The Universim - Alex

Hello Creators,

From our entire team, we would like to wish you a Happy New Year and Happy Holidays!
We worked really hard this year and are eager to bring you even more amazing content next year!

Before saying goodbye to 2020, we prepared one last patch that brings with it some major life improvements and some changes that people were waiting for. Plus we left you a nice surprise that you’ll be able to see in the game during the night on the 31 of December & 1st of January.

Now let's dive in.

Filter System
We added a new filter system that allows you to easily see the current status of your city, nuggets, and buildings in the world space. For example this will help you identify areas with a high density of hunger or deteriorating buildings so that you can add another food source or Engineer hut.

Similar Buildings Location Filter

On top of the filter above, we added another one that will highlight the same type of building as the one you have selected to place. This should allow you to nicely spread your hospitals, eateries and other necessary buildings for your civilization across your planet.

Debris System

We added a Debris system. Previously when a building was destroyed, you were not able to identify which one it was unless you manually checked the news archive. Now, when the building is destroyed manually or by any unnatural cause (twitch #explode, lightning strike, meteor, exiles etc), it will leave debris. You will be able to click on them and select 3 different options as well as to see what building was destroyed:
- Clear
- Salvage
- Rebuild

Clear option will allow you to clear those debris.

Salvage option will allow you to receive partial cost of the building

Rebuild will allow you to rebuild the same building. In that case, resources that were supposed to be salvaged, would be automatically applied.

If debris is ignored, it will slowly disappear over time. If it does disappear, you won’t receive any resources back. Once a building is destroyed the longer you wait the less resources you will receive from salvaging or to rebuilding it. In short, the longer you will wait the less resources you will be able to salvage.

Black Market
We added some additional visual improvements to the black market. You will now see what causes the black market to appear.

Improvements and balance changes
  • Roads were polished a bit more and we fixed multiple issues connected to them.
  • Minor performance fixes
  • Minor memory usage optimization
  • Props can no longer spawn on roads or other places where they don’t belong
  • New road shapes were added which allows more curvature for the roads

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed: Kickstart creator power prevented nuggets from eating and drinking
  • Fixed: Road segments were breaking due to large curvature angles
  • Fixed: Fixed an issue that was causing an infinite save load
  • Fixed: Minor visual issues related to the UFO’s crashing
  • Fixed: Redesigned Eatery drinking meter that was not displaying the amount of water correctly
  • Fixed: Low environment level did not influence exile nuggets at all
  • Fixed: The player was able to pick up rocks from inside the construction zones
  • Fixed: Cemetery grave slots were cleared too fast
  • Fixed: Residential Blocks were able to overlap each other and overlap with other buildings as well
  • Fixed: Various UI windows had a chance to close unexpectedly without a player interacting with them
  • Fixed: Gravediggers has a chance of losing bodies when they were switched back and forth between a car and a nugget
  • Fixed: In certain situations, it was not possible to drop a nugget while being close to the ground

Thank you for all your support and your positivity. We are really happy to have such an amazing community and we will do our best to deliver the most outstanding experience possible in 2021.

Thank you everyone and Happy New Year!

Make sure to follow us on discord and our Twitter!

All the best,

The Crytivo Crew

The Universim - Haren
We love our Creators!

Starting at 3pm PST

Come hang out with community member Bluebarry as he conquers the ages. Learn tips and tricks or just nerd out with us.

Hope you can stop by! If not help us give Bluebarry some love on his YouTube!

The Universim - Crytivo
Hello Creators,

We hope you are staying safe with all that is going on in the world. While we’re still working full speed on Space Age, we put a lot of effort into this patch enhancing performance during the late game as well as some life changing improvements that a lot of you were asking for.

And as you know, our developers are on a marathon, doing everything possible to win over you and your support. Every time you leave a review for us on steam we pop a mini champagne, and feed our pocket giraffes with skittles, everyone just gets so much happier. And if today you have a few minutes to spare and have been enjoying what we do, leave us a review on steam. Let’s make our pocket giraffes happy!

We spend a lot of time trying to bring all things together and improve the performance as much as possible. There are still some bits and bobs that can be improved, but we worked our booties off with this patch and improved the performance by more than 120%. This should provide a better experience later in the game on top end machines and especially on lower end machines.

Black Market

Throughout time there’s always been someone in a back alley willing to get the supplies you needed at a cost. In The Universim the Black Market will be auto constructed and upgraded at various points offering a variety of interesting resources for you to buy from 4 different traders. Each trader will be unlocked as you progress through the eras, selling wares that you might need to upgrade your buildings.

All the resources are traded for Nuggets, Ecology, Creator Powers or even disasters. But are you willing to pay the price ?

Kinetic Generator

Nuggets spent a lot of time practicing their running skills inside these wooden hamster wheels. Now it's time for a modern age upgrade. A new building will provide a safer and more efficient environment.

Roads are now connected to the bridges

As we introduced the roads, we had to iterate over them a couple of times in order to polish how they’re structured and improve the overall algorithm that is responsible for the road generation. During this month we worked on one of those improvements that allows roads to smoothly connect to bridges and resolve multiple potential problems with the roads and additional systems in the future.

Key Features:
  • Outline buildings and objects. All the objects which you can interact with in the game will be highlighted when the moused over. These features will be ON by default, but it can be turned off in settings/game.

  • Unlocking a new building now has an animation that plays when you first open the building menu. This should allow you to easily detect when a new building was unlocked.

  • The Creator Points generation setting was added to the Game Customization screen when you start a new game. Now you will be able to choose to play either with a normal CP generation rate, increased CP generation rate (2x speed) or Unlimited CP generation rate.

  • Shortcuts for creator powers now exist on each nugget info panel, population log and on building worker slots

  • Kickstarter Creator Power received an improvement and can be used on an area
    • Nuggets affected by the Kickstarter power will have Red Halo above their heads
    • Kickstarter Creator power now will freeze all nuggets stats except their age status and health
    • This power will constantly drain nuggets health. Make sure to not over use it.
    • Kickstarter will improve nuggets movement speed, increase their strength and carry capacity
  • Healing creator power received an improvement and can be used on an area
    • Nuggets healed by the creator power will receive a white halo above their heads for a short period of time
    • Creator power now allows you to heal all nuggets in the specified area.

