Buti is an RPG currently in development that delves deep into the expansive world of the internet and a little beyond, creating a parallel universe strongly inspired by the 2000s. Here, you assume the role of a unique character and embark on a journey towards online success.




此遊戲尚未在 Steam 上發售

預計發行日期: 待公告



Buti is an immersive RPG currently in development that delves deep into the expansive world of the internet and a little beyond, crafting a parallel universe heavily inspired by the 2000s. Here, you assume the role of a unique character and embark on a journey towards online success. Whether you're a programmer, a hacker, a content creator, or even a line cook at a burger joint, the possibilities are endless!

In this expansive universe, evolution options are diverse and gameplay is deeply differentiated for each path you choose.

Become a Programmer

Follow the path of a software developer or even a game creator. Code, develop, and market your creations online. Watch your audience grow and your online payment account flourish, but be aware that sometimes your products might be downloaded illegally.

Carve Your Path as a Hacker

Assume the role of an ethical hacker or venture into the dark side of illegality. Invade systems, steal information, and even monetize your skills in dubious activities.

Awaken the Content Creator

The digital world of Buti isn't just about ready-made videos and memes. Become a content producer, crafting videos, articles, and other materials that can help others while also making money from your creations.

And Beyond...

Apart from these options, explore a wide range of activities. Repair computers, install the ButiOs operating system on people's devices, sell products online, or if you prefer, take up the grill at a burger joint and make do with meager earnings. The pursuit of success is your choice!

Unique Gameplay Dynamics

Buti's gameplay is distinctive, providing an engaging experience with mini-games that immerse you in every activity you undertake. Solve puzzles and challenges to achieve your objectives.

Craft Your Own Character

Elevate your attributes and hone your skills. Remember, knowledge is infinite, but the pulses of dial-up internet are valuable. Choose wisely!

Explore the Internet

Experience the nostalgia of the distinct sound of dial-up connections as you navigate and explore the internet in Buti. Discover ways to profit, enhance your skills, and have fun in a one-of-a-kind digital universe.

Install Useful... and Maybe Not So Ethical Programs

Personalize your computer with programs that can offer unparalleled advantages. But beware, some might come with risks.

A Vast Array of Features

Relax, learn, work, earn money online, socialize with non-playable characters (NPCs), shop, sell items, explore the world, complete missions, and much more. Buti delivers an engaging and diverse experience that puts you in charge of your own journey.


SteamOS + Linux
    • 作業系統 *: Windows 7
    • 處理器: TBA
    • 顯示卡: TBA
    • 音效卡: TBA
    • VR 支援: TBA
    • 備註: TBA
    • 作業系統: Windows 10
    • 處理器: TBA
    • 顯示卡: TBA
    • 音效卡: TBA
    • VR 支援: TBA
    • 備註: TBA
* 自 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 用戶端僅支援 Windows 10 及更新版本。
    • 作業系統: TBA
    • 處理器: TBA
    • 顯示卡: TBA
    • 音效卡: TBA
    • 備註: TBAv
    • 作業系統: TBA
    • 處理器: TBA
    • 顯示卡: TBA
    • 音效卡: TBA
    • 備註: TBA
* 自 2024 年 2 月 15 日(PT)起,Steam 用戶端將不再支援 32 位元遊戲或 macOS 10.14 或更舊版本。
    • 作業系統: TBA
    • 處理器: TBA
    • 顯示卡: TBA
    • 音效卡: TBA
    • VR 支援: TBA
    • 備註: TBA
    • 作業系統:
    • 處理器: TBA
    • 顯示卡: TBA
    • 音效卡: TBA
    • VR 支援: TBA
    • 備註: TBA
