surfaces, players now crouch instead of fully standing up
  • -showScriptErrors enabled by default
  • To allow better debugging (may or may not be changed for final release)
Arma 3 - Valve
  • Added: improved public debug console
  • New light rendering added for bushes
  • More detailed middle distance terrain texture added
  • Adjustable stances for sidearms added
  • Sprint speed decreased
  • Tweaked transitions from ragdoll
  • Fixed transition from free fall into swimming and onto land
  • New animations for swimming with rifles
  • Rifle kneel sprinting fix
  • Rifle raised idling for AI fix
  • Pistol prone movement improvements
  • Rifle & pistol evasive move fixes (disabled optics)
  • Removed sway in prone adjust low
  • Pistol self healing
  • Improved pistol kneel sprint animation
  • Improved connection prone to sprint
  • Player could shoot a sidearm during the healing animation
  • Transition from prone to upright sprint while unarmed caused visual sliding
  • Priority of actions in action menu adjusted
  • Stratis terrain and object placement tweaks
  • New post-process effects for injuries added
  • Fixed fuel gauges for MH-9 helicopter family
  • MH-9 can now carry more soldiers
  • Duplicate target icon in Ka60 Helmet-Mounted Display removed
  • Ifrit cargo pose added
  • Compass visualization changed
  • New secondary shadow LODs (glasses, bandoleer, belt, rebreather)
  • Camouflage selection tweaks
  • Fixed: Sites are no longer placing patrol waypoints on water
  • Civilian Sites were disabled
  • Logo and tagline splash screens merged
  • Main menu game and version indicator could overlap
  • Added: Any mission with description.ext has now loading mission box with "Unknown" text
  • Added: Unknown author is now displayed also for maps
  • Fixed: Mission restart now resets reload counter
  • Added: Loading "continue" save will no longer raise the reload counter
  • Fixed: Mission failed had two debriefing screens
  • Fixed: "Lose" ending no longer shows "Mission Completed" title
  • Fixed: Error icon is no longer shown for logics
  • Fixed incorrect topic selection after closing and reopening Field Manual
  • Fixed: "Respawn" button is no longer enabled in missions with respawn "NONE", "BIRD" or with missing respawn settings
  • Added: "respawnButton" parameter can now enable the button in respawn types which would normally disable it
  • Geometry fixing (AI collisions with buildings tweaked)
  • Config classes for weapons cleaned
  • Fixed: (fish no longer only swim North)
  • Fixed: (EBR sight alignment)
  • Fixed: (spelling error)
  • Fixed: (fire geometry - wall)
  • Fixed:
  • Fixed:
  • Fixed:
  • Fixed:
  • Fixed:
  • Fixed:
  • New fog technology implemented
  • Picture-in-Picture optimization implemented
  • Terrain shadows tweaked
  • Fixed: AI no longer fires on targets it does not see (but which are reported by other group members)
  • Fixed: (MP rotation synchronization fixed)
  • Fixed: (Speed of sound delays tweaked)
  • Changes and fixes merged from Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead beta patches
  • MP pose synchronization fixed
  • Improved performance related to object instancing
  • Fixed - AI disembarking when moving to another vehicle position incorrectly
  • Game loading with "addAction" crash fixed
  • PhysX collisions related crashes fixed
  • Fixed: (out of memory crash)
  • Fixed: Crash while taking RPG Alamut from ground
  • Larger string buffer for the 'format' script command
  • Fixed: Reloading different magazine type could do nothing but remove the magazine
  • Destruction of vehicle while manipulating with objects in its inventory fixed
  • Ambient creatures' position after game load fixed
  • Fixed: remote destroyed wheels have now the right distance detection to the ground
  • Fixed: healing sound effects were endlessly looped
  • Ships are no longer automatically deleted after destruction (consistent with other vehicle types)
  • Free fall inventory access fixed
  • Magazine manipulation while discarding weapons tweaked
  • Items' behavior while moving from dead body to container tweaked
  • Helicopter behavior improved (rotor simulation now does not allow helicopter to fly up-side down)
  • AI running up and down hill tweaked
  • Command 'stance' now returns more consistent values: "PRONE", "CROUCH" and "STAND"
  • Fixed: RMB to equip did not work for binoculars
  • Fixed: Vehicle commander stepped optics zoom did not function correctly
  • Fixed: artifacts on water near shore when looking from high distance
  • Solved issues related to flickering optics

Arma 3 - Valve
  • Showcase SCUBA:
    • More forgiving alarm threshold
    • Added more hints
    • Improved scenario endings
    • More rockets for the launcher added
  • Showcase Helicopters:
    • Performance optimizations
    • Few minor tweaks
  • Showcase Vehicles:
    • More forgiving alarm threshold
    • Few minor tweaks
  • MP: Escape from Stratis
    • Fixed: Mission success after resuming game
    • 'Combat Get In' module added
    • Respawn time is now 30 seconds (was 120)
    • Improved mission endings
    • New task appears when both choppers on the airfield are destroyed
    • New mission ending "all boats and helicopters destroyed"
    • Warning hint pops up when the group leader is AI controlled
    • Patrolling Ka-60 Black now unloads troops when under fire
    • More enemies at the airfield
    • Some new map locations populated
  • MP: Headhunters
    • "Exfiltrate" task is now set as current after all targets are eliminated
    • The mission will now end when either all players are near the exfil marker or in a boat
    • 'Combat Get In' module added
    • Possible respawn desync in multiplayer fixed
  • New scenario ending screen added
  • Task notification visuals improved
  • Seagull in "BIRD", "GROUP" and "SIDE" respawn replaced by a basic spectator camera
  • Scenarios-button now always available, even when there's no content
  • Added more entries into Field Manual
  • Compass and watch re-sized
  • Ka-60 minigun now rotates
  • Ka-60 doors and glass made correctly penetrable
  • MH-9 passengers can now see the tail
  • Helicopter weapons tweaked
  • Class names for Ifrits changed to be the correct ones
  • Alamut and MX SW now have correct icons in command menu
  • Countermeasures now stored in one magazine per vehicle
  • Correct Alpha Lite logo in splash screens added
  • Most windows in houses are now destructable
  • Static weapons should be more durable, shouldn't be targetable by guided missiles and shouldn't be flippable by user action when destroyed
  • Added more camoflage selections for vests and helmets
  • Red faction uniforms have proper class names
  • Changed priorities in action menu
  • TRG iron-sights remodeled after feedback
  • Collimator sights are now default primary on combined optics (Ctrl + RMB is the default switch)
  • Camera shake on 6.5mm ammunition removed
  • Server browser UI overlapping fixed in some places
  • Squad URL is no longer automatically upper-cased (and thus broken)
  • Editor loading took long when using MX rifles - fixed
  • Added freelook in vehicles via default option
  • Correct tracer colors have been distributed among factions
  • Fish should be less inclined to travel on land
  • Shadow improvements implemented
  • Improved network performance (vehicles are no longer lagging as much)
  • Fixed several game crashes
  • Fixed synchronization of cargo poses in MP
  • Fixed various inventory-related bugs and crashes
  • Improved vehicle collisions
  • Grenades can no longer be thrown under water
  • Fixed airplane / helicopter camera shaking
  • Default and Development versions have different numbering to prevent incompatibilities in multiplayer


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