26 черв. 2019
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

Yes, we know, where is the god damn patch?!

The next patch will content 3 features :

Liquid & New procedural generation of the surface

Fire propagation

As you can still see on the game, the world on the surface can pretty flat and boring and was a problem for the generation of water surfaces on the surface So we have to redo the procedural generation system by making sure that the engine accepts also chunk made manually.

The good news is that after the patch (we will do a tutorial for that) the new systeme will allow anyone to made their own chunk creation!

Sorry that it take so much time but we have obviously to fix every bugs we found related to theses news feature before we can release the patch.

If all goes well, we should release the patch next week!

Thank you for your patience and have a nice week/holidays!

Do not forget our beautiful discord!
18 трав. 2019
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

Quick news to keep you informed about what we are currently doing!
(The current example is still a mockup, not the final version ofc.)

We are also working on adding liquid and gas in the game, we will keep you informed of our progress as soon as possible!

Have a nice week end!


Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

We focused mainly on the optimizations for this patch with the hope that it will help those who have a low-end laptop to properly run the game.

  • New optimized tiles rendering engine, should greatly increase performance.
  • Can be disabled with the "Bake tiles" option.
  • New surface ruins (only on new worlds)
  • Internal engine reworks and some optimizations
  • New special cogs from ruins: Rusty cogs. If you destroy a rusty cog, you will only get unusable rusty parts, so be careful.

  • Video memory leak of 5mo vram every time you save in the graphics settings.
  • Random crashes on alien outposts.

    Have fun!

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
- Japanese translation! (Big thanks to the japan community!)
- Block maker is now compatible with cogs and pipes
- Pressure plate, can be used as a mechanical detector
- Mechanical door that can be activated using cogs

- pets (chickens and cows) can be cloned
- shields have no resistance when used
- transformation and pets don't have any i-frames, so they can
die very quickly
- rotating fireball and other special modifiers now have some cooldown
- cogs cannot be placed on double blocks
- small doors can create "reserved" blocks (and you can't put anything on
it) if it's destroyed in a particular case

pressure plate

Block maker with cogs and pipes

Have a nice week end!

19 квіт. 2019
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
- 4 new gears tiers, with less friction, and higher speed
- 2 new machines to create metal gears:
- Create metal cylinders on the forge and cut them with the table saw
- Use metal disks to create gears on the gear maker
- You can make splitters with pipes like this: https://i.imgur.com/ajHzEWc.png
- You can take the content of a pipe with 'R'
- You can lock a pipe output with 'R'

- Belt rendering bug
- Belt can be linked without any distance restriction
- Couple can be wrong on some cases if a big gear is connected to a smaller gear with a belt

Have a nice week end!

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

You have already been notified in our latest updates about the content of the patch so there won't be many surprises!


The windmill!

We are aware that it is ethically debatable to turn all our chickens into slaves sentenced to forced labor to provide us energy.

That's why we also decided to enslave the wind!

You will have 2 possibilities

1 - Using the windmill building, no custom, easy to create and use.

2 - Custom your own windmill with 3 windwil blade size possible ! (the one on the example below is the biggest)

- - - - - - - - -
The circular Saw!

Allow you to cut everything without effort!

- - - - - - - - -
The cog switch!

This cog that will allow you to switch on/off!

Many more machines will come on the next patchs!

Have a nice week end and don't forget our discord!

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
We are aware that it is ethically debatable to turn all our chickens into slaves sentenced to forced labor to provide us energy.

That's why we also decided to enslave the wind!

You will have 2 possibilities

1 - Using the windmill building, no custom, easy to create and use.

2 - Custom your own windmill with 3 windwil blade size possible ! (the one on the example below is the biggest)

The patch will probably come end of the next week with others news features!

That's all for today, have a nice day!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello everyone!

We know!
We know what really upsets you until today...these chickens, noisy and invasive chickens which only know how to contemplate the emptiness of their existence through the prism of their perfidious eyes.

And we have the solution for you! No more holidays for theses Gallus gallus domesticus! Put the chickens to work to provide energy to your cogs and pipes!

This is the new era of automation and this is only the beginning, many other possibilities will soon come in the next patches!

Oni made a guide to help you to understand how the new feature work!


  • A new craft station: "Engineering Workbench" to access the new crafts
  • Cogs: allows you to carry mechanical energy from one point to another.
    You can connect cogs with belts, you can use cogs of different sizes,
    so you can controle the gear reduction.
    Be careful not to make them turn too fast!

  • Handcrank: generate energy by the force of your arms.
  • Chicken wheel: generator of mechanical energy, allow you to produce
    energy without having to lift a finger.
  • Mechanical craft stations: uses mechanical energy to craft new items:
  • Crusher: recycle some items
  • milling machine: transforms your wheat into flour
  • Milk separator: produces cream from milk
  • Pipes conveyors: pipes that allows you to transport items. You can
    connect a pipe under a chest or a craft station to output items,
    or above to set an input.
  • Mechanical conveyors: allows you to defy gravity and to move items

  • Chests have changed internally to allow pipes connexions (and future
    additions with a new GUI/features...), so if you encouter a new problem
    warn us.
  • Chickens jump at different heights depending on their rarity

    This patch is the first of a serie of updates relative to energy and
    automation. It's only the core of the first energy tier (mechanical energy)
    that can be used directly at the beginning of the game.
    Next updates will introduces new machines based on mechanical systems,
    and new game mechanics.

    Two next tiers will come later: steam and electricity.

    Have a nice week!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! This patch don't add anything really interessing for you sadly, but it will add something important to us. A new event journal who memorize your actions on the game, for what purpose ? To understand what you're doing/what happen beofre a bug/crash happen.

In resume, it will greatly help us to identify patterns between players who have the same specific problem and find new cunning bugs .

When you launch the game and click on singleplayer / multiplayer, a message will ask you if you accept that your game data is uploaded to our site, you will have the choice to accept or refuse.

Thank you!

  • Event journal that memorize every main action of the player
    (ex: kill a monster, craft an item, explore a new biome), used
    for game analytics and debugging if enabled by the player.
    Will be used later for an in game menu to see the player journal.
  • Added mini wooden doors for your chicken coop

  • You can kill multiple time a monsters with rotating fireballs with
    damage reflect on your armors
  • Some missing descriptions

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