A arithmetic game, let you play at the same time exercise arithmetic reaction ability. Just put the arithmetic symbol under the two numbers to calculate the result. You need to quickly and cleverly place the arithmetic symbols according to the scene.
모든 평가
매우 긍정적 (70) - 이 게임에 대한 사용자 평가 70개 중 91% 가 긍정적입니다.
2021년 3월 10일

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Army of Numbers 구매


게임에 대해

Just put the arithmetic symbol under the two numbers to calculate the result.
You need to quickly and cleverly place the arithmetic symbols according to the scene.

The experience of the game is very similar to the 24 point game played when I was a child (part of the inspiration comes from this), but this work has different variability and stimulation.

The game itself has no level, only two modes, rush mode and survival mode, which are randomly generated levels.

There is no levels in the game, but you can pursue higher scores, and unlock some new stuff while playing.

Put the constant and calculator on the panel, and the calculator will automatically calculate the upper left and upper right numbers. Your goal is to work out a specific number to defeat the monster!

시스템 요구 사항

    • 운영 체제: win10
    • 프로세서: Just a simple game
    • 그래픽: Just a simple game
    • 사운드카드: Just a simple game
    • 운영 체제: win10
    • 프로세서: Just a simple game
    • 그래픽: Just a simple game
    • 사운드카드: Just a simple game

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