Hit n' Bit - digiscorp

Digital Scorpion Interactive brings you the latest exciting demo of our newest title, Hit n’ Bit! This latest build brings a variety of changes and updates, including all-new combat mechanics, upgrades to UI, new audio sound effects, additional character portraits and general bug fixes.

Hit N’ Bit Demo Changelog (V2.0)


  • Killing minions simultaneously should no longer break the event system that progresses the game.
  • Bagpipe man properly dances upon quest completion.
  • Pisheed second phase animations are implemented.
  • Blocking while rolling should no longer cancel animation.
  • Dashing at the same time as jumping should no longer cause a "Super Jump".
  • UI Art for Options, Rebind, Death, and Report forms have been implemented.
  • Item pickups should now be persistent across scene loads and respawns.
  • Little Girls should now face the correct way when walking.
  • Using potions and then continuing to press the 'Use Item' button should no longer remove music sheets from your inventory.
  • Harlucian, Soldier, Georgina, Pisheed minions, and Bit portraits have been implemented.
  • Spload Lady in right town square will no longer slide around.
  • Player should no longer stick to walls.
  • Inventory now has item descriptions.
  • Hit should no longer be able to hang on invisible walls by continuing to move into them while in the air.
  • Dying while in a fight should no longer hard lock the game by preventing interactions.
  • All remaining UI menus have been updated to match the Art team's mockups.
  • Dialogue should now be properly saving and loading their progress at checkpoints.
  • Player should no longer get stuck in the ground until jumping upon a respawn.
  • Fixed player animation transitions. Player should no longer be stuck in the interact animation when walking after picking up an item.
  • Random Encounters have been disabled.
  • Enemy damage zones should now properly flip with the character's sprite.
  • Tavern fight now has an arena around it to restrict what the player can get on.
  • Should no longer get stuck falling infinitely after falling off an island.
  • Layering of Sploads corrected.
  • When using a controller you can no longer interact with the health and stamina bars to change the slider position.
  • Vertical speed limit applied to dash to ensure you cannot launch yourself into space.
  • Player should no longer be stuck in a falling animation when standing on the Tavern building.
  • Pisheed's second phase dialogue box should no longer flicker.
  • Picking up a music sheet before getting the quest should now add those sheets to the quest counter upon quest pickup.
  • Dialogue Portraits have been updated so NPCs face the correct way.
  • Quests should properly load saved progress even after multiple reloads.
  • Music sheets should be properly counted in the quest log even after reloads.
  • Picking up a music sheet that had been previously picked up before a reload should no longer freeze the game.
  • Player should no longer get stuck in the interact state after reloading within an interactable area.
  • UI should properly scale on many more resolution sizes.
  • The Virtual mouse adde when playing with a controller scales properly allowing menus to be interacted with.
  • Occlusion culling properly culls objects hidden behind other objects.
  • Additional fixes to using virtual mouse on a controller.
  • Occlusion reverted to pre-v1.9 method.
  • Minion fight in right town square should stay available even if you reload a save where you have not completed it and already talked to BPM.
  • Quests should initialize collection goals correctly ensuring picking up quest items properly triggers events after a reload.
  • Virtual mouse will now enable during dialogue choices when using a controller.
  • Pisheed and his minions should no longer get stuck in place after charge attacking or melee attacking.
  • Player should now stop sliding on flat surfaces after going down a steep slope.
  • Demo Complete Screen scaling fixed for multiple aspect ratios.
  • Pisheed and his minions will now have their charge attack smoke properly positioned and layered.
  • Occlusion data updated so nothing should be unexpectedly disappearing while walking around.

2D Art

  • Added Bit Jump/Run/Attack animations for Cinematic.
  • Added Flying creature Fall/flying animations.
  • Revamped all of green thief animations.
  • Revamped little girl AND little boy sprites.
  • Added drunk idle character.
  • Portraits added (Bit/Soldier/Lucas mom/Both minions/Ruby/Soda/Jade/Harlucian).

