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It's Sturdysquash season and EXO Dynamics requests your help in the Fuel Acquisition, Renewal & Maintenance event! 
Wild Sturdysquash are blooming on Sylva, Calidor, and Atrox.  Two new plants have also been spotted in the caves of Sylva and the mountains of Vesania with some very peculiar blooms! 

Harvest Sturdysquash seeds and process your Samples into biofuel using a Cauldrangea.  Check your compass for Cauldrangea navigation points on Sylva, Calidor, and Atrox, and beware of the hazardous flora nearby! 

Each planet’s Cauldrangea has a different production speed and can be configured to produce different types of biofuels. Switch between recipes to maximize your contributions! Higher value biofuels require unusual ingredients: 
  • Squasholine: 15 Points – Sturdysquash Samples 
  • Attapetrol: 28 Points – Sturdysquash Samples + Mutant Spiny Attactus Seeds 
  • Noxothane: 40 Points – Sturdysquash Samples + Mutant Elegant Spewflower Seeds 
  • Unknown Biofuel: 55 Points -  Sturdysquash Samples + Resipound 
  • S.O.U.P.: 70 Points - Sturdysquash Samples + Leek 
As you contribute biofuel to EXO Dynamics, you will earn points that unlock unique cosmetics and items. Here’s what you can earn: 
  • 800 Points – Mask: “Sur+” and Cosmetic T4 Shelter: “PUM-KN Shelter” 
  • 2400 Points – Hat: “Horn of Plenty” 
  • 8000 Points – Palette: “Thatch 2.0” 

Important Update for Nintendo Switch Players: Due to a delay with the last Switch update, Switch players missed out on the summer A.M.P.P. event and its lore items.  To make up for it, all players will receive the summer lore items during this event, regardless of platform or participation in the AMPP event!  
  • First event goal: Unlock the first two summer lore items. 
  • Second event goal: Unlock the third and fourth lore items.
  • Final event goal: Unlock the fifth summer lore item. 
Jump in, farm some squash, and claim your rewards now! The event runs until November 30, 2024! 
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Hey folks, we have a very small update today to address a couple of issues that were introduced in The Roadtrip Update (1.31).

The following bugs have been fixed as of version
  • The Extra Large Canister Platform (Installed Platform) should now correctly appear on the Compass when on Calidor
  • Additional EXO Outfitters minor bug fixes

That's it for the fixes in this build, in case you missed it, we have announced our first ever DLC coming in Q4 of this year! Catch up on the latest Astroneer News with our Vlog and wishlist the Astroneer: Glitchwalkers DLC!
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Over 7 years and 20 updates after its early access release, Astroneer is growing once again! Astroneer's first ever DLC, Glitchwalkers, will bring new areas to explore and challenges to overcome later this year — accompanied by new, free content and improvements.

Wishlist our upcoming DLC

Coming Q4 2024
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Automated Mass Production Protocol Event
The brilliant crew of the ESS Elysium have been hard at work reverse-engineering glitched items and uncovering the recipes to create them. This newfound knowledge has now been integrated into the current A.M.P.P. event, allowing players to craft Resipound and Automaton 009 and use them to earn points and unlock rewards.
New Recipes
Resipound: Created using Silicone and Plastic in the Small Printer.
Automaton 009: Crafted with Resipound and Diamond using the Small Printer.
Event Points System
Exchange the following resources at the EXO Request Platform to accumulate points and unlock rewards:
  • Carbon: 2 points
  • Resipound: 15 points
  • Diamond: 20 points
  • Nanocarbon Alloy: 30 points
  • Automaton 009: 48 points
EXO Dynamics rewards contributions with
  • 160 points – NEW “Cog-nition” Hat
  • 480 points – NEW “Respir-8” Mask
  • 1920 points – NEW “Scrap Wrap” Palette

Incremental and Recurring Rewards
Once you’ve completed all three milestones, continue to submit items via the EXO Request Platform to receive incremental rewards. These include:
  • Resources
  • Colorful Fireworks
  • Lore Items
  • EXO Chips
  • Portable Smelters
  • QT-RTGs
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Save File Repair Tool
The Save File Repair Tool is designed to address specific issues that might be causing your game to perform poorly or crash. However, it is intended for occasional use, not as a regular performance boost. It's a one-time fix for stubborn problems and should be used with caution.
Always make sure to back up your game data before using it, and remember that it's not a guaranteed fix for every issue.
If you are considering using more than once on a save, it might be time to look into other solutions or contact support for further assistance at

