The spiritual successor to DLC Quest! Earn that sense of pride and accomplishment in the way that only repetitive clicking can deliver. It's a clicker game, so chill out, have a few chuckles, and watch numbers get bigger while the industry burns around us all.
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Tanggal Rilis:
13 Des 2017

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PROMOSI SPESIAL! Penawaran berakhir 10 Februari


Hey Do You Like Clicker or Idle Games?

If you don't like clicker or idle games, then you shouldn't buy this game because it is an idle clicker game and you just said you don't like those so you won't like this one.

Tentang Game Ini

The spiritual successor to DLC Quest! Earn that sense of pride and accomplishment in the way that only repetitive clicking can deliver. It's a clicker game, so chill out, have a few chuckles, and watch numbers get bigger while the industry burns around us all.


  • Lots of clicking. But not, like, too much clicking. You can get upgrades that automate things.
  • Numbers that get bigger.
  • Some numbers that get way big. No, even bigger than that.
  • Sense of pride1
  • Sense of accomplishment2

About this game
My secret shame is that I really like clicker games and lose a lot of time to them. I also make games for a living and have always wanted to try making a clicker game myself. This game is part of a challenge to design, develop, and publish an entire game (solo!) in one week and this is what I came up with. There are many clicker games but this one is mine. I hope you like it!

Also please don't ruin the games industry.

- Ben

2Not guaranteed

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS *: Windows 7 or higher
    • Prosesor: Intel i5
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafis: Intel HD Graphics
    • Penyimpanan: 100 MB ruang tersedia
    • Catatan Tambahan: You should probably have a mouse too. For clicking.
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.

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