  • Each building received a hyperlink for its respective perk that unlocks it. Clicking on it will open Research panel and show where the perk is located
  • Priority button added to the building upgrades which will allow you to prioritize the upgrades
Improvements and balance changes
  • Nugget AI for delivery reworked and improved which will improve the timing on resource delivery
  • CP generation will now be shown in CP per minute inside the temple
  • CP granted for Sacrifices will be displayed in the Temple
  • Added insects that will be flying during night time next to the street lights
  • There is a chance that after cutting a tree stumps will stay on the ground
  • “Fly To” event now can be interrupted by using scroll on your mouse
  • Wind and Kinetic Generators received a shlight rebalance which improve their energy generation speed
  • Modern Wind Generator is now available to be built in the early modern era
  • Stone age engineering huts received an additional slot for the engineer
  • Stone and Wood refineries output increased by 40%
  • Adahy and Elu’s strength has been increased from the range 2-5 to 4-6 in order to provide a consistent start of the game as well as to increase the speed in the beginning of the game.
  • Improved Food Production System that will send only a couple of nuggets at a time to gather food instead of sending all available nuggets to gather it
  • Cook, Doctor / Shaman, Gravedigger will go and collect resources themselves if there are no laborers available to collect resources needed for them.
  • Farms will display an icon above them if the crop was not selected
  • Animals being hunted by Hunters will now have an icon above them
  • If an animal is extinct, the Hunter’s hut will have an icon indicating this. Hunters won’t do anything until a new animal type is selected.
  • Resource tooltips now include materials for upgrades
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed: Issue where nuggets should ignore the nearby resource and move to pickup the resources further on due to incorrect computation error.
  • Fixed: Issue that would cause multiple errors in the game when the game was loaded with fire in it
  • Fixed: In certain situations roads were generated incorrectly when the evolution tower was placed
  • Fixed: Crytivo Club was not showing up when the game was loaded
  • Fixed: Renaming the buildings was not working properly
  • Fixed: Nuggets repeatedly were reentering roads
  • Fixed: Wind was updated incorrectly, which was causing wind related buildings to work incorrectly
  • Fixed: Killing an Alpha wolf during wolf attack would not kill the wolf actor and upon load it was causing major errors in the game
  • Fixed: Upgrading a building would trigger the “Building was destroyed” message in the news channel.
  • Fixed: Nugget thumbnail was not displayed correctly in the houses
  • Fixed: Nuggets were stopping their movement when the new request was taken
  • Fixed: Certain parts of the roads blueprint were incorrectly removed from the game upon placing a new construction zone on top of them
  • Fixed: Oppress Health stat effect on nuggets was incorrectly working with Hospitals which caused nuggets to get stuck inside the hospital
  • Fixed: Camera movement was not paused when different popup windows were on the screen, such as creator power carousel, quest log screen, research screen etc.
  • Fixed: Picked nuggets in certain cases would go underground and they would continue walking underground
  • Fixed: Following the nuggets and picking him up during the camera “follow: event would break the camera and it would try to follow the cursor instead
  • Fixed: Stuck matchmaking lines over Le Cupidon nuggets
  • Fixed: Multiple panel sorting issues when the Research panel was opened
  • Fixed: Missing nuggets status while being in Prison or Rehabilitation Center
  • Fixed: Adahy and Elu appearance was different from the menu start screen upon loading the game
  • Fixed: Farms without water would produce news messages that would never disappear from the screen causing news messages to stack and cover the majority of the screen space
  • Fixed: Confetti upon landing the successful shot would spawn in the incorrect location
  • Fixed: Some road nodes were duplicated causing errors upon loading the game
  • Fixed: Relationships with exiles were not changed upon killing exile nuggets
  • Fixed: Terrain deformation near the roads was causing nuggets to start waking up in the air
  • Fixed: Le Cupidon matchmaking lines did not disappear upon partner sudden death
  • Fixed: Overpacked quest would break if it was loaded from the saved game
  • Fixed: Residential building panel was using upgrade panel instead of its own panel
  • Fixed: In certain cases road nodes were created underground, which would cause nuggets to go underground
  • Fixed: Some animals animations were incorrectly working when the game speed was increased
  • Fixed: Incorrect birds animations
  • Fixed: Kickstarter creator power was not adding bonus stats correctly
  • Fixed: Planet nodes which are being used by nuggets were not always updated correctly, leading nuggets to wander around
  • Fixed: Error that was happening when the roads were building during paused game
  • Fixed: Electrical parts from Tesla Quest and Delivery packages from Overpacked quests could have been dropped through the ground, leading to the quest failure
  • Fixed: Law was not always taking an effect when the candidate was selected during the election process.
  • Fixed: Bug that was preventing various roads segments to not but built
  • Fixed: Overpacked quests was not spawning packages if the building was placed too close to the roads
  • Fixed: Nugget clothes not being set correctly when nuggets changed their jobs
  • Fixed: Nuggets would not receive clothing when the research for clothing was complete
  • Fixed: Issue where the roads could end up above or below the ground
  • Fixed: Issue where very long roads were generated automatically without the player’s input
  • Fixed: Issue where decoding a spacebox had the lowest priority and therefore it was taking a long time to do so.
  • Fixed: Planet environment will always start at 100%
  • Fixed: Nuggets will no longer wander the entire planet when the city is low on food. They will still try to search for food, but they won’t go across the planet just .
  • Fixed: Houses did not correctly display Nugget’s status
  • Fixed: Error that was appearing when Explosion of the nugget was caused by Twitch viewer
  • Fixed: Animals will no longer be extremely stretched when thrown
UI and Art:

Black Market panel.

Oh boy, it took us a good amount of time to put together this beautiful panel for you to enjoy. Unique aliens were designed to fit with the design, each alien has their own mood and animations. New sparkling icons were created to support your imagination. We hope you’ll enjoy ordering intergalactic goodies from the newly opened Black Market.

The new notification Panel was designed to let you know if there’s something missing and we hope it will help. We’ll continue reusing this panel as we develop, yay.

Nuggets God Action panel. Now you can use your god powers on specific Nuggets from the following panels - Nugget List, Nugget ID card and Building Panels. This was a frequently requested feature and we’re excited to scratch that itch for you, we hope you enjoy it!

An evolution progress bar has been added to your research screen. Now you can easily see your progress in the evolutionary research tree. It looks fancy, we know it, but thanks for all compliments anyways.

Thank you all for being awesome. We’re continuing our work on the Space Age and listening closely to everyone who provides feedback on our social media or discord in order to improve our current systems. Very soon we’ll have an exciting announcement. Again, leave a review on steam to boost our Devs moral and help them output the best results, like ever!

Make sure to follow us on Twitter!

All the best,
The Crytivo Crew
The Universim - Haren
We love our creators!
And we think you'll like watching Bluebarry play and hanging out with his kind community!

Bluebarry has been making consistent content for over a year and we wanted to introduce you to him.

ːsteamhappyː Give Bluebarry a follow if you're interested in more The Universim Content.

The Universim - Crytivo
Hello Creators,

We hope you’ve had fun watching your Nuggets truck along the roads and are ready to play with a new bunch of features. Plus a bunch of bugs was hunted down and squished. Our developers worked really hard to deliver the most stable and fun version of The Universim yet.

Below are some key features that were added or improved in the game. As usual, we ask you to leave us a review on Steam if you enjoy what we do. We have really exciting stuff coming your way very, very soon.

Alrighty, let’s get to it:

New Main Menu Screen

The entire Main Menu and Settings were redesigned and improved. Now it’s more clear and hopefully easier to navigate. We will continue improving your user experience as we develop, but at the same time let us know on a discord if there is something missing from our settings.

Game Customization Screen

Natural Disasters

You’ve been asking us to add the ability to play without natural disasters for a while and it’s finally here! Now you can choose how often you’ll have them. You can set it to “Never,” which pretty much means what it says - disasters will never happen on your planet. You can keep it on “Occasional” - this is what we recommend for a balanced experience, or Often - for the players who like it extra spicy.

Wild Animals Attacks

On top of choosing the frequency of the disasters, you can also choose how often Wild animals attack your village. It can also be Often, Occasional or set to Never happen.

Exile Attacks

And finally, you can also tweak Exile attacks with similar parameters.