3D Art

  • Added sides to building walls so the occlusion can see the walls.
  • Updated all assets to have atlas textures.
  • Added barrels outside the tavern exterior to help better identify the building as a tavern, also added a rug going down the stairs.
  • Added more metal rings to the sides of the wooden bridge.
  • Updated the cloth stall's texture.
  • Rotated the knots in the rope to better hide the texture that isn't rope.
  • Updated the purple cloth to a texture that has a more visible pattern.
  • Updated the gazebo to be taller and better fit Hit inside.
  • Added more food to the baskets in front of the stall.
  • Swapped a circular piece of jewelry for one that is a crystal to add more variety.
  • Added more pottery to the left side of the stall to help fill the space.
  • Added more hanging toys to the front of the stall and updated the colors of the texture.
  • Changed to book covers to a blue or red texture and changed the flags to a bule texture.
  • Separated the transparent and nontransparent textures for all assets.
  • Updated the puppet cart's wood texture to be darker.
  • The white rug inside the tavern has been updated to a different texture.

Conge's Crunch Time - Kim Jonghoon
Fixed an issue where you couldn't use the chapter 2-3 door because of save file compatibility issues.
All players will be able to use it right.
Merchant in Dungeon - Hex Game Studio
Thank you very much for your support and love from all fans and players. After two years of hard work by all the developers at HexGameStudio, Merchant In Dungeon will meet with you at 13:00 on September 23. In the first week, the price will be $ 7.1 to reward all players.
Aw Heck, WAR! - Barph_Stroganoff

The enemy jet was ugly as sin, so I remade it to look a lot more like a certain real world jet... lemme know if you can tell which it is :)

Also, made the new updated house destructible again! Also added physics constraints to keep some of the pieces connected to the house foundation.

And finally, I added a line of code to the locomotion mechanic so now all turning movements are relative to the direction the player looks, not relative to the player's in-game body. In short, this should make locomotion a little more comfortable.
丧尸卡牌:生存对决 Playtest - 热情的气味
2024-09-21-608 Update
Research Story - Mikixen
[✨v0.10 is in development and will be available in end-Sep!✨]

Hi Researchers!

I've been adding more player customisation options in the past few weeks! Improving the current customisation feature is something that I've wanted to work on eventually, and being able to customise the player after a save file is created is a feature that was requested by several players.

With that in mind, I polled our Discord for whether players would prefer to (A) Change your appearance on the go (e.g. from the Profile Menu), or (B) Have a dedicated item such as a Wardrobe where you access it at home. The Wardrobe idea was more popular and I started work on that!

Wardrobe 👚
The Wardrobe is an item that can be purchased from Theo at his Shop (currently in game). He sells 4 different types of Wardrobes based on the season, and any of them would give players a way to change their appearance (once the update is live):

Using the Wardrobe, players can change their Appearance (Hairstyle, Hair Colour, Outfit etc.) as well as their Equipment (Hat, Amulet, Ring).

You might have noticed some additions from the current customisation feature:
  • More hairstyles and hair colours!
  • Hairstyles are now sorted as Short, Medium, and Long, for easier navigation.
  • Added Face and Accessory customisation.
Customisation Slots ✅
Additionally, each player would have 4 customisation slots where their choices would be saved and can be easily swapped.

Special Outfits ✨
Players can select a Unique Set that replaces their current Top/Bottom/Bag choices. There's currently only one Unique Set (Violet Archive Set), but I plan to add more in the future! Speaking to certain NPCs while wearing a Unique Set can trigger special dialogue.

I hope that players would get to create a Researcher that more closely resonates with them with this update! <3

Update soon!
Miki 🤍
ドラマチックロード 風の発端 - alaskaohdan
"Dramatic Road : the origin of wind" has been updated to version 0.81a.

In version 0.81a, we implemented the following support.

・Fixed some graphics.

・Fixed some BGM.


