A short horror about exploring abandoned space stations and collecting junk in order to pay off your S.R.P.O debt.
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About This Game

You are a debt ridden "Scrap Walker" working for the S.R.P.O Mega Corp.

Your job is to infiltrate abandoned space stations and salvage worthless junk to satisfy S.R.P.O.'s needs.

As long as YOU follow the S.R.P.O Salvage Protocol, your survival is ensured!

Carefully navigate through a hostile environment with many traps, forgotten artifacts and unknown horrors.

How you choose to traverse a space station is up to you, crawl around in vents to secrets rooms, climb high and break in or use ancient machinery to create new paths.

Higher value components are harder to find, so you will have to think outside the box to salvage the most valubale scrap!

Bring your S.R.P.O issued tools and tear down anything standing in your path, harvest the components and bring them back to the ship. Just make sure you fill the quota in time!

If you survive, S.R.P.O will reward you with a snack and store credits to buy tools and gadgets for improved salvaging efficiency!

and maybe... one day you can finally pay off your debt.

  • Explore various abandoned space stations 🛰️

  • Find unknown terrors in the dark 😱

  • Use a variety of tools to collect scrap ⚙️

  • Satisfying prop DESTRUCTION 💥

  • Familiar artifacts to collect 🏆

  • Paying of your debt (maybe) 💸

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz ; Shader Model 5
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GForce GTX 1050
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Storage: 2 GB available space
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