We know you wanted these options for a while and we spent a good amount of time making the game fun and engaging no matter what you chose. We hope you’ll love it and of course we’re open for feedback. Let us know on discord.

Nugget Traits

We know a good number of you play The Universim a lot, replaying it over and over and over. To help you keep things fresh, we’re adding the ability for you to customize your Nuggets’ skin tones along with starting Nugget Traits. These Traits will alter your gameplay, check out what our internal QA Team had to say about them:

True Believer: This is an easy mode trait. This trait brings in a lot of extra CP when starting a new game. This can help the player in many different areas. The downside is that there will be more UFOs that can steal Nuggets away.

Arnold: A fun Easy Mode trait. It allows things to be delivered faster which speeds up the early part of the game. However, they also eat a lot of food and tire easily.

Matenator: A very fun trait. Also easy mode. This also speeds up the early part of the game by greatly increasing population for a few generations until it breeds/dies out. This is a great trait for those players who struggle with population early in the game. The downside is that these Nuggets will die from exhaustion before their time, and they also eat a lot of food!

Fugitive: Fun and Easy mode trait as Nuggets move fast for a few generations. However, Nuggets may steal some of your resources!

Nugg Norris: This is a hard mode trait. Nuggets start off very strong, and they can build things very fast. However, Nuggets severely damage other Nuggets for a few generations. This can cause many injuries and death. So be careful!

Greenlander: At a glance, this trait may seem easy to play, but it is not. While these Nuggets will create trees, they have shorter lifespans and consume a lot of water.

Highlander: This is an easy/normal mode trait as it boosts the population early in the game. It's REALLY fun when Elderly mating is active and all the old Highlander's breed. However, if one gets infected, it can RAPIDLY spread. The player must be vigilant to keep any potential infections from starting or spreading.

Coffin Dodger: This is the hardest trait in the game to play. Once zombies start to spread, it can be an incredible challenge to bring them under control and may burn a lot of CP. This is recommended for more hardcore players.

Each Trait will need to be unlocked by playing the game.

We will continue reviewing Traits, and potentially adding new ones, if you guys will like ‘em. Please let us know on our Discord if you have any ideas what Traits we can add or change in the future.

Overpacked Quest

An enterprising Nugget wants your help to open his business. In order to do so, you need to place a Couriers hut and deliver the boxes to appropriate mailboxes.

Sitting On Powder Quest

Nuggets may not have arms, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be armed. One Nugget who is Pro Gun is asking for you to help elect the Pro Gun candidate.

Improvements and balance changes
Merge of Wells and Reservoirs

Wells and Reservoirs are now merged into a single building. Previously, having two buildings would often confuse everyone. Since both buildings’ functionality is to preserve water, one building provided water purely for the buildings, while wells provided water only for Nuggets. We decided to simplify that aspect of the game and merged those two buildings into one. Now the well part of the building will take water from the reservoir that is being filled with water pumps.

Perk Finder

With each patch, the amount of perks was only increasing, and it got to the point where it was a chore to find it in the research tree. This is why we decided to add some extra help that allows a player to find and identify the needed perk. Each perk description now has a small eye icon next to the Perk Requirement. Clicking on that eye will bring you to the required perk.

Improved trait / skin color inheritance

Due to the addition of the customization screen before the game starts, we also reviewed how our traits and skin color were passed on, and we decided to improve that aspect of the game as well. Previously, your Nuggets would get the trait from their parents no matter what, and therefore, your civilization was always limited to a certain amount of traits. The current system provides a high chance of passing one of the parent’s traits, but it also has a chance to generate a new one or be left out without a trait.

Skin color of the Nuggets, similar to traits, was passed down based on the parents color skin. It was either from a father or a mother. We added some changes to the system, and now it will take a middle color between two colors of your parents. This way their kids can have slightly different shades of the colors based on their parents skin color.

Street lights Simulation

Previously, all street lights located on the modern roads were turned on all at once when night time was falling. It created an illusion of a lightbulb that would turn on immediately when you flip a switch. It was breaking the immersion of the game and didn't feel right. We added some randomization to it. Now certain lights might flikker on while others will turn on after a short delay.

Fish respawn in the lakes

To our surprise, this was one of the most asked for features to be added to the game. When the lake/ocean would dry out, all the fish would be destroyed and never replenished. This was causing a lot of players to constantly build and destroy their fishing piers. With the new system, the fish will regenerate back to its original state based on the amount of water in the lake. So if the lake does not have water, there won’t be any fish, but as you add more and more water, the fish will start regenerating slowly, and based on the amount of water the regeneration, speed will be increased.

Construction pause button

This is another request that was asked for on multiple occasions. Sometimes, when a lot of buildings are placed all at once, Nuggets will do their best to build all the buildings in order they were placed. But if there were not enough resources for the first placed building, they would try to deliver resources that they have to other buildings. In some situations this caused a pretty long delay for that first building. The Pause button allows you to stop the construction, and any delivery of the resources. Now Nuggets will concentrate on the other buildings that are being constructed first.

Save Game option

The Save Game option was added to the ESC menu. It will be available immediately after the epicenter is placed. A lot of players, who were not familiar with the game, were struggling with our unique saving system. Quite often, it led to frustration and confusion. We reviewed that system and added a save game option to the ESC menu. The Archive is still being used to autosave the game, but you no longer need to place it in order to save the game.

Continue button was added to the Main Menu

You’ll now find a new continue button that allows you to continue from your last saved game, getting players back to their game faster.

Save Filters

Buildings Menu and Nuggets Menu will save the filters now for 5 minutes before being reset to default settings. Previously, opening one of those windows, selecting certain filters, and then closing it would reset all the filters immediately and you had to go through this whole process once again. Not any more.

UI Scaling & Saving Settings

While completely reworking the settings screen, we also went through our current settings and made sure that they are all working properly. Besides that, we also tested our UI scaling on very high and low resolutions and adjusted our UI to work correctly.

Improved Nuggets speed on the road

Roads will provide an additional speed to Nuggets which will allow your Nuggets to zip around your sprawling world and transport materials more quickly.

Improved Couriers and General Transportation AI

We reviewed the efficiency of our Nuggets delivering resources to their destination and found some aspects that needed to be improved. Couriers and Nuggets that transport resources will choose the most efficient route to deliver resources to the destination based on a score system that evaluates distance, the amount of Nuggets that are delivering those resources as well as other Nugget needs.

Improved Engineers AI

With additions of the roads, instead of helping our engineer Nuggets, it actually increased the travel time for them due to incorrect building prioritization by engineers. We reviewed & improved AI in order to make sure that they will always select the most efficient path to the buildings, and they will make a better decision on which building they should be fixing next based on the distance, building health, and their needs.

Option to disable camera shake

Out settings received an additional setting for people who have motion sickness. Now you will be able to turn off camera shake when you bump into the buildings or when any explosions or rumblings are happening in the game.