We will continue to expand functionality in preparation for the official release.
If you notice anything while playing, please let us know your opinions and requests on the review/bulletin board, etc.
Periphery Synthetic - niq
Greetings surveyors!

Recently I started working exclusively on the new planet and mechanics coming in the first free content expansion. This release merges a number of general improvements from my secret development branch into the public builds. I'm excited to share a larger progress update about how the expansion changes the entire game with you soon.

In the meantime, thanks for playing. Enjoy!

v3.2.6 changes
  • Added a Danger Zone screen that's accessible from the Settings screen.
  • Added dangerous buttons to reset progress in the Danger Zone.
  • Fixed demo save not being continued in full version.
  • Fixed the criteria for the Archeologist and Elementalist milestones.
  • Improved when screens forget their last focused element.
  • Improved the title of the New Seed screen.
  • Revised order and quantity of cache rewards on Alpha Periphery C.
Caves of Qud - AlphaBeard
Hey folks,
If you missed this announcement, tonight's Feature Friday will be the last one before our 1.0 launch later this year. We're going heads down to give full focus to the endgame. Thanks for observing this Friday ritual with us week after week, and we'll see you again soon!

Live and drink.

  • Added a clickable close button to the status screens frame.
  • We changed how the procedurally generated, white-titled books work when read.
    • Most of the time, reading a generated book displays a short excerpt from the book instead of the full, several-page text.
    • You'll occasionally still find full-text books.
    • Due to this change, Ruin of House Isner secrets are still findable but rarer. To offset his, we've made the location secret appear more frequently when you trade for or discover journal secrets.
  • The gun rack and cathedra cybernetics can no longer rust.
  • Removed biome and stratum information from slynth sanctuary choices.
  • The "of terrifying visage" mod now shows the effect on cooldown for Berate, Intimidate, and Menacing Stare in the ability menu.
  • Removed "fast travels much faster" from the description of the flying effect since that bonus is no longer tied to the effect.
  • Horns now displays its to-hit bonus in the mutation description and on the Horns (or variants) natural weapon description.
  • Tweaked troll foal character level.
  • You know complete the Disable the Magnetic Field step of the Tomb of the Eaters quest after [redacted].
  • You can now enter the [redacted] without the Tomb of the Eaters quest without having the game lock up.
  • A sound is now played when your sharpened polyp crumbles to dust.
  • A sound is now played when you activate the Temple of the Rock platform.
  • World generation tier is now set correctly for objects generated at worldgen time such as lair owners.
  • Gave becoming nooks way more HP.s
  • Made the ingredient baskets and medical chests in the Yd Freehold unowned.s
  • Added missing grenades to some artifact tables.
  • Fixed Mass Mind not properly cooling down mental mutations.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the second golem spawned from using cloning draught as a catalyst to not be your follower.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ickslugs birthed by a snailmother to adopt a docile demeanor.
  • Fixed a bug with village apothecary stats.
  • Fixed an error in the display of the cleave amonut for gigantic axes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused mutations added from cooking recipes to not be applied properly in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue that caused cooking effects to not apply their effects but still remove the effect when wearing off in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue that caused skills added from cooking recipes to not be applied properly in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug with the tier of metal locker contents.
  • Fixed some issues with cybernetic credit wedge chests.
  • Fixed some description typos in Syphon Vim and some creature objects.
  • [modding] Added a RegionalObject part, which can place keyed groups from a population table based on the zone's terrain region.
  • [modding] Cleaned up the StreamingAssets folder.
Zodiac fantasy - LG喵


What! It turns out that being an interviewer has such benefits. I looked at the charming and sweet girl Zhen Tian, ​​who was breathing obediently under me, with love in her eyes. At this moment, the scene of my first encounter with her in the past involuntarily emerged in my mind. It was a beautiful beginning!
Game Features❤️‍🔥
💖Easy to play flip card game
💖A little story with Zhen Tian
💖Exquisite dynamic video
💖Partial Japanese dubbing

Coming soon❤️‍🔥
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