The tale begins in a country in the East. One day, "Kano", a Nekomata raised by humans, finds a crashed UFO near her village and befriends an alien named "Mela. But Kano finds herself in trouble and loses her precious hometown. Kano and Mela must now work together and take down the enemy...
All Reviews:
Mixed (11) - 54% of the 11 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
Apr 21, 2023
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Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

This game contains the following sexual content
・Strong language
・Sexual language

About This Game

*All characters in this game are 18 or older

Japanese Sci-Fi Short RPG!
Infiltrate a dungeon full of traps and take the enemy down!

A long, long time ago.
In a country in the East.

"Kano", a Nekomata girl raised by humans
finds a UFO crash site near her village
and befriends an alien named "Mela".

But Kano finds herself in trouble
and loses her precious hometown.
Kano and Mela must now
work together and take down the enemy...

The main character. A Nekomata girl raised by humans.
Doesn't like to fight.
Cares deeply about everyone in her village.
If necessary, she'll fight Yokais to protect them.

A girl from outer space.
After her UFO crashed,
she teams up with Kano to fix up her ship.
Has no combat skills.
Supports Kano remotely.

-Princess Neko
A young Queen who rules the country.
Ever since her ancestors passed on and she became Queen, there's been an increase in the numbers of bad Yokais...
Some say that she's got cat ears coming out of her head...


System Requirements

    • OS *: Windows® 7/8/10/11 (32bit/64bit)
    • Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo
    • Memory: 4 MB RAM
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.

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