Argentum Forever is a classic AO mod, based on version 13.0 with Directx8 and its own implementations such as a character market system, automatic events of all kinds such as deathmatch, hunger games, angels vs demons, 1vs1, and much more!! !
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About This Game

Argentum Online, also known as AO, is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing game available for Microsoft Windows operating systems and was independently released on the internet in 1999. The game is programmed in Visual Basic 6.0, based on the ORE (Online RPG Engine) v 0.4 engine, developed by Baronsoft. Its success was partly due to its very low network resource requirements for online play and its completely free availability, which was crucial in early 2000s Argentina where it originated. Like ORE, it is freely distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

The virtual world of AO is populated by player characters of different races, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. At the start of the game, when creating a new character, players can choose their character's race based on their expectations and preferences.


Historical synopsis of humans:
Excerpt from the game manual (fantasy genre narrative):

"It is said that humans landed on the lands of Argentum about 6 years ago. They fled their original lands that were ravaged by Evil. However, they found the same hostility in these lands. Humans are a race with little adaptability and are not capable of killing."
Characteristics of Humans:
Humans are a balanced race. Thus, they receive modifiers on almost none of their attributes.

Historical synopsis of Elves:
Excerpt from the game manual (fantasy genre narrative):

"Old wise elves say that their race came from the south of Argentum, fleeing a terrible evil that plagued their original lands. They soon settled in the Nix forest, hiding part of it from the view of other mortal creatures and surrounding it with powerful arcane magic to protect them from orcs and other evil creatures. They are agile and intelligent, receiving bonuses in these attributes. They prefer subtlety over strength, having penalties in the latter. Elves can be found all over the world, but mainly in the Elven Forest near Nix and in that village."
Characteristics of Elves:
Elves are skilled in the use of bows. They have bonuses in agility, intelligence, and charisma, but are penalized in strength.

Dark Elves
Historical synopsis of Dark Elves:
Excerpt from the game manual (fantasy genre narrative):

"A great veil of ignorance covers the origin of this species. It is known that when the pure elves arrived in Argentum, the dark elves already inhabited it, and some even served Chaos. It is believed that thousands of years before the arrival of the great company of pure elves, small boats of that race arrived and were easily corrupted by the evil that plagued Argentum. There are good and bad ones; also neutral. They are intelligent and strong, but lost part of the agility that characterizes pure elves and are not well regarded by the crowd."
Characteristics of Dark Elves:
Dark Elves are skilled in the art of stabbing and ranged combat. They have bonuses in intelligence and strength.

Historical synopsis of Dwarves:
Excerpt from the game manual (fantasy genre narrative):

"Dwarves are a native race of Argentum. They are tough and strong, qualities that helped them withstand the hostility of these lands. However, they couldn't do much, and their community was fractured and scattered throughout the continent of Farinte. Evidence of this are the various underground constructions throughout the continent. They have bonuses to their constitution and strength, but are not much of thinkers, relying more on their instincts, and have a certain distrust of magic, preferring a great war axe instead."
Characteristics of Dwarves:
Dwarves have bonuses in their constitution and strength. They are not good wizards but are excellent warriors.

Historical synopsis of Gnomes:
Excerpt from the game manual (fantasy genre narrative):

"Like the Dwarves, Gnomes are native to Argentum. They always remained hidden from the eyes of others, a quality that helped them survive very effectively. They are prone to the magical arts but are weak and lack strength. Little is known about this race that still prefers to keep their community secret. Some Gnomes moved to human cities, mingling with other races."
Characteristics of Gnomes:
Gnomes are skilled wizards but are weak and lack strength. They are also often used in semi-magical classes, such as bard, druid, or cleric, due to their high evasion and mana.

Classes determine what each character excels at in the game. There are two families of classes, the so-called combat classes and secondary classes. The former, as the name suggests, specialize in fighting other players, non-player characters, or hostile creatures. The latter are the players who create most of the items used by all players in the game (food, clothing, weapons, and decorations). Therefore, both types of players are necessary for the internal economy of AO's virtual world. When starting the game and creating a new character, players choose the class they want to belong to based on their preferences and expectations. Players who prefer a faster and more dynamic game often choose combat classes, while those who prefer a more complex experience rich in interactions and exchanges often choose one of the so-called secondary classes.

