La-Mulana - cheru
Sorry for the wait. Here comes a sucker punch! GIT SOME!

We're releasing on July 30th!

To be honest, I'm sure there are still bugs we weren't able to find. There are places we weren't able to finish exactly as we wanted, and I feel like there are varying levels of completion throughout the game.

But that's the point from which La-Mulana grew into what it is now, too. So I'm sure La-Mulana 2 will be the same.

We really want to hear all of your opinions and feedback. We've kept you waiting for four and a half years, so we hope you have enough fun to make up for it.

Takumi Naramura
La-Mulana - PLAYISM
The special event commemorating the completion of LA-MULANA 2 has begun! The event will be streaming live for the next three hours for fans of LA-MULANA all over the world.

YouTube (with simultaneous interpretation in English)

Niconico Video (Japanese only)

The English interpretation version will also be made available via Steam Broadcast as well, and can be viewed from the store page!

The event will feature all sorts of behind-the-scenes anecdotes, stories regarding game development, and a special announcement, so be sure to check it out!
La-Mulana - cheru

In celebration of the completion of development for La-Mulana 2, starting from 7:30pm on Saturday, July 28th (PST), we’ll be holding a La-Mulana 2 Commemoration Party and Discussion Event – to be streamed live from Akihabara’s Gadget Tsushin Floor!

The entire NIGORO development team (who are rarely able to come together all at once) will be there, speaking about anything and everything La-Mulana – from never-before-revealed behind-the-scenes anecdotes from the development of both La-Mulana and La-Mulana 2, to… well, who knows what kind of stories we’ll be regaled with?!

Join the Streaming Party on Steam Broadcast:

Join the Streaming Party on Youtube:
La-Mulana - cheru
It's impossible to be "satisfied" in game creation.
No matter how much time you out into it, you end up thinking, "But it could be even better..."
I'm worried about some data that was created way back when.
But it's almost time for release.

Over ten years have passed since we started NIGORO.
Observing the speed at which both the internet and the original La-Mulana spread, I thought, "I may be able to do this professionally."
That was followed by hardship after hardship.
While the game was well-liked, sales were passable at best, and "indies" weren't really even a thing in Japan yet.
We had to find a way to sell the game overseas.

The game has gradually become more well-known, but I can't shake the feeling that we're still just a step short of success in this regard.
I guess getting negative sometimes is just something that happens, I mean, it's been over five years since we've released anything new.
It's been so long that I've forgotten how to do a few things here and there, and I feel like a newbie again.

We at NIGORO live in Japan, work in Japan, and have worked hard to get more fans in Japan.
We've participated in streams of gameplay, spoken at events, requested test plays, stuff like that.
We'd meet and hang out with people who have become fans of ours, and in exchange they'd support us and our work as NIGORO even more.

I feel like we should be doing the same thing overseas.
While there may not be many, just where exactly are the kind of people who would be fans of games like La-Mulana?
For starters, right here, of course: the people who have invested in and backed this project, and who come here to comment, and who have been waiting patiently for us this whole time.
I'm sure that you guys likely have friends who like the same kinds of games as you.
So I'd like to make this request: Please help get the word out about La-Mulana 2 in your own respective countries!
This is to all of you reading this update or article, those of you in the Steam community and in the La-Mulana 2 Subreddit and everyone!

We're gonna be going overseas. And I'm gonna try studying English so that I can express what I want to express in my own words, too.

Takumi Naramura
La-Mulana - cheru

I wanna try wasting a bunch of time and just sleeping for an entire day.

Or rather, I've BEEN wanting to do that, but have been sucking it up and sticking it out for days while we push through the final work on La-Mulana 2.
As we close in on completion, we've been really kicking it into high gear and have been receiving reports from our debuggers at a pace of about one every 30 minutes or so, so I really want to just shut my PC down and take a nap.
And while our localization team is busy sending over reports of missing text and whatnot, I wanna go off on a trip somewhere and chill.