What is the Save File Repair Tool? 
The Save File Repair Tool is a set of experimental settings that can remove excessive objects from your game world, which might help players overcome issues with saves that are crashing or suffering from poor performance related to excessive items. It's designed to clean up specific items that may cause issues, such as certain world objects, inactive Limited-Time Event items, and completed mission objects. 
How to Access the Save File Repair Tool
You can find the Save File Repair settings at the bottom of the General Settings page in the game's menu. Before you use it, a confirmation pop-up with a warning message will remind you that these are experimental settings. 
Auto Backups 
When you use the Save File Repair settings, the game will create a copy of your save file  and apply the settings to it, leaving your original save file untouched. This copy will be saved with "_ExperimentalModified" appended to the original file name. You will always retain your original save, so you can always go back if needed. 
One-Time Use
The Save File Repair settings are designed for one-time use and can only be accessed from the main menu. This means that every time you start the game or load a save, you'll need to re-enable the Save File Repair settings if you want to use them again. 
Different Save File Repair Options
The Save File Repair Tool offers several options to repair your save file.
  • Delete Non-Persistent World Objects: This setting will prevent certain spawned objects, such as small debris from loading, and regenerate them using modified spawn rates.
  • Delete Inactive LTE World Objects: If a Limited-Time Event has ended, this setting stops related objects from loading.   This setting only applies to event items that were automatically spawned in, not event items the player crafts or receives as a reward. 
  • Delete Completed Mission World Objects: If you've completed a mission and its related objects are no longer needed, this setting prevents them from loading to streamline your game world.  For example, this setting would remove Frozen Argon, Artifacts, Obelisks, and Mysterious Mushrooms after completing the Rails Missions, even if you’ve previously interacted with them. 
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The Roadtrip Update brings new missions, schematics, and improvements to Astroneer. We've also made important adjustments and fixes to ensure a smoother and more enjoyable experience. Dive in, embark on new quests, and see what secrets the cosmos has in store for you!
Feature Updates:
New Missions
Alert: New Structures Detected!
  • Missions have been added to guide curious Astroneers to new discoveries.
  • Recruits must complete the following missions in preparation for this new endeavor:
    - G. desolo: Verification
New Schematics
Upon collecting requested Data Circuits, two new schematics will be unlocked
  • Extra Large Resource Canister
    - Recipe: 1 Diamond, 1 EXO Chip, 2 Nanocarbon Alloy
    - Printer: Large
  • Large Rover Seat B
    - Recipe: 2 Plastic, 1 Compound
    - Printer: Medium
  • Adjustments have been made to the Tapper. Most organic production rates have been slowed. This should leave a bit more breathing room for other power production methods in the early-to-mid game
  • Tooltip updates for certain items
  • Experimental: Save File Repair Settings
    - These settings can be used when saved files cannot be loaded.
    - WARNING: These settings will DELETE certain items from the save in an attempt to make them able to load
    - More about these settings can be found here.
The following bugs have been fixed as of version
  • AS-18105: In multiplayer during Rail Missions the host's performance degrades when a client joins when certain Rail Missions are active
  • AS-19640: Clients in a Multiplayer session do not receive the PUM-KN Shelter from the Fall LTE
  • AS-19502: Backpack Aux Slot does not autopull next bundle of Power Extenders when auto-connecting the the last extender in a bundle
  • AS-19639: The PUM-KN shelter hologram in the catalog is missing mouse collision
  • AS-19998: The full screen Message of the Day image is poor quality and squished
  • AS-20202: The Breakdown Event item tooltips still list printers and say they can be sent via Exo Request Platform Recovery Rocket after the event is over
  • AS-20204: The EXO Recovery Platform does not drop packaged Resource Canisters on launch and consumes/loses them
  • AS-20210: The Exo Request Platform’s progress bar in Control Panel does not match expected values during Repeating Stage in the Summer Event
  • AS-20511: Several items when drilled into non-terrain will not properly slot into the backpack when quick stowed
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What’s say we turn this acid-soaked heckhole into a proper utopia?! Astroneers, we’ve added another community goal to try and keep up with you: Plant 35 million seeds of ANY KIND and we’ll drop another $5,000 donation, this time to the National Parks Conservation Association.

As you can see, the community goal is already sitting at around 14 million thanks to your previous efforts! Just like last time, we'll keep our socials updated with your progress. Also, you don't HAVE to do it on Atrox... I guess... but it would make Commander Sylva very happy!

🌱In just one week, our amazing community has planted over 3.5 million trees in response to our challenge! 🌳 That's a third of the way to our 10,000,000 goal!

We're so impressed with your enthusiasm—should we consider adding more goals to keep the momentum going? Keep planting, and let's see how far we can grow! 🌿

This year’s EXO Cares includes a refresh! While you can still clean up your planets to generate scrap (and you should!!) you can also use new tappables to create a new resource by combining organic and scrap in the Small Printer. Once you complete the event, you might see some new messages from a certain someone who is trying to reach you about your rover’s extended warranty.
New Event Item: |-|4|\|4
  • Recipe – 1 Scrap, 1 Organic
  • Printable via the Small Printer
New Community Goal:
We are also adding a community charity incentive for this year’s EXO Cares event. We challenge you to plant 10,000,000 trees (all of the new tappable plants count) in your saves, and if you do, we will donate $5,000 to Conservation Northwest, a non-profit organization working to preserve wildlands, connect habitats, and restore wildlife in the Pacific Northwest. We will be updating you all on Discord and on social media of your progress towards this goal!

