Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
SotS2 - 2.0.25003.3

Critical Fixes
- Fixed AI economic destruction

Other Fixes
- Fixed Loa gate spawning in center of sun
- Fixed missing Tarka images
- Fixed duplicate colony morale items in the tool tip list
- Fixed not able to start diplomacy once you encounter a Loa gate
- Fixed handful of text strings

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
SotS2 2.0.25003.2

Critical Fixes
- Fixed post combat CTD
- Fixed end turn CTD
- Fixed Zuul trying to be peaceful too early on in the game
- Fixed not able to accelerate time when there are only planets
- Fixed not able to intercept Loa gates
- Optimizations for node-using factions (Human, Zuul, and Loa)

Other Fixes
- Fixed Loa having accelerator gates in their fleet composition
- Fixed slave disks being listed as assault shuttles
- Fixed Loa not expanding fully
- Fixed AI invading then returning without combat
- Zuul node lines no longer collapse when a bore ship fleet is transiting the line
- Fix Hiver not advancing when no systems in range
- Fixed AI humans not using node lines

New Maps
- 3 Brawl
- Brushfire
- Command School

- Soundtrack now includes FLAC track files as well as MP3

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Critical Fixes
- Fixed end of turn game freeze

Other Fixes
- Fixed case where "Random System" used as system name
- Fixed case where AI would prefer initial ship designs
- Fixed protectorate treaties adding to player support costs
- Fixed economy value in empire manager not showing correct value

Other changes and additions:
- AI will now retreat fleets that are badly damaged in combat

The SotS2 Super-list changelog can be found here;

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Critical fixes:
- AI decision-making tuned.
- Fixed an end turn CTD
- UI now handles its memory much better
- Fixed CTD caused by crit hits list
- Fixed CTD on completion of reserves transfer
- Fixed a combat CTD

Other fixes:
- Fixed Liir_Zuul battle cruiser not launching assault shuttles
- Fixed Liir getting battle cruiser sections on cruisers
- Fixed database handling of unicode characters
- Fixed not getting research project for super novas
- Fixed issue where ship toolip would not show up in starmap
- Fixed frequency of supernovas
- Fixed node cannons not firing when moving
- Fixed subverted drones attacking friendly ships after docking
- Fixed swarm queen not firing
- Fixed group list not showing up when using the number group select in combat
- Fixed new fleets not being able to deploy on the turn they were created

Other changes and additions:
- Loa fleets now presented with an option to slowboat when deploying missions
- Can now deploy fleets on missions that are returning home or patrolling
- Can now order planets in planet manager
- Selecting a fleet from the fleet list while in the starmap now dulls out stars outside of that fleet's range
- Many strings exposed for localization
- Can now cycle systems in the build screen
- Open localization added. Russia, German, French strings added (DE/FR 80% complete)
- Change language option added to Launcher app. Game defaults to region, but drop-down will allow change of language.

Known issues:
- Old Savegames will continue to use old AI algorithms.
- Turn times may be slightly longer as we continue to optimize new AI algorithms.
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Critical fixes:
- Fixed combat CTD.
- Fixed destroyed system CTD.
- Fixed CTD in build screen.
- Fixed Loa CTD when doing NPG gate mission from destroyed planet.

Other fixes:
- Fixed able to set missile to PD.
- Fixed selected groups ignoring combat planes to which they are set.
- Fixed "stop" speech event.
- Fixed "defeated pirate base" being spammed 3x when it is defeated.
- Fixed AI colonizing hostile systems.
- Fixed case where AI would have a fleet with no command ship.
- Fixed issue that would cause too many locust scouts.
- Fixed case where randoms could be flagged as neutral.
- Fixed VN Pyramids not firing at planet.
- Fixed Loa not spawning next to their gates.
- Fixed AI not launching battlecruisers and battleships.
- Fixed AI not launching riders in some cases.
- Fixed Loa not properly removing cubes for ship damages.
- Fixed ships flying into locust moons.