Anyway, right now we're at our absolute busiest. I think I'm gonna find some time in between handling bugs and stuff to stick some more traps into the game.
You know, just go ahead and take out some of my pain and frustration on the players.

As you can see in the image, the English implementation is coming along nicely.
The localizers are really doing a solid job, checking and rechecking game content, settings, various statuses, etc. etc. as they go along.
Unfortunately, I couldn't really tell you how good or bad any English text is, so check with someone who's played the English version to find out just how well it's been done.

Takumi Naramura
La-Mulana - cheru
LA-MULANA 2, which garnered support from 5200 people on Kickstarter in 2014, is finally seeing its release on Playism, Steam, Humble Store and GOG for $24.99 soon.

As we are working on the last stretch towards the release of the game, we have some special news for you all!

La-Mulana 2 Special Event
In anticipation while we lead up to the upcoming La-Mulana 2 release. We will be hosting a special event, which will be live streamed, on July 29th!

More details to come soon!
La-Mulana - cheru
Allow me to explain the LA-MULANA 2 release situation once more.

At the moment, the developers, localizers, testers, etc. - basically, "a whole mess of folks" - are all working on their respective parts, and everyone is busy going through multiple final checks.
Personally, there are some things about which I'm kinda like, "Seriously? We're dealing with that THIS far into development?!", but what are you gonna do? Stuff like this is par for the course for small development teams.

We've been working on this title for a long time now, and it's so big and complicated that I wish I could just keep going in and fixing and tweaking things forever.
But that's not an actual thing you can do, so for now we've got to get this thing finished so we can release it.
First off, we've made it to the point where the full game can be played to the end and cleared. We'll probably end up adding and implementing the hidden elements via post-release update.
We haven't actually announced anything yet, but it goes without saying that we're taking console releases into consideration as well. We plan to use the time between now and any future ports and releases to rock out some updates and further brush up the game.

We worked as hard as we could, but this is a really large-scale and complicated game.
I'm sure that people will discover ways to play, shortcuts, and bugs that we wouldn't have even imagined.
Once the game is released, we'll spend the foreseeable future locked and loaded, ready to take out any possible threat to gameplay that may arise as quickly as possible.

Takumi Naramura
La-Mulana - cheru
With the upcoming release of La-Mulana 2, the Playism Page for the game will stop taking pre-orders from Friday 13th July onwards.
If you are looking to become a slacker backer, this is your last chance.

La-Mulana 2 on Playism

La-Mulana - PLAYISM

This has nothing to do with game progression, but we're going to be creating different costumes for Lumisa.
One of the problems with this is that we can't actually create them until the main character's movements and animations have been fully finalized (since having to make just one adjustment means having to fix every single costume), and so now we're finally about ready to start working on them.

Those of you who have received costume keys as rewards will be receiving a file separate from the game from which you can obtain the keys.
Once the keys are applied to the game, you'll see a number representing the number of keys you have at the bottom-right side of the title screen.
These keys will allow you to open up costume treasure chests in the game and add the costumes to your inventory.

Players who have not received costume keys as rewards will have to acquire them by fulfilling certain conditions in the game.
Also, adding reward costume keys will only work on the PC version.
We unfortunately don't have a way to add this feature to consoles...

The merit of getting costume keys as rewards is that you'll be able to obtain said costumes before everyone else.
But either way, the costumes are hidden inside the ruins, so you won't be able to get your hands on them right away anyway.

Takumi Naramura
La-Mulana - PLAYISM

As of today, we've finally finished off all of the enemy character graphics.
The images are all finished, so now all we have to do is check the movements, attacks, and animations of the final products.
Then we'll be able to check placement, terrain, and strength in the time leading up to release.

Even after spending all this time on development, there are still plenty of things we'd like to tweak and brush up, but there is also good a number of areas for which specs have been cut back as well.
But even so, we continue to stick with our initial desire to ensure that players will be surprised by something or other each time they play La-Mulana 2.
We've made it so that you just can't see and experience everything with just a single playthrough (and we don't mean simply "you have to play it on Hard Mode, too").

Takumi Naramura

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