(A note: planting multiple thousands of trees in the same area in your saves will likely cause your save to become unstable. We suggest you use a new save or make a copy if you really want to push yourself!)

Also, this year we are refreshing the rewards for the event with a brand-new cosmetic set! This look makes sure that you are business up front while remaining party in the back. The power is yours to save all of our planets.

EXO Dynamics rewards submissions received with:
  • 1500 Points – Hat: "CAPTAIN'S C01-F"
  • 4200 Points – Palette: "Econeer"
  • 14000 Points – Visor: ”Envision”

Hey friends! Joe here with patch notes and an overall update on our progress for the year so far!

The Verdant Update is all about the green thumbs out there, with a brand new item and a completely new way to harness the power of organic without having to destroy the beautiful landscapes on planets. As stated in our roadmap, the Verdant Update is the first of two smaller content updates for the year as we gear up and work on our upcoming expansion that will be releasing in the fall. (More on that later)

Feature Updates

This update is all about harnessing the power of plants in a “sustainable” way. The Tapper can be placed on “tappable” plants that now spawn in biomes on several planets. The best part? These tappable plants can be uprooted, giving you seeds that will then allow you to plant tappable plants anywhere that is convenient! Start planting your little space orchards!

New Item – The Tapper

Place the tapper on any tappable plant and it will automatically generate organic that you can then feed into your crafting system, automate into carbon for power, or gather for LTEs. It doesn’t require power to operate, but it does take time for the organic to form. Warning: placing multiple tappers on one plant will split the overall output of organic from one tapper between all of the connected tappers.
  • Recipe - 1 Aluminum
New Flora - Tappables

Tappable plants are a new class of flora in Astroneer that spawn across the solar system. Place a tapper on them in the wild for some organic on the go, or uproot them for their precious seeds so you can plant some near your base for some organic farming. They also are great for adding a little bit of green around your base as decoration. While we are only allowing you to farm organic right now, we would love to hear about other tappable types you might want in the future.
  • All existing hazards and harmless flora are also tappable
  • 5 New Tappable Variants
    • Plumefir - Sylva
    • Cactile - Calidor
    • Glacio - Pricklepod
    • Stretchpetal - Vesania
    • Honeypot - Atrox

Since this update is all about plants, we are releasing the very fitting Bumble Bundle in Exo Outfitters! Get to buzzing around the solar system with this full set.

This is a new section I will be including in patch notes this year to tease you all with the upcoming content that will be (potentially) be releasing in Astroneer, with the hope that things can be a bit more predictable for everyone. If you missed it, we plan on releasing two smaller content updates, The Verdant Update, and a yet to be named update in the Summer.

The Summer Update - While we are still in concept, here are some teasers for some new large structures that we are thinking about adding to make exploration more exciting!

Any suggestions for large structures that you would want to see while you are exploring?

Glitchwalker Expansion – Work on the expansion is going well! We are spec-ing and concepting for the new content. We can’t share much, but I will say that we are going for a bit of a twist on the default Astroneer experience so we can offer some gameplay challenges that the current game does not support. I promise I will talk more about this soon on our Youtube channel and on Twitch!

Player Survey – Want to help us make Astroneer better? Want to tell us a joke? Got a piece of feedback? Fill out our Player Survey 001 and let us know what is on your mind.


The following bugs have been fixed as of version
  • AS-20050: In Multiplayer, all players should now receive all the LTE points that they sent on a request rocket whether they are Host, Client, or another DS player.
  • AS-19803: Both Host and Clients should now see their point progress correctly in the EXO Request Platform control panel when playing with a client that has the same number of LTE points, or more LTE points than the Host.
  • AS-20038: In Multiplayer, Clients should now hear destruction SFX when a harmless hazard is harvested
  • AS-20010: Harmless Hazards should no longer produce debris when blown up by dynamite
  • AS-20066: Power Puzzle box tops should pop open less aggressively
  • AS-18959: Storage Sensors should now function for Trade Platforms
  • AS-6586: Quick Stowing drilled items should now properly slot into the backpack
  • AS-20004: The MOTD menu should no longer open in the background while Player is in the Store
  • AS-20037: Explosive Personality name now displays without clipping the hat in the Customization Menu
  • AS-20003: If a player has not previously acquired the Starter Bundle, they should now be able to see it available in the store

Ok that is all, thanks for reading!


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