In the peaceful, fictional country of "World Neverland," where many people live, players can freely enjoy work, training, romance, child-rearing, participation in events and tournaments, and all aspects of life. It’s a game where you can relax, unwind, and feel happy.
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Release Date:
Nov 19, 2024

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Buy ワールド・ネバーランド~オルルド王国物語~



About This Game

◆Enjoy a Variety of Life Experiences

In "The Kingdom of Orurudo," you can enjoy a variety of life experiences in a peaceful, small-scale country through various milestones such as tournaments, romance, family, child-rearing, and work.

◆Residents Are Also Alive

The residents of this country are not just "message boards" or "guides," but living beings with their own purposes, just like the player characters. In other words, the player's actions and interactions influence the lives and destinies of the residents, making every player's actions part of the scenario.

◆Play Across Generations and Enjoy Various Elements

Players can pass their player character onto their children, allowing for multi-generational gameplay. Enjoy various elements such as league competitions, the DD Cup, and events that unravel the mysteries of the world.

◆What is World Neverland?

The concept of World Neverland is to realize the fantasy of entering a world that serves as the setting for stories in games and movies, where one can freely act and roam.
There is no fixed storyline in this game. Players are able to create a virtual country where residents act according to their own will, allowing them to weave their own stories as inhabitants.
This virtual world includes land, nature, buildings, social organizations, and people living their lives. Days pass from morning to night, seasons change throughout the year, annual events and seasonal festivals take place, residents are born, marry, have children, grow old, and eventually pass away, with their activities continuing across generations.
Moreover, due to its simulation nature, no two countries are exactly alike.
"The Story of Orurudo Kingdom" marks the inaugural title in the World Neverland series.

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

In the world of World Neverland, couples can have children through conversation, but there is no depiction of sexual intercourse.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows:10/11
    • Processor: A processor or SoC running at 1 GHz or faster
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Storage: 200 MB available space

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