b 2: online-only multiplayer --- an alien place --- you are the bee: fly where you want, play as you like
All Reviews:
Very Positive (267) - 89% of the 267 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
May 15, 2020

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Early Access Game

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Note: Games in Early Access are not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

Note: The last update made by the developers was over 4 years ago. The information and timeline described by the developers here may no longer be up to date.
What the developers have to say:

Why Early Access?

“The goal of going Early Access is to identify any server issues with the help of players playing. (b 2 is u&i's first time online multiplayer experience. As such, the server components working sufficiently well is unknown, in particular the hardware's capability, but also the software -- although without known issues -- has not been tested beyond 23 player.)
u&i is dearly committed to rectify these server issues by observing the server behavior and playing experience while you are playing.
u&i is dedicated to hear your feedback and act on it.
b 2 is desired to be officially released providing a sweet experience for players by u&i.”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“b 2 will likely be in Early Access for at least 2 months with the initial month after going Early Access being used for intensive studying of the server load and another month being necessary to work on solutions to any issues identified. b 2 is planned for to leave Early Access as soon as the server components are deemed satisfyingly. b 2 might not leave Early Access ever if u&i is unable to remedy an unstable server situation for example because theoretically necessary hardware costs prove to be prohibitly high.”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“the full version of b 2 is aimed to differ in 2 areas from the Early Access version:
1. the server and netcode is to be reliable, stable and responsive
2. content in terms of inanimate objects (something in space perhaps?) and animated, network-synchronisable decoration and non-playable life forms as expressed by the Steam community as wished to be added is to be included.
The setting (plane, homes, ice planet) is not intended to change as of now.”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“the world in which players play in Early Access is final from a setting point of view, see "About this game" in the description.
The server selection, from a hardware and bandwidth point of view, has been performed with care and the netcode is written for utmost low latency, high throughput and complete correctness in terms of protocol application with the interlying software layer and security, whether from a transport interference view or else which came to mind.”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“this experience is remaining free.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“the Steam community discussion board of b 2 is the place for opening up about b 2. This is the space getting watched, read and analysed by u&i and responded. Gatherings from this will influence changes and additions to b 2 which will then hopefully result in a new build going live, which will be accompanied by a news entry using Steam's Updates section. Although the setting (scenery) itself is considered final as of now, anything within the realm of u&i's abilities is possible and your dreams are crucial. Given u&i feels "enjoyment of freedom" of the experience remains intact, u&i's best attempt is made to "realise" them.”
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About This Game

b 2: online-only multiplayer

b 2 is the successor to b, in a different setting which is manageable to synchronise over the internet.

the server part is in Early Access and not guaranteed to be available or working (all the time).

requires web access by https and udp.

some software such as Asus GameFirst IV network monitor swallow incoming udp data thus exit such software first.

an alien place

a plane in space, nearby an iceplanet with an asteroid belt, colored corrugated iron homes around a central big tree and a bear growing, progressing anti-clockwise around it, is a new playground of b, the bumblebee of subgenus gaudium formosum, recognizable by their cheeky :p .

you are the bee

fly where you want, play as you like. Your desire and curiosity is the fuel of this "feel free" experience.

60 players per place

up to 60 minutes per place after which its configuration changes, up to 60 players per place, many places (all places share the same configuration), "safe" bandwidth for around 273 concurrent players, max. around 1365 players. Server hardware performance throughput to be evaluated. You are placed in the first place having space. Likewise after every reconfiguration and reload, press keyboard key F5 to reload. You can see a places place number at the bottom middle of the screen. At the bottom left you see the remaining time in minutes and at the bottom right you see the number of players in this place. Press keyboard key Esc(ape) to exit.

controls are like last time

controls are like last time, this time non-configurable:
  • WASD QE L left-shift space
  • joystick 1


changes from b:
  • more loose camera
  • b faster
  • collisions added

changes since media creation:
  • bear added
  • sky day color less intense


known issues:
  • bear might be not synchronised (his animation and progress is handed independantly by the game engine to the time synchronisation; a best attempt is made to set him synchronised initially)
  • precise time synchronisation requires a high-resolution system timer
  • first firework at end of place's time only synchronised across players (remaining depend on framerate)
  • the odd home is floating in the air
  • if b flies into a cover from the camera, the camera is readjusted to see b but can get stuck at the last cover which would have hidden b; fly b behind another cover to have the camera readjust

made with

  • game engine Unity
  • 3rd party asset DirectX 11 Grass Shader
  • 3rd party asset LowPoly Asteroids Pack
  • 3rd party asset Mesh Effects
  • 3rd party asset Lux URP/LWRP Essentials
  • 3rd party asset Fireworks Pack 3D&2D
  • 3rd party asset Real Fireworks
  • 3rd party asset Poly Art Animals Forest Set
  • 3rd party asset Animal Controller
  • Standard License for: Hopeful (Full track), Artist: Dynamedion Royalty-free, Composer: Stefan Bode (no PRO affiliation)
  • Standard License for: LYN123: Nature & Weather (Bumble Bee Buzzing 03: Long bumblebee buzz with some bird tweets in background), Artist: Bjorn Lynne, Composer: Lynne, Bjorn

System Requirements

    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS *: Windows 7 SP1
    • Processor: i5-9600 single-thread performance class
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: GTX 1650 performance class
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 175 MB available space
    • Additional Notes: estimated hardware requirements for 1080p, average 30fps @ 1 bee (based on own timings of reference hardware and PassMark benchmarks of above hardware)
    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: i9-9900K single-thread performance +86% class
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: RTX 2060 performance class
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 175 MB available space
    • Additional Notes: estimated hardware requirements for 1080p, average 60fps @ 1 bee (based on own timings of reference hardware and PassMark benchmarks of above hardware)
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.

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