Stardust Exile is an RTS set in the Milky Way galaxy, containing currently known stars and exoplanets with their real characteristics. The remaining star systems are procedurally generated. It has both online mode and single-player skirmish mode. The online server is persistent and single-shard.
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Tentang Game Ini

Stardust Exile is a space RTS game set in the Milky Way galaxy, containing currently known stars and exoplanets with their real characteristics. The remaining star systems are procedurally generated based on the current estimated number of stars in our galaxy. You can rename stars and planets that you control outside of the Solar System.

Create your own spaceship designs with an in-game procedural spaceship generator. Spaceships visuals don't change their stats. This way players won't have to use spaceships they don't like due to superior stats.

In the MMORTS mode, all players are in the same universe, and the world is persistent. Compete with other players to take back the Solar System and end your exile. Players can fight to control systems, retreat to the periphery to regain strength and rebuild their fleets as needed, or they can play as a trading empire dedicated to trading spaceships and resources to accumulate credits.

Spaceships keep operating even when the player is offline: production spaceships keep harvesting resources, and combat spaceships automatically engage invading spaceships. To allow players to mount proper defenses against large attacks, they can build disruptors to slow down travel from enemies to their systems for up to 24 hours.

The Single-Player Skirmish mode allows to generate other galaxies with different sizes, densities, star systems and opponents. Research/Tech Tree, Planetary Outposts and Pirates can be enabled or disabled as desired.

Pre-defined modes include:

  • End Exile: Make your way to the Solar System and end your exile.

  • Quick Match: A small game of conquest with few factions and a small limit of spaceships.

  • Galactic War: A proper war. Wins the empire with the most stored resources after the time limit reached.

  • Simulation: Watch empires rise and fall. No playable faction.

Or create your own scenario with any of the victory conditions or none.


  • MMORTS persistent, single-shard

  • Single-Player skirmish

  • Procedural spaceship generator

  • Markets, sell and buy spaceships and resources

  • Research/Tech tree

  • Pirate NPCs

  • Alliances between players

  • Bounties placed on pirates or other players

  • Upgradeable planetary outposts

  • Rename stars and planets you control outside of the Solar System

  • Leaderboards

  • Logs of recent activity that happened when you were offline

The game is being developed by a solo dev. You can jump from one place in the galaxy to another almost instantaneously, without loadings, due to all images, 3D models, VFX and animations being generated procedurally at runtime.

Persyaratan Sistem

SteamOS + Linux
    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan
    • OS: Windows 10 or later
    • Prosesor: 2.0 GHz 2 core or higher
    • Memori: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafis: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better
    • Jaringan: Koneksi Internet Broadband
    • Penyimpanan: 1 GB ruang tersedia
    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan
    • OS: Ubuntu 20.04 or later
    • Prosesor: 2.0 GHz 2 core or higher
    • Memori: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafis: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better. For Nvidia GPUs the Nouveau drivers are not supported, use the Nvidia ones instead.
    • Jaringan: Koneksi Internet Broadband
    • Penyimpanan: 1 GB ruang tersedia

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