Additional Improvements

-Construction supporters are limited to 10
-Nuggets will be removed from the buildings if it is being turned off manually by the player
-If crop is not selected, farm will display an icon above it
-Nuggets drink twice as fast as before
-Сars and Roads appear at the same time after industrialization perk is researched
-Building Boundary Changes
We heard you say that buildings were spread too far apart - especially on the shorelines. Pumps and Fishing Huts can now be placed much closer together. Regular buildings had the needed space between them reduced by 50%. This will also allow you to build a bit closer to roads as well.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: The roads were not showing up properly for hardware supported mac users.
  • Fixed: Dead Nugget quest did not trigger a second part of the quest which led to the quest failure.
  • Fixed: Le Cupidon would cause connection lines between Nuggets to stay on the screen.
  • Fixed: Nuggets in some cases would not select the best and optimal way to reach a resource
  • Fixed: The game had a chance to crash if it was saved and loaded while buildings and ground were on fire.
  • Fixed: Road would not be correctly built based on evolution tower placement
  • Fixed: In some cases Crytivo Club on the main screen would not show up
  • Fixed: Rename a Nugget quest could have been completed by utilizing Nuggets found in the space box
  • Fixed: Nuggets sometimes would repeatedly reenter the road
  • Fixed: Construction site supporters would not show up immediately when assigned to the construction site
  • Fixed: Building area radius would blink when clicked at night time
  • Fixed: Random Nuggets and hunters were getting stuck on the roads
  • Fixed: Building ghosters would not scale correctly on certain resolutions
  • Fixed: Multiple issues with culling system that would remove parts of the world objects from the screen
  • Fixed: Nugget would get stuck if a building was shut off while he was heading to it
  • Fixed: Added the correct Blizzard sound
  • Fixed: Camera sometimes would flip over when “Fly To” button was clicked in order to move to an important location
  • Fixed: Creator powers would not work consistently during pause menu
  • Fixed: Nuggets’ tooltip staying up on a screen from the Nugget panel
  • Fixed: Graveyards would keep slots reserved even after the grave disappeared, preventing new Nuggets to be added to the graveyard
  • Fixed: Unable to cancel archive while it is being constructed
  • Fixed: Quest icons did not show up consistently on the game load
  • Fixed: Nuggets would proceed going to the hospital despite being healed before reaching it
  • Fixed: Exile Airport had a status icon that indicated no water or electricity
  • Fixed: Exile village orators and priest were constantly adding a negative effect which was breaking the game after some time
  • Fixed: Incorrect Archive Icon
  • Fixed: Pre-Medieval warehouse was missing the storage space for the glass
  • Fixed: Firefighters modern building was unlockable without unlocking prior age building
  • Fixed: Grass was not appearing in the game
  • Fixed: Incorrect windows sporting while being in the construction menu
  • Fixed: Connect Button to twitch would not always be clickable
  • Fixed: Twitch Connection Issues
  • Fixed: Drinking water in wells carries over between upgrades
  • Fixed: Incorrect name handling during Twitch Integration
  • Fixed: Nugget kids were able to wonder underground in some cases
  • Fixed: Icon filter in the Nuggets menu

UI and Art
  • Completely redesigned Main Menu
  • Completely redesigned Settings Menu
  • New Nugget customization screen that includes Nuggets Skin Color Tone Picker and disaster frequencies selections toggles.
  • Unique Nugget Traits perks design
  • Redesigned and merged water well with water reservoir UI Panel
  • New - Farm No Crop Selected Icon
  • Redesigned and Merged Water Well and Water Reservoir 3D models for Stone Age, Medieval and Modern Ages

Thank you all for being awesome. We’re working really hard on a Space Age, and soonish we’ll have an exciting announcement. Again, leave a review on steam to boost our Devs morale and help them output the best results, like ever!

Make sure to follow us on Twitter!
All the best,

The Crytivo Crew
The Universim - Crytivo

Hello Creators,

First of all we hope you, your family, and friends are doing alright during difficult times. We hope the new content update for The Universim helps make your days a tad brighter. We’re excited to let you finally play with the Road system and the other features that made it into this patch.

Before you hop in reading about all the awesomeness we would like to ask our passionable fans to leave us a review on Steam if you’re enjoying the game and didn’t have time to review it, you can do it here.

Alrighty, let’s get to it:


The wait is finally over. Our engineering team was hard at work adding a magnificent, extremely challenging, road system over the past few months. We’re finally happy with our progress to let you play with the roads and let us know what you think. Keep in mind that this is going to be an initial (beta) release of this system so we expect that you may experience some bugs or issues, but hopefully not. If you do experience any issues, please make sure to let us know about them on our Discord Channel here.

In the future updates roads will be connected to the bridges and tunnels built by you or Nuggets. We’re also planning to add smaller roads that will connect key structures to bigger roads.

The Nugget’s Fierce Enemy Quest

A new quest has been added to the game. You’ll come across Nuggets in need of your help to tear down some trees that they consider their mortal enemies (weird right?) Help them tear down those tall monsters of bark and leaves!

The Last Exhibitionist Quest

After the development of Clothing, a certain Nugget refuses to conform to society and adopt clothing. They say “I came into this world naked, and I’ll remain that way.” However, it’s really getting awkward, and they aren’t exactly a sight to behold. You will need to convince this Nugget to learn the benefits of clothing and get them to join in on the clothing revolution.


Vroom, vroom! You’ve been playing with trucks for a while, so we decided to spice things up and add motor bikes that Nuggets can use to cruise down the brand new roads. More variations in transportation are coming your way soonish that will add a bit of carbon monoxide into the fresh air of your future civilization, but hey your Nuggets will definitely look way cooler.

Nugget Stories

With an addition of the Nugget Stories window that allows you to track your progress, our art department knocked out an image for almost every single quest that we have. So now you'll be able to reflect on your awesomeness in style! Please, give some love to our art department.

Crytivo Club

For all those who love to unlock cool stuff, participate in our closed tests, and receive news before everyone, we added some improvements to the Crytivo Club system. Now you can finally restore your lost password with ease. We also added a way for you to resend the confirmation email in order to activate your Crytivo Club account.

If you're not in da Club yet cut the line while the bouncers arn't looking 💪😎👍 . Join now to unlock exclusive content in your favoritve Crytivo Games, receive Free Games, participate in a Giveaways and Incentives. Receive invites to test latest and sometimes secret Games that Crytivo or our Partners Develop.

Improvements and balance changes

Exile Villages

To make your life easier, we now marking Orators and Priests from exile villages to help you to spot them easily and take appropriate (or not so much) measures against them.

Global Temperature

While the world is concerned with global warming, we had a problem with global freezing in The Universim. We reviewed the global temperature system and fine tuned the numbers in order to make your seasons slightly more comfortable for a playthrough.


Based on our analytics, a lot of our creators are just in love with Wind Turbines. We wanted to review our energy system and improve certain electrical buildings. Almost all of the energy generators received substantial buffs which means you won’t have to worry about your electricity as much as you did. But don’t get fooled, there is still plenty of work to be done to help your civilization thrive.

  • Medieval Wind Turbines wind resistance changed from 4 -> 4.2
  • Modern Wind turbines received a slight bonus to the wind resistance 4 -> 4.6 points.
  • Kinetic Generators no longer do any harm to the environment.
  • Kinetic Generators output increased from 25 -> 35 points
  • Gas plant received a debuff and its energy output was decreased from 300 -> 200


Along with the energy system, we did a review of our water system. Almost every aspect of it was improved and buffed in one way or another.