Available Classes:

A class dedicated exclusively to the use of magic, they have a phenomenal amount of Mana (allowing them to cast a large number of spells), a decent magical attack but few health points and poor agility.

A class that combines good magic and physical attack, can be quite effective, but does not excel in any particular area.

A class with good magical attack, good magical defense, and good agility. It has decent health and intermediate mana (depends on the race).


A class expert in the use of the Stab skill, with good physical attack but little mana.

A class expert in the use of the Tame skill, with good magical attack and defense. Decent health and intermediate mana.

A class with good physical attack, specializing in stealth and critical attacks.

A class expert in the use of weapons and armor, with very good physical attack but little mana.

A class expert in the Steal skill, can move stealthily and immobilize opponents with a pickpocket glove equipped.


A class expert in the use of weapons and ranged weapons.

A class expert in the use of boats, can stab from a distance.

A class expert in Carpentry, Blacksmithing, Mining, Fishing, and Lumberjacking (in some other games, it may include Tailoring).

* Servers in Different Locations:
AOForever has servers in multiple locations, offering an optimal gaming experience for users from various regions. From the game launcher, you can easily connect to the battle server as well as the international server hosted in France.

* Battle Server #3 AOForever:
From the game launcher, you can access the easy AOForever server, where upon creating a character, it will be born with the maximum level, gold, and items suitable for its class and race. On this server, characters are born with average life, and various systems, such as the market and factions, are disabled.

* New Auction System:
A new auction system has been implemented using the command /AUCTION amount. In recent days, we have auctioned off a unique face across the server and 1 month of premium time. The next auction will be on 07/07/2024 for a house key Arghal #2, and the following auction will be for $20,000 pesos. For more information, visit our web

* New Visual Effect:
A new visual effect has been added: when a spell fails, a small blood flash will appear and gradually fade. This effect is configurable and can be turned off from the game options.

* Map Names in the Render:
When connecting to a character or changing the map, the map name will be displayed on the game screen and slowly fade away. This effect is configurable from the game options.

* Betting System via NPC:
You can try your luck by betting gold coins at the gamblers in the cities. The main betting NPC is located at the bottom right of the city of Ullathorpe. Command to use: /BET amount

* BatchRender Graphics Engine:
The batchrender implemented in AOForever allows processing and rendering multiple images or animation frames in a single batch, without manual intervention during the process. This is especially useful in the production of graphics and animations, where efficient generation of a large number of frames is required.

* Automatic Systems to Recover Character Password or PIN:
It's very common to forget a character's password or key. For this, we have designed two very easy-to-use systems that will allow you to recover the character's password or PIN by having access to the character's email. To recover a character's data, go to the connect window, click on account options, and select recover PIN / PW.

* Quickly Change Your Character's Nickname:
It is common to obtain a character through the character market and want to change its nickname, or simply have a character with a nickname you don't like. Now you can change it quickly and easily using the command: /CHANGENICK. Additionally, the command /HISTORY nick has been implemented to see the history of all the nicknames the character has had.

* Easily Change Your Character's Face:
Just like the nickname, you can also change your character's face. We have designed a fully automatic system where a form opens and lets you select the desired face! Command to use: /FACE

* Tutorial System for New Players:
When performing certain actions while playing, the tutorial will be activated and help messages will be displayed. Currently, there are more than 50 configured tutorials covering everything from the basics, like dropping or picking up an item and leveling up, to more advanced tasks, like taming creatures and participating in events. These messages will guide you throughout the game!

* Check System:
A check within the game can be generated in two ways. The first is by selling a character through the character market. In this case, a check with a unique code is generated and sent by email to the seller so they can collect the gold coins for their character. The second way is by generating a check to transfer gold quickly between characters. The command to use this system is: /GENERATECHECK.

