The Ship: Remasted - (Matt Cox)


Oooh, now this is intriguing – The Ship: Remasted devs Blazing Griffin are taking another stab at their ‘murder party’ formula. Today they announced Murderous Pursuits, a game about hunting (and being hunted by) other players. You have to sneak up on your quarry by pretending to be one of the AI characters milling around, just like in the old Assassin’s Creed multiplayer modes but without all that silly jumping. It’ll be out in March.

What’s new this time round? Well for starters, you’re on a flying boat that’s packed with alternate reality Victorian time travellers.


The Ship: Remasted - (Alice O'Connor)

The Ship: Remasted [official site] has added political figures including Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and I don’t know if I have enough tension-defusing “little bit of politics” Ben Elton riffing in me to survive much longer in the current political climate. Clinton and Trump can now lark around on a luxury cruise ship, trying to smash in each other’s heads in with tennis rackets and golf clubs. And in the game. A little bit of politics there, ladies and gentlemen.

… [visit site to read more]

The Ship: Remasted - (Philippa Warr)

Poop poop! That is the sound of The Ship: Remasted [official site] sailing into Early Access. I assume. I have no idea what noise the actual ship makes in the game. Perhaps it’s more of a WHAAAAAAAAAAAP WHAAAAAAAAAAAP? While I try to research that here is some information on this Early Access development:

… [visit site to read more]

The Ship: Remasted - (Alice O'Connor)

Oh, it’s breaking my heart. I can see you right now, by your screen with your steamer trunk packed and your little sailor hat atop your little head, waiting patiently for The Ship: Remasted [official site] to launch into Early Access. It should’ve been here at 2pm, shouldn’t it? Reader dear, I’m sorry but you’ll have to wait another week.

Developers Blazing Griffin have decided that launching the assassination FPS remake without online multiplayer would be silly, see. I entirely agree. I’m surprised they’d even considered it. The curse of The Ship can drive a man to do strange things…

… [visit site to read more]

The Ship: Murder Party - (Alice O'Connor)

Okay, so where's the mast?

For those who’ve not heard of The Ship and have romantic visions of sailing the seven seas, I’ll quickly state that it’s a game about murder. To expand a little, it’s a multiplayer FPS about passengers aboard a cruise ship trying to have a pleasant holiday and stealthily off their target – perhaps catching them unaware while they have a waz. I asked you for murdertales a few months back, and enjoyed all the deathtales you told me.

Now we’re up to speed: hey, the ‘HD’ revamp The Ship: Remasted [official site] will launch on Steam Early Access in February.

… [visit site to read more]


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