Claire's 8-year-old brother is missing. While looking for him during a search party, she finds herself completely lost and alone in the woods. She eventually spots a strange house in the distance... could Daniel be inside?
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“SEARCH PARTY: Director’s Cut aims to pull of some chilling moments as you square off against the house’s inhabitant (or avoid them as best you can), making for a gruesome, unsettling experience you won’t soon forget.”
Indie Games Plus

Tietoa pelistä

SEARCH PARTY is a survival horror game inspired by the cat/mouse gameplay of Clock Tower, and the resource management of classic Resident Evil.

Claire's 8-year-old brother, Daniel, is missing. While looking for him during a search party, she finds herself completely lost and alone in the woods. She eventually spots a strange house in the distance... could Daniel be inside?

  • Search for tools and weapons to defend yourself as you sink deeper into a hopeless nightmare of despair.
  • Move carefully through the house. He's hiding and waiting for you.
  • Enjoy beautiful SNES style graphics that extend beyond the limitations of the 90s
  • Prepare to be shocked and sicken by this morbid true crime slasher tale.

What's New in the Director's Cut?
  • 2 new (secret) endings. A total of 5 endings to discover.
  • A new area to explore, which expands on an existing ending for the original game.
  • Unlockable costumes and items, for post-game completionists.
  • Some re-done art assets, and additional environmental detail / interaction.
  • Lots of other tiny tweaks and additions that make this a more complete version over the original.

Even if you've already played the original, there's still plenty of reasons to rejoin the SEARCH PARTY!

Aikuissisällön kuvaus

Kehittäjät ovat kuvailleet sisältöä seuraavasti:

blood, gore, death/harm caused to children


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä *: Windows 7 SP1+
    • Suoritin: x86 32 bit
    • Muisti: 512 MB RAM
* 1.1.24 alkaen Steam-asiakasohjelma tukee vain Windows 10:tä ja uudempia versioita.

Sovelluksen SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut arvostelut


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