A point and click noir mystery, set in a grim and corrupt Wonderland. Alice is Dead: Hearts and Diamonds is a complete remake of the classic Flash game trilogy, including all new art, added puzzles, expanded lore, and plenty of secrets for old and new fans alike.
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Đăng nhập để thêm sản phẩm này vào danh sách ước, theo dõi, hoặc đánh dấu nó thành "đã phớt lờ"

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Tải xuống Alice is Dead: Hearts and Diamonds Demo

Trò chơi này chưa có trên Steam

Ngày dự kiến phát hành: 2025

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Đánh giá

“What the game has in spades (or hearts, if you're playing from a royal deck) is atmosphere. There are no scares or loud surprises, but Alice is Dead can send shivers up your spine from the first few screens.”
4.5/5 – JayIsGames

Về trò chơi này

Noir Mystery

Alice is Dead is a grim, and twisted fantasy set in Wonderland. Unravel the secrets of this noir mystery to discover: who you are, who killed Alice, as well as how to get out with your hide in tact...

Visual Novel

Investigate the seedy corners of a dark and gritty Wonderland. Interrogate dark and unseemly interpretations of familiar characters in visual novel like interactions. Extract the information you need by any means necessary.

Point & Click

Explore the world through point and click interactions. The puzzles of this game are unapologetically hard. And the game is littered with added details and secrets for those willing to dig deeper.


A complete HD remake, and retelling of the classic Alice is Dead Flash game trilogy, brought back to life by the series' original creators! ‘Hearts and Diamonds’ will be the definitive version of these stories, lacing together the lore and details that were previously crafted without the larger continuity in mind. We want to bring the game up to the high standard it lives on through in the minds of our fans!

Mô tả nội dung mang yếu tố trưởng thành

Nội dung theo lời tả của nhà phát triển:

This game includes cartoonish depictions of violence, as well indirect allusions to drug and alcohol abuse.

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • HĐH: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    Khuyến nghị:
    • HĐH: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
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