Dec 14, 2021
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Festive Greetings everyone!

We just released a small set of tweaks. They don't change the game in any major way, but might enable us to translate it sometime in the future. Don't ask me about dates regarding that - because I don't know. It won't be anytime soon though...

Update notes:

  • Started work on enabling translations (very preliminary)
  • Fixed translation related bug
  • Fixed bug with achievement descriptors not working
  • Fixed bug where the game tried to unlock deprecated achievements
  • Tweaked game graphics
  • Updated legacy code
  • Tweaked UI
  • Fixed typos

Don't be shy if you encounter any problems in the game.


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Aug 30, 2021
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Greetings everyone!

We just released a small set of tweaks. Some of you have been experiencing low frame rates in the game. This issue is very difficult to adress because of the technology used to make the game, but if you're having frame rate issues, there's three things you can try:

1) Lower your monitor's display resolution before launching the game.
2) Lower the graphical settings in the game's Settings.
3) Tell Steam you want to download the Experimental branch (Properties > Betas > Experimental).

You might have to launch it outside of Steam.

Does the experimental branch mess with my save games?

Yes. Your old saves won't display properly in the experimental branch, since it's running its own save game system. If you switch back to the default branch, they'll be there waiting for you just like normal.

Does the experimental branch mess with my achievements?

Yes. They won't display properly in the experimental branch. And they won't unlock to Steam. Switching back to the default branch will make everything work like normal.

Will the experimental branch ever replace the default version?

No. It's just something I've been tinkering with to help more players be able to play at a normal frame rate.

Since I can't replicate the issue on any of my computers, I'm taking a stab in the dark here. If anyone tries it and finds it affects performance in any way – good/bad/ugly – don't be shy!

Update notes:

  • Added experimental Steam branch
  • Added failsafe language check when loading XML files
  • Optimised UI for performance
  • Added calls for the ’End Chapter 2’ achievement
  • Fixed bugs in the Mover’s dream

That's it. Don't be shy if you encounter any problems in the game.


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The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
People of Earth!

It's been four years since we released the final chapter of The Dream Machine, concluding a journey almost ten years in the making. We thought that was worth celebrating, and therefore we decided to make this update a little extra special!

The story of the game

14 years ago Erik and I were working 9 to 5 jobs we didn't really like. We were unhappy and both of us had considered quitting several times. Occasionally we'd call each other to stave off the boredom. During some of these calls, we started talking about that time during childhood when you did things just for the joy of it. Back when you'd start a drawing in one corner of a piece of paper and didn't stop until you'd filled the entire page.

During one of these calls, Erik mentioned that he'd like to attempt making a game using stop-motion animation. I immediately protested since I knew how time-consuming stop-motion animation is to create, but in order to prove me wrong, Erik sat up all night and created five little dioramas just to show me it could be done.

When I woke up the next morning I had an e-mail waiting for me with some tests he'd shot just before crashing to bed.

Sipping on my morning coffee I tried to take in what he'd done.

The sets were rough, sure, but their charm was also undeniable. They were beautiful in a skewed and crude kind of way. He’d obviously done them really quickly because you could see the paint was still running and had some fingerprints here and there. But they just had this evocative and engaging quality to them.

In some shots, he had lined them up to form a bizarre corridor, with a thick vault door hindering your progress. It kind of looked like a game. I wanted to walk around in them, try opening that door, push all the buttons, turn all the knobs.

After that, there was no turning back...

Based on those early tests, we thought we might be able to shake loose some grant money, but the deadline for that was two days away and we didn't yet have an idea for the game. So I went home, thought about what might be a fruitful premise, and remembered something I'd been fascinated by since back at animation school, where Erik and I met.

While at school, I'd read about John C. Lilly’s experiments with Ketamine and LSD. He had had this wonderful notion that he visited an alternative reality when he was tripping. A reality that we share with other people, a collective unconscious, with a coherent geography. He would lie with a notepad next to his bed so he could draw geographical features once he sobered up. He would encourage several of his friends to do the same. They’d draw coastlines and landmarks, noting down topological features, statues, cities, etc. They believed that if they had enough of these drawings, they could start piecing them together in an effort to create a cohesive chart of this shared human subconscious.

I thought that was one of the best ideas I’d ever heard, beautifully and wildly bonkers. I just had to use that for something.

So with that as the game's foundational idea, I wrote a pitch about a young couple, an apartment complex, and exploring your neighbors' dreams against their will.

Believe it or not, that pitch got approved and landed us enough money so we could both resign from our 9 to 5 jobs and start working on The Dream Machine full time for a while. We thought the whole thing would take about a year to create, but as time went on we got more and more captivated by the world we were creating, ambitions grew and before we knew it, we'd been taken hostage by our own project.

The project ran out of money several times during production, but we always managed to somehow persevere and make it to the next release, and then to the one after that – until we had finished the whole game, ten years later.

None of us knew that it would take ten years to make. If we had, we wouldn't have started in the first place. But it was a labor of love, for both of us. It allowed us to get lost in the woods. It occasionally drove us crazy. It's the single most challenging project we've ever undertaken.

We're both immensely proud of what we accomplished.

In order to share it with more players, we've decided to make the first two chapters free for a week.

If this is the first time you get to play The Dream Machine – then welcome! We hope you'll enjoy exploring the dreams within!

If you've already played it and have been waiting for an excuse to revisit, now just might be the time...


Since we released Chapter 6, we've continuously updated and improved on the game – fixing bugs, adding features – but in recognition of this anniversary, we thought we'd aim for something slightly more ambitious...

A lot of you have been asking for achievements and although it took us a while – we can now proudly say that we finally implemented achievements into The Dream Machine!

