"The Path into the Abyss" is a hardcore first-person open-world survival shooter set in Buenos Aires with a backdrop of cosmic horror, combat mechanics, dynamic AI, and looting.
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Curator Review

By Videojuegos Argentinos July 6, 2024

“El Fallout argentino. Un survival de ciencia ficción en primera persona, ambientado en una Buenos Aires apocalíptica. Ambientado en el universo de la película ME ENCONTRARÁS EN LO PROFUNDO DEL ABISMO.”

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Planned Release Date: To be announced

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About This Game

After the arrival of beings alien to our planet, the city of Buenos Aires and its surroundings were invaded by a deluge and climate change that transformed it forever. In the relentless battle to contain the supposed invasion, several nations fought for control of the lands, creating an environment so hostile that it led to extreme evacuation of Buenos Aires. Only those willing to fight, resist, or fulfill their personal desires decided to stay or venture into these lands.

From this starting point, our role, motivated by a personal story, leads us to venture into the depths of this inhospitable land, known as the "Abyss."

Discover and try various recipes to find the type of mate that best suits you or investigate which one has the properties that best fit your needs at the moment.

Thanks to the "Abyss AI" system and the "Abyss Director," all NPCs in the world persist and are constantly simulated. Each NPC has personality statistics that influence their actions. You can become friends or enemies with anyone, go to the other side of the world, and when you come back, they will remember you!

In the Abyss, it doesn't just rain! There is also a variety of constantly changing climates depending on the areas. Survival requires protecting oneself from extreme climates with different types of clothing.

Special events are constantly created in the world, from small faction skirmishes to paranormal elements.

The map is divided into territories, each controlled by different factions. Each faction advances and tries to capture territory. You can lead or assist in the capture of territories, or follow your own path and let the world change on its own.

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: Frequent Violence or Gore, General Mature Content

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: 4 Cores
    • Memory: 16 GB RAM
    • Graphics: GTX 1060
    • Storage: 50 GB available space
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