* AOF Guard:
1) AOF Guard offers multiple layers of security to protect your account and characters. From the connection window at the bottom right, you can activate enhanced security, which constitutes the first layer of protection. By activating this option, you block access to your account from any unauthorized device or IP, even if someone has your key, they won't be able to access your character.

2) The second layer of security focuses on validating the IP of the person trying to access your account. This is done through a unique one-time code, allowing access only to the specific character being logged into, or a universal code. The universal code is a single verification that authorizes that IP to access all characters linked to your account. We recommend users be careful when sharing this code and only grant it to trusted people they want to give complete access to their characters. The universal code is verified only once and will not be necessary again unless the IP is rotated.

3) Our third layer of security includes systems to protect against brute force attacks. If a limit of failed attempts is reached when trying to log into a character or make a purchase through the MAO, the system will activate additional security measures.

* Sentinel:
The sentinel is designed to ensure that users who are working remain present at their computer. To verify this, the sentinel can appear at any time while working and ask a question to be answered using the command: /SENTINEL + response.

* Experience and Bonuses:
The official AOForever server has been online for over a year and a half, stable in its current version. Characters -39 receive x2 EXP while characters +40 receive x1 EXP until level 47. There is a permanently active 10% EXP bonus when making a 50/50 party between 2 users.

* Factions (Royal Army and Dark Legion):
AOForever has the original factions from Argentum Online: Royal Army and Dark Legion. Below are the ranks:

Royal Army Ranks
Apprentice – Level 25 – 29
Requirements: 50 criminals killed
Knight – Level 30 – 35
Requirements: 100 criminals killed + 150,000 gold coins
Guardian – Level 36 – 39
Requirements: 200 criminals killed + 300,000 gold coins
Champion of Light – Level 40+
Requirements: 350 criminals killed + 500,000 gold coins

Royal Army Armor Defense
Rank 1 Apprentice: 5 / 10
Rank 2 Knight: 5 / 15
Rank 3 Guardian: 20 / 25
Rank 4 Champion of Light: 30 / 35
Dark Legion Ranks
Henchman 25 – 29 Requirements: 50 citizens killed
Dark Knight 30 – 35 Requirements: 100 citizens killed + 150,000 gold coins
Condemned Protector 36 – 39 Requirements: 200 citizens killed + 300,000 gold coins
Soul Devourer +40 Requirements: 350 citizens killed + 500,000 gold coins
Dark Legion Armor Defense
Rank 1 Henchman: 5 / 10
Rank 2 Dark Knight: 5 / 15
Rank 3 Condemned Protector: 20 / 25
Rank 4 Soul Devourer: 30 / 35

TDS-style balance system and working classes:
The balance is based on TDS, and the working classes have been added:

Carpenter: Expert in creating wooden items.
Blacksmith: Expert in creating items with ingots.
Miner: Expert in extracting minerals to create ingots.
Lumberjack: Expert in extracting wood to create wooden items.
Fisherman: Expert in fishing to make gold.
Pirate: Having a Galleon unlocks its 10 extra inventory slots that do not drop upon death.

In-game support system:
The game has a support system where you can send your complaints, report suspicious activity, or start a ticket to get technical support. When you send a query, you will receive a response via email and also receive a notification via letter. Command to use: /Support

Letter notification system:
When you receive a response to a query sent via the /GM command or when the staff needs to contact you, besides receiving an email notification, a letter icon will appear in the game. Clicking this icon will open the corresponding message.

Pet system:
The Druid class can tame NPCs such as tigers, bears, boars, and more. Non-Druids can use other pets like Water Elementals or Zombies, which will make in-game training easier and faster!

To tame Boars: 40 Animal Taming Skills required.
To tame Bears: 55 Animal Taming Skills required.
To tame Tigers: 70 Animal Taming Skills required.

Stabbing Effect:
When stabbing an enemy, the damage amount with a graphic will appear above the character.

Challenge system via F5 key:
The challenge system via the F5 key allows for the most common challenge modes such as 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, for items/plants, and more configurable details. Here, the winner of the challenge takes the gold coins bet at the beginning of the challenge.

