On the desolate moon of Lorian, a long-dormant Deadsuit awakens from slumber. Journey beneath the surface on an atmospheric 2D adventure of self-discovery, ancient mysteries, and cosmic terror. Explore winding caverns and acquire new abilities to unearth this alien world’s long-buried secrets.
Останні рецензії:
дуже схвальні (20) - 85% з 20 рецензій за останні 30 дн. є позитивними.
Усі рецензії:
дуже схвальні (804) - 84% з 804 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
3 листоп. 2022

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Придбати Ghost Song


Про цю гру

On the desolate moon of Lorian, a long-dormant Deadsuit awakens from slumber—armed and combat-ready, memory clear of purpose. But something new is stirring…

Strike out beneath the surface in search of answers in Ghost Song, an atmospheric 2D adventure of self-discovery, ancient mysteries, and cosmic terror. Explore winding caverns lit only by bioluminescent flora, battle strange and powerful creatures, and acquire new abilities to help you unearth this alien world’s long-buried secrets.

Descend deep into the darkness—only then will you learn (or is it remember?) the truth.

Discover what lies below

Explore the twisting alien tunnels and long-abandoned labs of an expansive, beautifully illustrated Metroidvania-inspired 2D world filled with secret chambers and a haunting history.

Power up and progress
Acquire potent weapons and game-changing new abilities in the depths, unlocking access to new strata of the moon and optional hidden areas.

Face challenging foes
Combat the fungal aliens and metal husks of Lorian with responsiveness and precision. Level up your power, and customize your suit and blaster with an arsenal of modules.

Blast and smash
Master the distinctive rhythm of Deadsuit’s core combat. Pummel enemies with your rapid-fire blaster, building up barrel heat that empowers your melee attacks.

You are not alone
You’re not the only entity trapped in this unfamiliar place. Encounter a cast of voiced characters and discover their own tales of survival, courage, abandonment, and redemption.

Системні вимоги

    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процесор: Intel Core i3-2100 or AMD FX-4350
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 4 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti, 1 GB or AMD Radeon HD 5770, 1 GB
    • Місце на диску: 5 GB доступного місця
    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процесор: Intel Core i7-2600 or AMD FX-8350
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 6 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750, 2 GB or AMD Radeon R7 360, 2 GB
    • Місце на диску: 5 GB доступного місця

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