We hope you'll enjoy collecting them!


Aside from that, we're also releasing the game's soundtrack. That was the second most requested feature, so we're thrilled to be able to cross that off our To-Do list as well!

We hope you'll dig it!

But wait... There's more!

The unsung hero of this update is the slew of improvements and bug fixes that we've implemented over the course of the past months. Read all about them in the list below! Some aren't very glamorous or life-altering but sprinkled in here and there you might find additions that are, eh, surprisingly meaty...

SPOILER WARNING: The descriptions below are purposefully vague, but if you want to avoid anything that might potentially spoil the nature of the new additions – don't read the list.

  • Game: Added achievements to all chapters
  • Game: Released the soundtrack for the game
  • Game: Overhauled the UI
  • Game: Fixed task list bug
  • Game: Added option to toggle interaction hot-spots on or off in the settings menu
  • Game: Removed requirement to use the key to access the basement beyond Chapter 2
  • Game: Added alternative ending
  • Game: Added dream
  • Game: Added location
  • Game: Added character
  • Game: Added a new quest-line
  • Game: Fixed typos
  • Chapter 1: Removed legacy code
  • Chapter 1: Improved log placement sound effect in Victor's dream
  • Chapter 1: Added interactions
  • Chapter 1: Improved navigation
  • Chapter 1: Tweaked mover dialogue
  • Chapter 1: Tweaked Alicia dialogue
  • Chapter 2: Tweaked bookshelf books
  • Chapter 3: Solved a graphical issue in the fuse box scene
  • Chapter 4: Tweaked phone behavior in Edie’s dream
  • Chapter 4: Fixed dialogue bug
  • Chapter 5: Tweaked mob dialogue
  • Chapter 5: Tweaked knight dialogue
  • Chapter 5: Tweaked dream machine dialogue
  • Chapter 5: Tweaked map descriptors
  • Chapter 6: Tweaked prayer options
  • Chapter 6: Fixed Neff kitchen interaction hotspots
  • Chapter 6: Tweaked rat dialogue
The Mac version doesn't unlock Steam achievements (for technical reasons), but you'll unlock them in-game regardless.

We hope you enjoy the update! Don't be shy if you encounter any problems in the game.


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Dec 26, 2020
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Festive Greetings everyone!

We just released a small set of tweaks. Some of you have requested that the game window not float on top of other windows – and we listened! The "always on top" behaviour was originally implemented to side-step some graphical issues, but since those have been solved we decided to remove the behaviour entirely.

Update notes:

- Game: Turned off "always on top" game window behaviour
- Game: Added default Steam Input configurations
- Game: Tweaked credits
- Chapter 1 & 4: Improved toilet flushing sound quality
- Chapter 2, 4, 5 & 6: Added dream machine sounds
- Chapter 3: Tweaked parasol interaction
- Chapter 3: Removed umbrella drink requirement

Don't be shy if you encounter any problems in the game.


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Oct 30, 2020
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

People of the world!

Since it's Halloween, we thought it would be nice to offer a discount on the game. So if you've been on the fence about this game, now's the time to pounce!

Thank me later!


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Sep 24, 2020
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Hello World!

We just released an optimization update related to the books. Some players experienced low frame rates when reading the books, so we wanted to address that. This update should improve performance while reading books.

If you're still experiencing problems, disabling the Steam overlay might also boost performance.

Update notes:

• Chapter 3, 4 & 5: Fixed rasterization problem related to text in books
• Chapter 3, 4 & 5: Removed filter effects in books
• Chapter 4 & 5: Fixed typo

As for now, the diary books in Chapter 2 have yet to be fixed, but we're working on that as well.

Don't be shy if you encounter any problems in the game.


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Mar 31, 2020
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Fellow Dreamers!

In celebration of the release of The Gateway Trilogy, we're discounting the price of The Dream Machine! So if you've been on the fence about buying it, now's the time! And when you're done playing it, rejoice in knowing that there's a whole new game experience waiting for you on the other side! What could be better than that, huh?

I hope you're all doing well and stay safe during this bleak time!

If you're interested in The Gateway Trilogy, you can find more information here:
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Mellow greetings!

We've been working hard to finalizing the game during these last couple of months, but we're now starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The game is in a good enough state that I can confidently say that we will be releasing on March 31st.

In order to celebrate the coming release we made a spiffy new trailer. Feel free to spread it to everyone, including those awkward friends you haven't talked to in a few years, you know the ones...

We hope you like it! Wishlist and follow if you haven't already!


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Dec 11, 2019
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

The Gateway Trilogy is an upcoming point-and-click puzzle game by Cockroach Inc. The Gateway Trilogy includes remastered versions of the first two games – plus a never-before-seen third installment.

Gateway is an adventure game series set in a mostly empty black void. Guide a character through a series of rooms, solve puzzles in order to progress.

Add to your wishlist now!
Dec 9, 2019
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Happy Festivus everybody!

Another update just went live! Celebrate as you see fit! I suggest dancing or whistling. The update is not super meaty, but it contains various fixes and improvements that I'm sure some of you will appreciate.

Here's a rundown of what the update contains:

• Game: Tweaked credits
• Chapter 3, 4: Added clues
• Chapter 2, 3, 4: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Added helmet boot up sounds
• Chapter 2: Tweaked background art in Morton's backroom
• Chapter 2: Tweaked background sounds
• Chapter 2: Tweaked item descriptions
• Chapter 3: Fixed background rendering issues
• Chapter 3: Improved performance
• Chapter 3: Turned off functionality once the dream has been completed
• Chapter 4: Added dialogue
• Chapter 4: Tried to address memory issues

As always, don't be shy if you see something strange or buggy in the game.


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