Party system:
Characters with 90 Leadership Skills can found a clan and lead a party by adjusting the party percentages dividing by 2 (90/10). The party system also includes a "PMSG" chat where you can write to party members, and by pressing F7, you can see the party members and accumulated EXP. Premium characters have the benefit of making a party 100/0.

Secure character market:
AOForever has a secure character market that allows users to sell their characters for gold coins and even trade characters in 1x1, 2x1, and 3x1 modes. The command to use is /MAO in-game.

New animations have been implemented to enhance the gaming experience. Now, when hitting with a weapon, a detailed impact animation will be shown. Also, when shooting an arrow with a bow, you will see the complete path of the arrow until it vanishes. Additionally, a completely new rain system compatible with DirectX8 has been implemented.

List of characters linked to your email:
Argentum Forever has over 100,000 characters created in its database. If a user forgets the name of their character, they can request the list of characters from the connection window. By having access to the associated email, a complete list of all characters linked to that email can be requested and received. To access this function, click on Account Options from the connection window.

Argentum Forever World and its maps:
The AOForever maps are the same as those from TDS, originally from Argentum Online version (9.9z). Additionally, we have our own maps designed by our development team, such as those used in automatic events and labyrinths. Over time, we have made various corrections and improvements to these maps and the resources we use.

Bail system:
Argentum Online is a highly competitive game, and at some point, your character may become a criminal. For this, the bail system was designed. By paying what you have in Bandit + Assassin (your nobility points must exceed the mentioned amount), you can convert your character back to Citizen status. Each point in Nobility costs 25 gold coins. Command to use: /BAIL amount

Global chat system:
To write in global chat, you must be alive and not in a newbie character. The global chat will not always be activated. This system comes with an auto-mod bad word filter that will automatically silence insults. It is also important to know that you can deactivate the global chat at any time using the command .DEACTIVATE or activate it by typing the command .ACTIVATE.

Photo-reporting system via F10 key:
To send a photo-report in-game, press the F10 key. Misuse of the command repeatedly can result in consequences from blocking the system to banning the character. Photo-reports do not differentiate if the insults are towards a friend, enemy, or oneself. We aim to ensure that users have a good vocabulary in the game, and those who do not comply will be penalized to learn and use the correct vocabulary properly.

Email notifications:
AOForever has over 10 SMTP servers for emails. These SMTP servers constantly send notifications via email to character owners in case of receiving an offer through the market, being penalized or warned, being disconnected by the sentinel, etc.

Delete or reset character:
We have designed two simple systems that many users will surely use daily.

To delete a character, you must know the character's PIN, and this can be done from the connection window by clicking on "Account Options."
To reset a character, you must also know the character's PIN. All skills are reset, but gold and items are not lost. Command to use: /RESET

Anti-frag system:
We have an advanced AntiFrag system that prevents repeated kills from counting. If a character is killed multiple times in a short period, the additional kills will not count as valid frags. This ensures that only honestly earned frags are counted and prevents faction entry through cheating.

Fast challenges in all cities:

Fast challenges are enabled in all game cities, one round only. To start the challenge, you must stand on the blood and wait for the countdown to end.

Real-time Discord notifications:
We have designed a script that sends real-time game notifications to the community Discord server. Notifications vary between market trades or sales, challenge or automatic event results, when a new clan is founded, etc.

New sound system:
The user perceives the volume of footsteps in a special buffer for each character, instead of one for the game. It is essentially one for each character on the screen. The sound is played as always, but the buffer volume is set based on the distance from the player, ranging from 15% to 100%. The footsteps sound has its own volume bar. If the user is facing away from the character, the volume decreases (to notice the difference between above/below).

We have implemented a ranking system in the game and also a Top 100 on the web. Our in-game ranking system can be used with the command /RANK and currently includes:

Character with the most NPCs killed
Character with the most users killed
Character with the highest level
Character with the most 1vs1 challenges won
Character with the most 2vs2 challenges won
Character with the most deathmatches won
Character with the most Russian daggers won
Character with the most fast challenges won
Character with the most Angels VS Demons won
Character with the most Hunger Games won
Web accounts:

From your AOForever web account, you can upload content to AOFTube, comment on game news, comment on AOFTube content, access the web support channel, and more!