  • Stone Age water pump production rate increased from 20 -> 30
  • Pre-medieval water pump production rate increased from 60 -> 80
  • Medieval water pump production rate increased from 90 -> 120
  • Modern Water pump production rate increased from 150 -> 180

Reservoirs changes include:

  • Stone Age reservoir capacity increased from 30000 -> 40000
  • Pre-Medieval reservoir capacity increased from 45000 -> 60000
  • Medieval reservoir capacity increased from 60000 -> 100000
  • Modern Reservoir capacity increased from 90000 -> 150000

Toxic Lakes

With the initial release, toxic lakes brought a lot of challenges upon our creators and required some changes and life improvements.

Chance to get sick by your Nuggets during the Medium Environment level was lowered from 30% -> 15%.

Improved Nuggets Assignment System

During the last patch we noticed that some of our creators had an issue with educated Nuggets taking all the spots in the buildings that did not require them, therefore leaving a lot of uneducated Nuggets to work in buildings that actually require education. That was a big no-no for us and that issue was immediately addressed. The system was upgraded so that jobs will be prioritized by a Nugget’s education. Buildings that require educated Nuggets will be filled with educated Nuggets, as well as buildings that don’t require and education will be filled with uneducated Nuggets. Easy peasy.

Improved Planet Node System

We reviewed our node system once again in order to resolve the issue of very small lakes that don't contain water, but still prevent the player from placing the building over those spots. Now during the creation of the planet, our system eliminates those small spots. No more weird useless lakes! Hooray!

Buildings Upgrade System

Some buildings during their upgrade would lose their settings and cause all sorts of issues and frustrations. Now warehouse, farms, hunter huts, employment centers, and cemeteries will carry over their old settings through the upgrade.

Other Changes

  • Added the ability to click on any icons above the buildings in order to “Fly To” those buildings.
  • During disasters all Nuggets won’t prioritize one bunker. Instead they will evaluate each available bunker and slots in the bunker and make a smart decision where they should go, reducing the time Nuggets need to reach the bunker during the disaster.
  • Updated animals to use a new animation system in order to improve their movements and transition between them.
  • Birds and whales can be picked up now.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Injured Doctor would take a patient spot and a new doctor won’t be assigned to the hospital.
  • Fixed: Sometimes when you would receive an error in the game, it might affect your Nugget panel and show different debug panels which were not working properly and they would further break the game.
  • Fixed: Removed Wiki button from the oxygen panel .
  • Fixed: Turtles spawned next to the residential area would create errors in the game.
  • Fixed: Minister news messages were not correctly displayed when a Minister ordered a new creation of the building.
  • Fixed: Issue when Animals would walk through the middle of the ocean.
  • Fixed: Using the tornado creator power in a rapid sequence could have caused the appearance of 2-3 tornados in one spot causing the error and breaking the game.
  • Fixed: Dropping Nuggets on top of the mountain would cause death for your Nugget. Welp, not anymore…
  • Fixed: Shore buildings were not placed on certain sports next to the store.
  • Fixed: The wheel on the water pump ghoster model was offset incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Buildings during winter time were completely submerged into snow leaving almost no indication to identify the building.
  • Fixed: News messages were sorted incorrectly.
  • Fixed: News messages log was never deleted causing all sorts of unpredictable issues.
  • Fixed: Boats turned 90 degrees upwards after the water level was dropped.
  • Fixed: Multiple animation issues related to boats.
  • Fixed: Incorrect boats passing.
  • Fixed: Players were able to trigger game pause during loading which was leading to infinite load.
  • Fixed: Blur during “No UI” mode.
  • Fixed: Population log was not sorted correctly.
  • Fixed: Persisting Cupidon light on the screen.
  • Fixed: Crashes on AMD cards.
  • Fixed: Nuggets sometimes could appear without hair or clothes.
  • Fixed: Baby Nuggets would appear on the edge of the house instead of walking from the house entrance.
  • Fixed: Exile building won’t be placed inside the player territory.

While you'll enjoy playing this update brought to you by our dedicated developers we'll continue work on the Space Era in The Universim. We appreciate the love and support you send us through your positive comments on our social media and it definitely motivates us to "go the extra mile." As a reminder, if you enjoy the game please leave us a review on steam, every review increases our developers’ smiles an extra inch.

We've been running cool new initiatives, one of them is Crytivo Connect, where we chat with other developers that make awesome games you might be interested in. The previous Crytivo Connect was with the developers of the Prehistoric Kingdom, an upcoming Dinosaur Zoo Tycoon game. We had a lot of fun. Check out the recording here and be sure to follow our Twitch channel to not miss our future streams.

All the best,
The Crytivo Crew
The Universim - Crytivo
Greetings, Creators!

We hope you’re all staying safe during these challenging times! It has been a while since we’ve posted a proper dev blog for The Universim, so it’s about time we caught you up on some cool behind-the-scenes stuff we've been cooking up. We used to post devlogs more frequently back in the day, but our team has been so busy working towards release that we kind of forgot about it. Let’s try to fix that!

Today’s blog post is going to be about the surprisingly most-requested feature by the community -- roads.


When you think about it, basically every city builder has them, so why don’t we? Surely it’s easy to just throw them in? Unfortunately, it’s a bit different with The Universim. Due to the direction we chose with spherical, procedurally-generated worlds (yup, we’ve mentioned this a few times) and dynamic city growth, adding roads is extremely difficult.

In contrast, most city building games have roads that are created in simple rectangular blocks on flat terrain on a plane. The environment is not as organic and chaotic as it is in The Universim.


It took us several months of intensive R&D just to determine the best approach for the system and how it interoperates with other systems. The road system has been in active development for a further several months now, which we’re happy to let you play with soon. If everything goes according to plan, we will release a content update on August 3rd that will include the first iteration of the road system!

As mentioned, this will be the first iteration of the roads system. This will be an opportunity to get your feedback, while we continue to improve the system and add new features for future releases.

The approach

We decided to go with a precomputed city blueprint approach. An invisible network of potential roads and residential blocks are calculated when you first place your Evolution Tower. As your city expands, roads are automatically built from new residential buildings and certain manually placed buildings, back to your city center.

These roads follow the hidden blueprint, which allows us to automatically adhere to a set of complicated rules that ensures a clean, valid road system.

These rules include forming only valid junctions in a known set (T-junctions variations, crossings, etc.), avoiding very sharp turns, keeping roads on flat ground and away from lakes and mountains, ensuring that roads leave enough space between them for the automatic placement of residential buildings and other automatic buildings placed by ministers, and so on.

But why the pre-computed blueprint? Why not simply let players “draw” roads anywhere? Well, this would be tricky to do in terms of conveying real-time information to the player about what is valid and what is not. It might feel very restrictive and annoying. You might not easily understand why the road segment you wish to place is not valid:

  • Are you too close to water?
  • Is the ground too uneven?
  • Is the road you are trying to place connecting to a junction that has too many roads already that that junction?
  • Is the road you are trying to place forming a junction for which no valid display mesh exists?
  • Is the road too close to another road, not leaving enough room for residential block placement?
  • Is the road touching nearby existing buildings?

The whole thing gets complicated very quickly, and at least for this iteration, free-form manual road building was not a realistic target for us.