Other changes and additions:
- Fixed various strings.
- Windowed fullscreen support.
- Revamped post-combat screen.
- "C" button in chat now connects/disconnects from chat.
- Double pressing 1-0 will focus on the ship group instead of whenever you press the button.
- Starmap now remembers if fleet/planet tab was last selected.
- Added a hot key to exit accelerated time.
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Critical fixes:
- Fixed Locust end turn CTD
- Fixed crash transferring ships to new fleet
- Fixed crash deleting invoices as Loa
- Fixed Neutron Star CTD

Other fixes:
- Optimized transitions to starmap
- Fixed bug allowing Zuul to see Loa paths
- Fixed issue with AM burst torpedo
- Fixed Loa SDB's not appearing in defense manager
- Fixed bug that would allow biosphere to go below 0
- Fixed ship production cost not displaying correct value in some places
- Fixed bug where Loa production costs were not being calculated correctly for armor selections
- Fixed bug that would cause polysilicate alloys to be impossible to select in design screen
- Fixed bug that would allow Loa to continue researching while in debt
- Fixed Loa audio not changing volume
- Fixed Loa not dropping gate in origin system when on NPG mission
- Fixed bug that would cause Loa to build gates in wrong order
- Fixed bug causing caravan fleets to consume CE at target system
- Fixed bug where Loa would not use cheapest command design when creating fleet
- Fixed bug locking players out of espionage

Other changes and additions:
- Exposed singleplayer empire colors for modders
- Global Chat now needs to be enabled in the options menu
- Tuning of Loa ship costs

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Critical fixes:
- Fixed CTD when loa system destroyed
- Fixed endturn CTD caused by locust scout
- fixed gardener waypoint CTD
- Fixed rare mission CTD
- Fixed suulka repair CTD
- Fixed CTD entering battlemanager
- Fixed CTD entering research screen

Other fixes:
- Fixed NPG moving in autoresolve combats
- Fixed not being able to scrap stations
- Fixed being able to edit accelerator fleets and scrap the NPG
- Fixed loa fleets not including production cost bonuses when forming ships
- Fixed loa construct station ui not presenting composition selector when manually placing station
- Supernovas will now follow max number of GM's rules
- Fixed issue where Deploy NPG fleets could get stuck in space
- Fixed bug causing loa to secretly pay corruption expenses

Critical fixes:
- Fixed SotSverse map
- Fixed crash related to station memory augmentation modules
- Fixed crash related to large Loa habitation module

Other fixes:
- Fixed Loa Music not playing
- Fixed issue with Burst Torpedo range
- Adjusted Loa gate limits
- Fixed Loa Neutrino Wave cannon
- Fixed missing Loa boarding icons
- Fixed fleet composer not appearing when creating fleet
- Fixed some issues with Loa deceleration/boosting
- Fixed modules not being visible
- Fixed freighter message appearing for newly built colonizers
- Fixed issues where drones would create anomalous cubes
- Fixed some speech issues
- Fixed some missing text strings
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Critcal fixes:
- Fixed multiplayer CTD's related to very large turn update messages
- Fixed a CTD related to station modules
- Fixed late game ctd caused by defeated player still running a debt
- Fixed CTD in empire manager

Other fixes:
- Fixed humans able to see zuul node lines
- Fixed bug that would cause the ai to attempt to upgrade a station multiple times at the same time
- Fixed bug that would cause news events for slot 1 to show when loading a game in another slot

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

MP currently requires you to be logged into Steam. LAN support will be in an upcoming patch.
Update: Hosts will need to port forward the following ports: 35000, 35001, 27015

Critical fixes:
- Converted MP from GameSpy network to Steam network
- Fixed end turn CTD
- Fixed post-combat CTD
- Fixed combat CTD
- Fixed multiplayer CTDs, including due to updating colony history
- Fixed CTD on Station Built dialog if station was destroyed during combat phase
- Fixed being able use hot-keys between turns in MP
- Fixed allowing hot-keys to change state in build screen when confirming invoice name
- Fixed being able to enter comparative analysis screen without having seen any enemy ships
- Fixed Suul'ka leaving when tribute station is destroyed
- Fixed bug allowing Hivers to build gate stations without the required tech
- Fixed issues with assimilation plague
- Fixed client being sent home after 1 invasion mission
- Fixed not being able to do a strike mission on any system
- Fixed CTD with getting Suul'ka info
- Fixed system killer being stuck at a system with a mining station
- Fixed dev-mode being activated in the design screen