AOFTube implemented on the web: Image and video gallery implemented on the web. Now premium users can upload content and comment on other users' photos and videos. There is a publication limit of 2 photos per day, with a description of the published content, thumbnails, view counter, all from the panel of your account on the web! There are two new options "Upload photo" and "Upload video."

Premium benefits:
An exclusive panel has been created for premium users, command to use: /PREMIUM. To see the list of premium benefits, visit the website.

Characters with 90 points in leadership can found a clan using the command: /FOUNDCLAN. To remove the clan from the clan list and dissolve it, use the command: /DISSOLVECLAN. To resume the clan for reuse, use the command: /RESUMECLAN.

**100% Configurable Game:**
Upon opening the game for the first time, you can select the use of a graphics card and the loading of images into memory. Then, from the game options, you can customize many aspects of your gaming experience. This includes adjusting the sound of footsteps and effects, configuring keys, FPS limit, setting custom messages, activating skill cast effects, displaying the minimap alongside the console, modifying transparency options, and much more.

**Automatic Events of All Kinds:**
1) Angels VS Demons: Two sides with the same objective, to protect their king and kill the opposing team's king. Command to use: /AVD

2) Deathmatch: The classic everyone-for-themselves deathmatch, with the difference that in this event you will not be able to distinguish the nicknames of the participants, and it can also vary with or without item drops. Command to use: /ENTRARDEATH

3) Russian Dagger: The luck event! An assassin will try to stab you, only if you have enough luck you can dodge the blows and be the winner of the event. Remember, one hit and the assassin will take you out of the event! Command to use: /DAGARUSA

4) Hunger Games: This event consists of entering without any items in your inventory, exploring the map, and opening chests on the ground to obtain items from the chests to use and fight. It's still an all-against-all deathmatch style, but the items are found in chests on the map. The winner of the event takes all the collected items. Command to use: /JDH

5) Tournaments 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4, 5vs5 and more:
These types of events are announced in the console by the GM and vary in configuration as programmed by the staff. Command to use: /PARTICIPAR


**Other Implementations:**
- *Hit animation for NPCs & Characters with the equipped weapon.*

- *Now a dead user can pass through NPCs/trees, and live users can pass through dead characters.*

- *Now when trying to resurrect without combat mode, a message will appear to the one being revived: "They are trying to resurrect you, but you must first exit combat mode with the C key."*

- *Having 100 skills in survival and clicking on an item on the ground will show the quantity of that item.*

- *Premium users now pay 50% less for character listing in the market and stay listed twice as long.*

- *Having 100 skills in survival and clicking on an NPC will show the nickname of who cast the spell and the remaining time for the paralysis effect to wear off.*

- *Implemented critical hit for hunters (slightly increases damage). The hunter's critical hit is based on the character's level; for example, if your hunter is level 40, you will have 40 extra points of critical damage (only applicable to NPCs).*

- *Typing the command /EST will show the character's average life.*

- *Assassin Class: When wearing the KLOX armor while invisible, it does not flicker!*

- *Paralysis time reduced for Hunters/Warriors (35% less).*

- *Now, if you are poisoned, the priest will heal you when you click on them.*

- *Publication of faction characters in the market is prohibited; they must leave the faction first.*

- *Now it shows in the console the damage before the critical hit and also shows the total damage after the bonus is applied.*

- *New system for faction pardon; if reinstated, the user will be notified via email and also appear in the discord channel.*

- *New functionality in the minimap: Now you can see Party and Clan members represented in the minimap with different colors, making it easy to differentiate them. It has never been so easy to keep track of your team members and allies on the battlefield!*

- *MAO: Now you can see how a character is equipped from the market. For example, if a mage is fully equipped, you will see their legendary, encrusted staff, and hat. This information will be updated every time the character disconnects and logs back in.*