Automatic road building

In this iteration, roads are built from automatically placed buildings (residentials, ministers), as well as selected manually placed buildings, to the city center. In the future, depending on feedback and further experimentation, we might enable manual road-building by “painting” on the blueprint.

You are still in control

You will not be prevented from placing buildings onto areas where roads have been built. If you do, the road segment(s) in that position will be deleted. Any future attempts to build roads in that area, will work around your “obstruction”, or at least it will try to.

You can also place manual buildings anywhere that future roads may otherwise have been built. You are essentially obstructing the blueprint. The more chaotically you place buildings and the more obstructions you cause, the less structured and city-like your final world will be.

To guide you along and to help you to optionally keep your city structured around the road network, a semi transparent “guide” of blueprint roads will appear as you are placing buildings. This allows you to easily place a building right next to a future road, rather than in the middle of it :)

The visuals (displaying roads)

As you progress through the various ages, the way in which roads are displayed will change. At the start of the game, simple dust roads are drawn. By the time you reach the modern era, concrete and tarmac roads will make things look a lot more like a modern city.

Currently, the most interesting and good-looking era by far is the modern road system. It includes interesting props at junctions and alongside roads. The mesh-based, textured, displays also make it look more “solid” and structured.

Roads and pathfinding

It would be a missed opportunity if the roads were purely visual, with no real purpose. The good news is, the roads actually do serve a purpose! The road data is fed into our pathfinding system. They provide high-priority paths that Nuggets will follow. This is especially important in the modern age, where Nuggets convert to vehicles that will travel at higher speeds on roads, just as you would expect to see in a real city.

Current limitations and known issues

  • Sometimes the terrain will go over small sections of road.
  • A small number of junctions or road sections might look a little weird and deformed.
  • No manual road-building.
  • Road surfaces are cleared by Nuggets after the roads are built. So, for a short while, you might see trees and rocks sticking out of roads.

Other news

We have also most recently implemented an important analytics tool for the game that will help with R&D. If you’ll have some time to spare, please help us test our systems on August 3rd! We want to do a proper analytics pass on the game across as many computer systems as possible, so the more the merrier!

If you have been enjoying The Universim but haven’t left us a review on Steam, please consider dropping us your thoughts here!

It’s always a morale booster and helps us see what you love and what needs work. We promised to our fans that, If we hit 30k :) reviews on Steam, we’ll start working on The Universim 2 that will have multiplayer support and terraforming! Everything is possible, right?!

Stay safe, wear your masks, and keep being kind to one another!

With love,
The Crytivo Crew
The Universim - Alex

We're Streaming new content update Live Now. Join us here

Greetings, Creators!

Welcome to another exciting patch day with the latest release of v42! In this update, we poured some much-requested love into the earlier stages of the game (notably, the Stone Age), alongside other improvements that are essential to keeping the later stages in good standing. Let’s run through the improvements to current systems, rebalanced AI, reworked mating, and some sneaky bugs we have stomped thanks to your feedback.

We also made this new short video explaining what The Universim is for new players and hey maybe you can find new footage that you never seen before.

Stone Age Firefighters

With the introduction of crazier fire, we had to revisit our firefighters to make their crazy match the fire’s level of crazy. Fires pop up a lot, either as a result of mother nature or an unfortunate accident on your part. It’s important to have competent (ok, somewhat competent) Nuggets running around with buckets of water from the early stages. Give a warm welcome to the new firefighters!

New Quest Panel

Ever wonder about the life trials and tribulations your Nuggets go through? We've added a Stories Panel where you can keep track and see the progress of your civilization's experiences! Think of it like a nice little scrapbook that you keep as your world grows up. We’ll be adding more quests in the future so keep an eye out for updates to the Stories.

Fire Quest
Now more than ever, firefighters will be doing their best to explain proper safety guidelines to the rest of the Nuggets. Despite their efforts, there’s still going to be a lot of work for you to do. In extreme situations, like the imminent destruction of your city, it may be a good time to step in. In order to do so as effectively as possible, you will have to learn the proper approach to dealing with fire. Hopefully you get the instructions in time!

Toxic Lakes Quest
Before you enter space, you will have to learn how to smooth out the rougher features of planets along your journey to conquer the galaxy. As your civilization evolves, it produces more and more waste that pollutes the environment. This affects the overall health of your planet and your oceans. Oceans in return become toxic and make your Nuggets’ lives even harder than usual. It is your responsibility to ensure that your civilization stays in top health. In order to achieve that, you might want to learn some additional skills.

New Ocean Shader
The ocean always inspires the imagination and brings joy to the soul… at least the real ones. We changed the look of the planet, vegetation, and animals, but we always kept our oceans the same. As the years went by, our water shader became less appealing and stood out against the higher fidelity assets. We took some time to make it shine. Take a look!

Blizzard & Heatwave
As we worked on all the climate stuff, we had to review our natural disasters. Sandstorms just weren’t cutting it anymore, so we had to add in something new. Introducing Blizzards and Heatwaves! These two disasters will replace Sandstorms and occur based on the current season. No more dust! It’s way worse now. Better get those Forecast Towers and Bunkers built!

Nuggets Oxygen Suffocation
As we get closer to the Space Age, we are slowly reworking certain Nugget indicators. It’s a little difficult for Nuggets to survive without oxygen, so it’s probably a good time to improve how those details are displayed. The Nugget Panel now shows the current oxygen level for the selected Nugget and all effects applied to the oxygen level. Just try keep it above 0 and there won’t be too much trouble.

Not in the build but being worked on:
  • Roads
  • Organic simulation on planets
  • Rovers
  • Rockets
  • Space Port
  • Terraforming
  • Space Trading
  • Flying Vehicles

Improvements and balance changes

We’ve been hearing that some folks are having an issue with their population and we want to make sure that it’s not a struggle to keep your Nuggets’ numbers up outside of disasters or poor environmental conditions. We’ve made some changes behind the scenes to the population that we hope will be more fun to manage as no one likes to have a sparsely populated ant farm. This will also make disasters a little more forgiving. Please be sure to give us your population feedback in the future so we can always better tune your Nuggets’ wiring to make your guardianship of your hapless Nuggets more rewarding.

Nugget Needs AI
Rewritten from scratch! This AI was responsible for what Nuggets decided to do (or not do). The rewrite has allowed us to fine-tune their behavior and ensure that they will respond to their needs without hesitation. This isn’t like working for a really pushy boss -- Nuggets get to use the bathroom or eat once in a while (and won’t get forced to do both at the same time for the sake of efficiency). This also applies to which needs outweigh others, so Nugget won’t have any more internal conflict about whether to grab a drink or bite into a burger, based on which action is the wiser choice. Faster need fulfillment achieved!

Nugget Combat
Nuggets weren’t very good fighters in the past. Sometimes, they would charge into battle backwards, or become oddly picky about which opponent to fight and run back and forth weighing their options. While this makes for excellent diversionary tactics, it doesn’t work so well if they aren’t intended to be a diversion. Next time your Nuggets engage in combat, keep an eye out for their refined aim and precision!

Temperature affects crops and fishing hut
Previously, Farms and Fisheries weren’t affected by local temperatures. They were pretty binary, based on the seasons. Now the local placement of these facilities will affect how well they operate during winter and summer. For instance, placing a Fishery near a desert biome will keep them running during winter, while mountainous regions could be a bit colder even during summer.

