Break the dead ends! A music creation adventure where the sounds you create change depending on your "emotional choices". A dark tale of creation, modelled on the real world and real events.
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About This Game

A dark, music-creating adventure

I want to create only one music,
The story of the main character's emotional choices that gradually lead to the creation of music.

The story is modelled on real society and events in Japan in 2019 and beyond,
The story of a protagonist tormented by a dark society unfolds.

"Zine-like playable" with a multitude of mixed expressions.

Modelled on a punk zine,
Illustrations, photographs, typography and collages of various cut-outs,
The work depicts a chaotic era and world.

Polyphonic narratives", where multiple stories intertwine.

In the course of gameplay, the protagonist's story is surrounded by the stories of others, stories created by the protagonist's obsessions,
the story of the perpetrator of the crime.
The polyphonic narrative weaves its own world.

System Requirements

    • OS:
    • Processor:
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM MB RAM
    • Graphics:
    • Storage: 1 GB available space
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