- *Now, clicking on the minimap will open the map; alternatively, it can also be opened from the game options.*

- *Introduction of a new trigger that prohibits the passage and summoning of NPCs in certain dungeons like Dark DV or MGM.*

- *Disabled the option to write in events like Deathmatch & Hunger Games.*

- *Exiting any automatic event will leave the character at the last position before entering the event.*

- *Attribute markers for celerity and strength on the game screen (configurable from options).*

- *New premium command: /DARORO: This new command facilitates the instant transfer of gold coins between characters. Email notifications will be sent to both the sender and the receiver detailing the transaction, including the amount transferred, date, and more. This enhancement ensures clear and transparent transactions, promoting complete communication between parties.*

- *The Weapons and Merchandise NPC in cities now sells common arrows and simple bows.*

- *New commands for councils to write in the console, these messages will be replicated in our discord channel!*

- *Expulsion from legion or army: It will now appear in the console for all players when someone is expelled. These messages will be replicated in our discord channel!*

- *Changes in smelting, now based on Mining skills:*
- If your mining skills are less than 10, you can create up to 10 ingots.
- If your mining skills are between 10 and 19, you can create 20 ingots.
- If your mining skills are between 20 and 29, you can create 30 ingots.
- If your mining skills are between 30 and 39, you can create 40 ingots.
- If your mining skills are between 40 and 49, you can create 50 ingots.
- If your mining skills are between 50 and 59, you can create 60 ingots.
- If your mining skills are between 60 and 69, you can create 70 ingots.
- If your mining skills are between 70 and 79, you can create 80 ingots.
- If your mining skills are between 80 and 89, you can create 90 ingots.
- If your mining skills are between 90 and 100, you can create 100 ingots.

- *Dopa drop warning: Now it will notify 10 seconds before, flashing in red.*

- *When dead, you won't hear the footsteps of live players.*

- *Implemented automatic walking: Activated with the P key. This auto-walk system facilitates your travels to any map and automatically avoids trees and other obstacles!*

- *Now the spells "Summon Elementals," "Call to Nature," and "Summon Zombies" have a double action: you can cast to summon NPCs and if they are already summoned, casting the spell again will make the NPCs disappear.*

- *Clarity in blue font: The citizens' font is now clearer.*

- *Being under the effect of mimicry and casting it again in the air will immediately remove the effect without having to wait.*

- *Dying while taking a black potion in the city will drop all your items to the ground.*

- *Now, when adding a new spell to a character, it will be introduced inverted (taking the first free slot from bottom to top).*

- *New floating console TDS style at the bottom in green (configurable from options or with the Z key).*

- *Now you can see the list of banned characters from the AOForever website

- *Now you can tame creatures from further away (up to 7 tiles distance).*

- *The AOForever character market notification email will now detail the character's stats and penalties.*

- *Now royal armadas cannot party with criminals or legionaries, nor can a dark legion party with a citizen.*

- *Added the probability of a critical hit with a bow for the Warrior class (increases by 1 point according to the level of the character delivering the hit).*

- *Now typing the command /PENAS will also show the warnings linked to the character.*

- *The fisherman class is finished at level 21 and can use navigation with fewer skills:*
- BOAT 35 navigation
- GALLEON 65 navigation
- GALLEY 65 navigation

- *Now, resuming a clan will align the clan to the character's alignment resuming it. For example, if a Neutral clan is founded, it can be /DISOLVED and then enlisted in the Royal Armada by typing /RESUMECLAN, and the clan will become for Armadas.*

- *Implemented cold effect. Being without clothes on Esperanza Island will now take your life. Maps: 111, 112, 113, 114.*

- *Graphics:*
- New Recover PIN interface
- New Smithy interface
- New Change character nickname interface
- New user trade interface
- New custom messages interface
- New Options interface
- New character list interface
- New delete character interface
- New /GM command interface

System Requirements

    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Processor: 1
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 8.0
    • Storage: 1 GB available space
    • Additional Notes:
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 8.0
    • Storage: 2 GB available space
    • Additional Notes:
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.
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