Planet temperatures rebalanced
In preparation for the colonization of alien planets, we had to revisit our global temperature systems again and calibrate them to more precisely match expected values for each season. Since climates will play such a big role in colonizing planets (and determining their habitability), we needed to ensure it’s a well-balanced system. Plus, it helped introduce Blizzards and Heatwaves. You can thank us later.

Lightning Strike Creator Power
We reduced the rate of charging Batteries with the Lightning Strike Creator Power. Previously, using a single bolt of lightning would completely charge Batteries, which made other generation systems pretty much obsolete. While Creator Powers are meant to help your civilization and feel powerful, we didn’t want them to make other systems completely redundant. Thus, Lightning Strikes will now only charge Batteries by 25% of their capacity.

Residential Area
We reworked how households operate to make everything way less weird and complicated. The old system saw offspring stay in the same house their entire lives, well after their parents have passed, even if another couple became the new owners. This isn’t an American sitcom about that guy who randomly lives in someone else’s house and eats all the cereal. The same thing applies to if a Nugget loses their spouse and remarries. They will now move into the same house, as opposed to living in two separate houses. While the old way was probably healthier for their marriage, the new way is more efficient for the real estate market. Plus, all of this residential madness made mating really difficult and buggy. No one wants that.

Other Changes:
  • UFO appearance rate decreased by 15%
  • If nugget dies inside the building, his body would appear outside the building
  • Optimized Research Tree performance
  • Nuggets are able to break out of University and construction AI before completing that AI if needed.
  • Improved auto building placement
  • Infected nuggets are not being slowed anymore
  • Nuggets that have a low stamina level will lose 30% of their speed
  • Infection zones are not a clickable element in the news messages which upon clicking on them allows you to fly to those locations.
  • The chance of getting sick from dead bodies was lowered by 50%
  • Dead bodies take 1.5 times longer to decay
  • Toxic lakes won’t become toxic as fast as they were previously.
  • Lightning strike could have spawned fire at the start of the game where player was not able to fight with it

UI and Art:
  • Stone age firefighter hut
  • Stone age firefighters outfit
  • Stone age firefighters new animations
  • New Quest UI Panel
  • Reworked Quest UI
  • Ocean Shader
  • Blizzard Shader
  • Heatwave Shader

Bug Fixes:
Fixed: Incorrect logical in resource graph allowed to skip perks if perks were selected in specific order

Fixed: Water / Fog effects were incorrectly working with OpenGL technology

Fixed: Fog effect would not show up in the game.

Fixed: Reservoirs would freeze during mild temperatures

Fixed: Nuggola Tesla quest parts would disappear if you save / load the game

Fixed: Oxygen tooltip would not show up when you select a building that affects the oxygen.

Fixed: Trees were not affected by wind and therefore they would not sway.

Fixed: Same nuggets could have been born multiple times (Nuggets with the same names)

Fixed: An error that was crashing the game in some situations when rain was over the fire particles

Fixed: Nuggets status description was not always displaying the correct information

Fixed: Nuggets who lose their partners would still have a status of having a partner and therefore Le Cupidon creator power would not display the lights beams correctly, since they were not applied to those nuggets

Fixed: Kickstarter creator power did not apply boost to the nuggets stats

Fixed: Bridges were not destroyed correctly when animals were on top of the bridge

Fixed: Each orator would apply an effect instead of the effect being shared between the group of orators which led to the multiplication of those effects and increased time for reduced happiness.

Fixed: Multiple UI Scale issues when the game was paused

Fixed: Locust swarm was not fleeing away if Rain creator power was applied

Fixed: Dead Nuggets would not spawn an infection zone correctly causing with outburst of infection

Fixed: Infection zone after Nugget died in certain places could have been spawned underground.

Fixed: Main menu would in rare cases not display anything except the planet.

Fixed: Sometimes trees would be spawned inside the buildings and there was no way to remove them.

Fixed: Notification timers were not applied correctly and in some cases messages would stay forever on the screen.

Fixed: An error would appear when the number of pollution areas was more than 3

Fixed: Graveyard slots would never be released in certain conditions which would lead to a locked state of those slots.

Fixed: Using Tornado creator power multiple times in a row in a quick sequence could cause an error and break the game.

Fixed: Connection / socket error that was causing disconnection from Twitch

Fixed: Viewers could have become exiled which prevented the game from being saved.

Fixed: Trading with exile villages could have caused multiple crashes

Fixed: Exiles could have break the game if the exiled building was destroyed during construction cycle

Fixed: Doctors were getting stuck in the Hospitals and therefore as a result would die due to hunger and thirst

Fixed: Plastic is now correctly displayed in the resources panel

Fixed: Trading with exiles would produce a white square and break the game

Fixed: Infection status for nuggets was able to get stacked, which caused nuggets to move extremely slow and as a result would cause a massive death spikes

That’s it for the notes! Thanks for your continued support and amazing feedback! It makes development on The Universim a constant joy. Please don’t forget to leave us a review on Steam to share your thoughts, and hop into our Discord server to get access to the community channels and sweet giveaways. Stay godly!

Land a discount on The Universim during the Steam Summer Sale :rocket:

All the best,
The Crytivo Crew

The Universim - Alex

Hello Creators! We are doing an AMA for The Universim on r/IAmA! If you have any direct questions for us come ask to your heart’s content. We will be trying to answer everything about the game, Crytivo, and our development process that we can share with you! Come speak to the Creators of your quirky God Game!

Follow us on social media to find out more news about the game:

The Universim - Crytivo
Greetings, Creators!

This month we would like to present you with a set of features that will improve your overall gameplay experience and bring you more joy to the game. For this patch, we put more emphasis on environmental changes as well as some Exile Villages Improvements.

Quick Video Review

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One quick thing before we dig into the juicy details, Creators! If you're enjoying The Universim, please take a few moments to leave us a review on Steam. It's always a huge morale booster, especially since our devs are only allowed to eat when we receive some kind of feedback!


As your civilization develops, Exile Villages progress as well. Even if it doesn’t look like much, Exile Nuggets are silently watching the progress of your civilization and borrowing some of the techniques used by your Nuggets in order to build their own little empire. It might not look as big as your city, but it definitely looks quite impressive for barbarians. Pretty soon, they will be at the gates! (Or not, if you decide to play nice with them!)


For some time, Airports were just empty lonely buildings without a purpose in your civilization. We revisited it and brought a new life to it. Airports will now be an essential bridge between your civilization and the Exiles. Tourism is an essential part of our lives and Nuggets should think the same way. It doesn’t matter if they are Exile or not, they all dream about flying up to the sky and visiting new places. Based on your relationship with Exile villages, modern Nuggets from Exiles may fly over to your city and check them out for themselves. If they like it and they see a lot of happy faces, the chance that they will stay in your city will increase significantly. Make sure to keep your civilization happy and your relationship with Exile Village healthy. This will provide you with an additional boost to your population and some additional happy faces :)


The Fire System finally got its final touch with a brand new look. We had the old system to help with PC performance but we found a way to improve the system while keeping within scope. New fires are dangerous and will require quite some work to put them down, but that look of the fire in your city will at least be quite stunning. The spread of the fire will be influenced by wind and we finally have a reasonable burn rate for your buildings. Your Firefighters will have their work cut out for them.


