The Chop Goblins are loose, chopping their way through time itself in their ravenous quest for cheese. And the chop will not stop.
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Sangat Positif (36) - 97% positif dari 36 ulasan pengguna dalam 30 hari terakhir.
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Luar Biasa Positif (2,421) - 98% positif dari 2,421 ulasan pengguna untuk game ini.
Tanggal Rilis:
12 Des 2022

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“Like a well-worn VHS copy of a favorite late night B-movie, Chop Goblins is something I’ll return to anytime I need a quick experience that puts a smile on my face.”
4/5 – Bloody Disgusting

“Go play the recently released Chop Goblins, one of the year’s coolest little gems on Steam.”

Tentang Game Ini

You thought it would be fun to break into a nearby museum and root through the artifacts stored there. Little did you know that a dusty chest in the basement imprisoned the evil CHOP GOBLINS.

Now they're loose, wrecking bladed havok on the world once again. It's up to you to chase them through the city and across space and time, in a bespoke FPS campaign spanning the modern day, 1800's Transylvania, ancient Greece, and the not too distant future.

And you can finish it in about 30 minutes!

Chop Goblins is a "microshooter": An FPS designed to be completed in a single sitting, without sacrificing depth, variety, or creativity in its gameplay and level design. It's a game you can play for less than an hour, or replay for many hours. Need something to distract you from work, boredom, or grinding in other games? Take a Chop Goblins Break, with a fun and satisfying FPS campaign that only takes one sitting to fully experience.


  • A short but densely packed campaign, designed to be all killer and no filler
  • 5 levels set in different time periods
  • 5 satisfying and unique weapons, from an antique flintlock to the Mk. II Impaler "Vlad" automatic stake gun
  • An assortment of different enemies and minibosses
  • Leaderboards, achievements, and secrets, for those seeking replayability

Persyaratan Sistem

    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan
    • OS *: Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 10 and Windows 11
    • Prosesor: x86, x64 architecture with instruction set support.
    • Grafis: DX10, DX11, DX12 capable.
    • DirectX: Versi 10
    • Kartu suara: Built in
    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.

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