Other fixes:
- Improved screen transitions between mission overlays and starmap
- Tweaked VN planet killer
- Prevented neutral indy planets from disabling slew mode if a station is next to it
- Enabled suicide drones to upgrade with warhead tech
- Disabled operations slider
- Fixed sound channel issues
- Fixed Suul'ka voices not being available
- Fixed auto goop module
- Fixed 0 level station remaining at a system after the construction mission is cancelled
- Fixed bug when transferring some assets via relocate
- Fixed bug that moved police cutters into the defense fleet when a relocation was canceled
- Fixed bug allowing design attributes from being visible in the ship tool tip before they have been discovered
- Fixed not being able to relocate to systems when exact number of required CE
- Fixed display of civilian population in empire manager screen
- Fixed display issue with rider manager screen
- Fixed mission turns remaining display issue
- Fixed scrolling hot keys with mouse wheel
- Fixed bio war modules not saving bio missile data
- Fixed bio missiles not getting replenished when the ship is repaired
- Fixed boarding pods getting stuck when docking with their carrier
- Fixed slave disks from auto launching when they are full of slaves
- Fixed weapons ricocheting off of dead sections
- Fixed missiles from blowing up before hitting their target after researching microfusion tech
- Fixed bolt weapons from blowing up before hitting planets
- Fixed "shot gun" style weapon fire so that it fires with a better spread.
- Fixed chance of fading from sensors when ship is outside of sensor range
- Fixed interceptor missiles from hitting own ship's shield
- Fixed formations not updating in auto-resolve
- Fixed morale high/lows when colonizing a planet after killing off the original inhabitants
- Fixed bug where fleets could get stuck arriving at a system, but not set to being at the system
- Fixed not being able to auto target VN collector pods
- Fixed display issue with rider manager
- Fixed scrolling hotkey manager with mouse wheel
- Fixed admiral traits not correctly displaying on admiral info cards
- Fixed defence assets being stuck in a system after the owning player has been evicted
- Fixed issue where Zuul AI would create "super" fleets
- Fixed bug allowing players to access dev design screen
- Fixed priority issues with Planetary Salvage, should now be more common
- Fixed being able to enter rider manager with hotkeys when you normally would not be allowed
- Fixed Zuul node lines disappearing when out of range
- Fixed issues with special / salvage projects not using up all allocated research credits

Other changes and additions:
- Teams
- Revised empire manager screen
- Implemented pending/resolving combat screens
- Implemented free-fly and tracking camera modes that can be toggled in combat
- Implemented a random ship name feature
- Implemented tech boosting
- Implemented special failure events for some tech
- Implemented right-click weapon fire mode / target filter control
- Implemented auto-fire for AOE weapons
- Implemented Zuul minimum 5 overharvest rate
- Removed 64 bit option
- Allow time acceleration in MP when only 1 player in battle
- News events for that turn are now displayed when loading a game
- Movement psionic now shows range
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Critical fixes:
- Fixed crash when entering a multiplayer game with a dead player.
- Fixed CTD caused by Nodecannon.
- Fixed MP post combat CTD.

Other fixes:
- Fixed beams not rendering when origin is not on the screen.
- Fixed news events for meteors being shown for every colony in system.
- Fixed bug making platforms un-scrappable.
- Fixed Colony Established dialog population slider not working properly.
- Fixed Independents not showing up in star system dialog.
- Fixed Meson Projector beams not hitting planets.
- Fixed repair widget issues.
- Fixed trade stimulus not building freighters for all dock slots.
- Fixed bug causing dialogs to hang on screen after being disconnected from host.
- Fixed Locust behavior.
- Various fixes to Assimilation plague.
- Fixed strings related to plagues.

Other changes and additions:
- Hotkeys + Hotkey editor in menu.
- Hooked up many missing news event images.
- Survey missions will now cancel if they are unable to defeat hostiles at the system.
- AI will now show more discretion when selecting fleets for combat.
- Stations belonging to an assimilated colony will now be destroyed.


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