Well who said that dropping Nuggets into the lakes won’t lead to anything bad? Dead bodies rot you know… and dropping them in bodies of water will cause them to release a dangerous toxin that will surely kill a mammoth, so be careful and watch out where you are dropping your Nuggets or your civilization might be doomed. Besides polluting your water, global changes will also influence the appearance of the dangerous toxins in the sky. Make sure to keep your oxygen levels reasonable or otherwise you can meet some acid rain that will poison other lakes. But don’t worry, as a creator you can revert the changes, just make sure that you have enough creator power to fix what you’ve done. Overwhelm the toxic lakes with clean water from your clouds and save your civilization.


As we move forward, we would like to give you more information about the state of your civilization and its resources. This graph will help you clearly see and understand the usage of resources by your civilization and its production. This tool will also be your best friend in your Space Journey. Make sure to make full use of it and consider what resources are being used the most and what you need to produce more of.

Not in the build but being worked on:

  • Roads
  • Organic simulation on planets
  • Alien planets
  • Rovers
  • Landing on an alien planet
  • Rockets
  • Space Port
  • Terraforming

Improvements and balance changes:

Reworked Electricity and Water Systems

Electricity and water systems have some changes. Previously, you would have to deal with big numbers and millions of gallons of water, which was very confusing and, most importantly, difficult to play with. We changed Water and Electricity systems to work based on 10 minute intervals instead of each second, which allowed us to reduce the number that will be displayed drastically. Water and electricity also received some additional tooltip information when you move the mouse over them. Now you can see an estimate on how long your current storage will last with the water / electricity that you have in your reservoirs / batteries and the current consumption rate if you lose water / electricity for production buildings.

Clouds Shadows

Previously, shadows from clouds were fairly temporary in the world and they had a big impact on performance. We had to review them in order to improve the overall stability of the game and performance. In the process of reworking them, we made them more defined and permanently looking in the world.

Improved System for underground resources

Since we moved to the new planet, the underground resources were worked on for a while. We tried to fine tune them and make everything work perfectly, but one issue always presented itself. That issue was with the distribution of resources across the planet. A lot of underground resources, such as Stone and Iron, ended up on top of the mountains, which caused a lot of discomfort for everyone and didn’t feel right. Therefore, we decided to add an additional condition in our distribution system that will also take the height of the terrain into consideration. Now, tips of the mountains won’t have metal or stone and you will be able to get every bit of underground resources from the planet without any issues and struggle.

Improved Upgrade System for Residential Buildings

As we implemented a new Residential System, the system that was responsible for upgrading them worked a little bit differently from all of our buildings upgrades and therefore was prone to some additional bugs. Even though all of our tests didn’t produce any issues with the Residential Upgrade system, we decided to go with a safe route and change it to work the same across the board. This way, we are using one unified system that was played with thousands of hours and produced a stable result.

News Alerts

In our previous patches, we touched the News System multiple times and we tried to do our best to clean them up a little bit and make it less noisy. Additionally, we made sure that important information will be more permanent and noticeable. Our initial idea was to keep the important messages on the screen until the “X” button would be pressed, which would ensure that the player will recognize the issue. What we did not anticipate was that no one would try to close them and the multiple reports that messages are not being closed started spamming and this was ultimately irritating. Therefore, we decided to optimize that system even more. Now if the issues appeared and it can be resolved, the message will stay until you either Click X or you resolve the issue. If the issue is resolved, the message will disappear automatically and clicking on that message won’t be necessary anymore. In addition to that, if the issue is not being resolved in 10-15min. The message will be closed automatically. We hope that change will make life easier for every player and ensure the proper display of the messages.

Engineer Hut Improvements

Engineers received an additional love and some improvements. Now engineers will help with building construction only inside the circle area. In addition, if the building is in critical condition, they will take the repair action as a priority instead of finishing the construction of the building, which in some cases caused the building in critical condition to collapse. The repair and construction time are also now separated. Since repairing and construction speed was represented as one value and we tried to balance engineers and make them very efficient with repair work, it led to the issue where the building construction was super fast and it was breaking the overall balance. Now construction will still be faster if the engineers will do it, but it is balanced separately from the repair function and therefore should feel overall better without breaking the balance.

UI Scaling Fixes

Research windows as well as tooltips on the main UI were not scaled properly and for people who have lower resolution monitors, those UIs were extremely big and in many cases led to inability to play the game properly. We reviewed the scaling system for those screens and made it work properly with lower resolutions monitors.

Optimized terrain modification system (Terrain Deformation System upon load)

Dynamic planet generation creates additional loading time when the planet is being created first. In order to improve the loading time, we reviewed how our system calculates the terrain deformation and we found some ways how that aspect can be improved which helped us to reduce the loading time when the new planet is being created. This will help drastically in Space age, since all the planets will be randomly generated.

Glass Factory in Stone Age does not require electricity anymore

A small balance change was added to the Glass Factory. Glass factories that were added in the Pre-Medieval age required electricity which forced players to research faster perks in order to unlock it and forced players to change the pace with which they were previously playing the game. Thus, we decided to remove the electricity requirement from the Glass Factory in order to provide a better experience for everyone.

UI and Art:

  • New Modern Exile Village
  • Exile Village Airport
  • Resource Graph
  • New Fire System
  • Toxic Lakes and Rain Clouds
  • Improved UI for resources

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Certain biomes didn’t have trees or they had a lot of empty space.
  • Fixed: Mines were consuming a lot of resources despite displaying lower consumption rate inside the building panel.
  • Fixed: Small light in the construction site was blinking even though there was no new building unlock.
  • Fixed: Each time a new nugget was assigned to the building, the nugget panel was moved down slightly. After assigning a lot of nuggets, that panel could have ended up below the screen.
  • Fixed: Nuggets that died inside the buildings will be spawned outside of it with an infection zone.
  • Fixed: Believers were not updated correctly
  • Fixed: Fire scared firefighters
  • Fixed: Nuggets would not react to the fire at all
  • Fixed: Twitch Integration would turn off randomly
  • Fixed: Certain status icons would get stuck above nuggets
  • Fixed: New soundtrack would not start at certain instances
  • Fixed: When a thief steals any resources, notification would not appear
  • Fixed: Arrest Nugget localization fixed
  • Fixed: Pressing ESC button during Celebration would break UI, causing it to disappear
  • Fixed: Adahy and Elu names were duplicated if the game was loaded, causing a lot of nuggets to be called with the same name
  • Fixed: An error that would occur if two nuggets would get the same name
  • Fixed: During an election, UI would get stuck on a screen
  • Fixed: During an election if the game is paused, the election process would break
  • Fixed: Duplicated names
  • Fixed: Nugget that died on a boat would cause some performance issues
  • Fixed: In certain cases Nuggets would not get auto assigned by minister

A heartfelt thank you for all your support. Your passion has made the development of The Universim a pleasure. If you have some time and you're having fun, please leave us a review on Steam and be sure to join our Crytivo Discord server to have direct access to us. In the near future, we'll have an update for you soon that creates a good path forward for your civilization... something that'll help your Nuggets move around more smoothly. Stay tuned!

All the best,
The Crytivo Crew


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